

Obamacare: A never-ending money pit

UnitedHealth — the largest insurance company in the country — recently announced that it might quit Obamacare’s healthcare exchanges in 2017. The CEO of another major insurer, Cigna, just made clear that his company hasn’t yet decided if it’ll stick around. That’s what losing hundreds of millions of dollars on ...

Socialized medicine a global failure

Single-payer health care is back in the news. Activists in Colorado just secured enough signatures to put single-payer on the state ballot next fall. Last month, a state legislator from Philadelphia introduced legislation that would, if passed, install single-payer in Pennsylvania. And then there’s Democratic presidential hopeful U.S. Sen. Bernie ...

To control drug prices, pursue fraud, not manufacturers

A Los Angeles-based nonprofit has gathered enough signatures to get two initiatives on the November ballot. The one of greater interest to ordinary Californians would legislate that any prescription drug paid for with state money cost no more than the amount paid by the Veterans Administration. The California Drug Price ...
Business & Economics

Rationale for biofuel doesn’t add up

The Environmental Protection Agency recently issued new rules dictating that 18 billion gallons of biofuels must be blended into America’s 2016 transportation fuel supply. This mandate, referred to as the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), has been a disaster for the country. The only sensible minimum renewable fuel mandate is zero. ...

Obamacare Bloats U.S. Healthcare System

Last month, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a developed-country think tank, released its latest estimates of how much the rich world spends on health care. Yet again, the United States took the top spot. Our nation spends $8,713 per person on health care — more than double the ...

Report: Majority Of Middle-Class Public High Schools In Colorado Underperform

A large majority of “middle class” public high schools in Colorado had half or more of their students fail to reach proficiency on at least one state math or reading exam, according to a recent report from the Pacific Research Institute. Middle class schools were defined by the study as ...

The Health Care Sector Needs Innovation, Not Regulation

While problems with the U.S. health care system persist, the recent failures of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) illustrate that greater government regulation cannot cure what ails the U.S. health care industry. Deregulation that empowers private sector health care innovation can. In fact, private sector innovations, such as Dental Service ...

Clinton would drive up health care costs

Five years and nine months after its passage, the federal government has issued more than 10,000 pages of regulations related to the implementation of Obamacare. Get ready for several thousand more pages if Hillary Clinton takes the White House. She’s proposing a raft of new government mandates to “protect the ...

If UnitedHealth Can’t Afford ObamaCare, Then Who Can?

ObamaCare just claimed its highest-profile victim — America’s largest health insurer. UnitedHealth Group announced last month that it was considering pulling out of the federal health care exchanges in 2017. The industry giant expects to lose more than $700 million there this year. So it was no surprise to hear ...

The Senate should reject foreign drug importation

Congress must send a budget to President Obama by next Friday. Senate lawmakers, hoping to avoid a government shutdown, have just started sparring over the details of their reconciliation measure. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has introduced an amendment to legalize the importation of certain prescription drugs from abroad. On the ...

Obamacare: A never-ending money pit

UnitedHealth — the largest insurance company in the country — recently announced that it might quit Obamacare’s healthcare exchanges in 2017. The CEO of another major insurer, Cigna, just made clear that his company hasn’t yet decided if it’ll stick around. That’s what losing hundreds of millions of dollars on ...

Socialized medicine a global failure

Single-payer health care is back in the news. Activists in Colorado just secured enough signatures to put single-payer on the state ballot next fall. Last month, a state legislator from Philadelphia introduced legislation that would, if passed, install single-payer in Pennsylvania. And then there’s Democratic presidential hopeful U.S. Sen. Bernie ...

To control drug prices, pursue fraud, not manufacturers

A Los Angeles-based nonprofit has gathered enough signatures to get two initiatives on the November ballot. The one of greater interest to ordinary Californians would legislate that any prescription drug paid for with state money cost no more than the amount paid by the Veterans Administration. The California Drug Price ...
Business & Economics

Rationale for biofuel doesn’t add up

The Environmental Protection Agency recently issued new rules dictating that 18 billion gallons of biofuels must be blended into America’s 2016 transportation fuel supply. This mandate, referred to as the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), has been a disaster for the country. The only sensible minimum renewable fuel mandate is zero. ...

Obamacare Bloats U.S. Healthcare System

Last month, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a developed-country think tank, released its latest estimates of how much the rich world spends on health care. Yet again, the United States took the top spot. Our nation spends $8,713 per person on health care — more than double the ...

Report: Majority Of Middle-Class Public High Schools In Colorado Underperform

A large majority of “middle class” public high schools in Colorado had half or more of their students fail to reach proficiency on at least one state math or reading exam, according to a recent report from the Pacific Research Institute. Middle class schools were defined by the study as ...

The Health Care Sector Needs Innovation, Not Regulation

While problems with the U.S. health care system persist, the recent failures of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) illustrate that greater government regulation cannot cure what ails the U.S. health care industry. Deregulation that empowers private sector health care innovation can. In fact, private sector innovations, such as Dental Service ...

Clinton would drive up health care costs

Five years and nine months after its passage, the federal government has issued more than 10,000 pages of regulations related to the implementation of Obamacare. Get ready for several thousand more pages if Hillary Clinton takes the White House. She’s proposing a raft of new government mandates to “protect the ...

If UnitedHealth Can’t Afford ObamaCare, Then Who Can?

ObamaCare just claimed its highest-profile victim — America’s largest health insurer. UnitedHealth Group announced last month that it was considering pulling out of the federal health care exchanges in 2017. The industry giant expects to lose more than $700 million there this year. So it was no surprise to hear ...

The Senate should reject foreign drug importation

Congress must send a budget to President Obama by next Friday. Senate lawmakers, hoping to avoid a government shutdown, have just started sparring over the details of their reconciliation measure. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has introduced an amendment to legalize the importation of certain prescription drugs from abroad. On the ...
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