

Obamacare Reality Check

Sally Pipes appears on NBC Reality Check: Obamacare Enrollment: Will We Make It?

Obama the populist?

From his State of the Union to follow-up speeches in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Tennessee, Barack Obama is playing the populist on issues ranging from the minimum wage to unemployment benefits to retirement savings. He sides rhetorically with the little guy, victimized by big forces and big institutions. Yet, when ...

Powerful testimony in trial on tenure

When the California Teachers Association flexed its muscles in 2012 and killed legislation to keep teacher-sexual predators out of the classroom, it looked like it would be impossible to reform the worst aspects of the state’s teacher employment practices. Now, however, a lawsuit brought on behalf of nine children could ...

Michael Moore Is Right: Obamacare Is Awful, But Single-Payer Would Be Much Worse

Obamacare is awful,” filmmaker Michael Moore recently wrote in the New York Times. He went on to say that President Obama “knew in his heart that a single-payer, Medicare-for-all model was the true way to go.” Moore’s been preaching the single-payer gospel for years, most famously in his 2007 “documentary” ...

Obamacare rationing coming to health care near you

Many Americans began this month with new health coverage purchased through Obamacare’s exchanges. At least, they thought they did — scores did not receive insurance cards or other confirmation that they actually had coverage. The hang-up was largely a function of the technical glitches that have plagued the exchanges. Fortunately, ...

Obamacare isn’t working, but here’s something that is

Congressional Republicans appear increasingly interested in taking President Obama up on the health care challenge he issued in December: “If you’ve got good ideas, bring them to me.” Indeed, House Speaker John Boehner said earlier this month that House Republicans would release a plan to replace Obamacare this year. The ...

The Peculiarities Of Obamacare: Politicians Must Sue President Obama To Get Him To Enforce The Law

This past week, on January 13, freshman Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Green Bay, Wisconsin, against the federal Office of Personnel Management (OPM). With his suit, Johnson hopes to get the Obama Administration to enforce portions of the federal health reform law it ...

Missed opportunity for school choice

On the surface it looked innocuous: a State Senate committee recently approved Senate Bill 693, which gives a tax credit to new teachers for classroom expenses they incur. The behind-the-scenes story, however, is much sadder: in exchange for this mild reform, the bill’s author, Sen. Lou Correa, D-Santa Ana, had ...

No ‘new day’ for Obamacare

The first insurance policies sold through Obamacare’s exchanges went into effect this month. As they did so, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius proclaimed “a new day in health care for millions of Americans.” But the actual numbers tell a different story. Let’s start with the figure most frequently ...

Opposing Common Core

When federal and state-government elites quietly combined to enact the Common Core national education standards, they thought that the train had left the station and that this radical reordering of American public education was an over-and-done deal. They thought wrong. Parents and teachers from across the political spectrum are joining ...

Obamacare Reality Check

Sally Pipes appears on NBC Reality Check: Obamacare Enrollment: Will We Make It?

Obama the populist?

From his State of the Union to follow-up speeches in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Tennessee, Barack Obama is playing the populist on issues ranging from the minimum wage to unemployment benefits to retirement savings. He sides rhetorically with the little guy, victimized by big forces and big institutions. Yet, when ...

Powerful testimony in trial on tenure

When the California Teachers Association flexed its muscles in 2012 and killed legislation to keep teacher-sexual predators out of the classroom, it looked like it would be impossible to reform the worst aspects of the state’s teacher employment practices. Now, however, a lawsuit brought on behalf of nine children could ...

Michael Moore Is Right: Obamacare Is Awful, But Single-Payer Would Be Much Worse

Obamacare is awful,” filmmaker Michael Moore recently wrote in the New York Times. He went on to say that President Obama “knew in his heart that a single-payer, Medicare-for-all model was the true way to go.” Moore’s been preaching the single-payer gospel for years, most famously in his 2007 “documentary” ...

Obamacare rationing coming to health care near you

Many Americans began this month with new health coverage purchased through Obamacare’s exchanges. At least, they thought they did — scores did not receive insurance cards or other confirmation that they actually had coverage. The hang-up was largely a function of the technical glitches that have plagued the exchanges. Fortunately, ...

Obamacare isn’t working, but here’s something that is

Congressional Republicans appear increasingly interested in taking President Obama up on the health care challenge he issued in December: “If you’ve got good ideas, bring them to me.” Indeed, House Speaker John Boehner said earlier this month that House Republicans would release a plan to replace Obamacare this year. The ...

The Peculiarities Of Obamacare: Politicians Must Sue President Obama To Get Him To Enforce The Law

This past week, on January 13, freshman Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Green Bay, Wisconsin, against the federal Office of Personnel Management (OPM). With his suit, Johnson hopes to get the Obama Administration to enforce portions of the federal health reform law it ...

Missed opportunity for school choice

On the surface it looked innocuous: a State Senate committee recently approved Senate Bill 693, which gives a tax credit to new teachers for classroom expenses they incur. The behind-the-scenes story, however, is much sadder: in exchange for this mild reform, the bill’s author, Sen. Lou Correa, D-Santa Ana, had ...

No ‘new day’ for Obamacare

The first insurance policies sold through Obamacare’s exchanges went into effect this month. As they did so, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius proclaimed “a new day in health care for millions of Americans.” But the actual numbers tell a different story. Let’s start with the figure most frequently ...

Opposing Common Core

When federal and state-government elites quietly combined to enact the Common Core national education standards, they thought that the train had left the station and that this radical reordering of American public education was an over-and-done deal. They thought wrong. Parents and teachers from across the political spectrum are joining ...
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