

Obamacare Makes Employer-Based System Even Worse

The cost of health insurance is continuing its steady upward climb. According to a new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average annual premium for employer-sponsored insurance reached $17,545 this year — an almost $4,000 uptick since 2010, when Obamacare became law. Many workers may not have felt the ...

Here’s how to create a better health policy than Obamacare

One in 2 Americans now opposes Obamacare. It’s not hard to see why. Premiums will increase this year by an average of 7.5 percent for the law’s midlevel “silver” plans. More than half of Obamacare’s nonprofit insurance co-ops have failed, forcing 740,000 people to find new, often more expensive insurance. ...

The Way Out Of Obamacare

Republicans just took an unprecedented step toward repealing and replacing Obamacare. Last week, the GOP-led Congress passed a bill that would gut President Obama’s deeply unpopular health law. This effort was different than Republicans’ previous 61 attempts to repeal the law — it’s the first one to reach the president’s ...

U.S. now leads world in health care spending

A new report from a major international research group has dealt a devastating blow to Obamacare’s apologists. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) – a group of 34 developed countries – recently ranked member countries by per-capita health care spending. The United States took first place by spending ...

Statement from PRI Senior Director of Education Studies Lance Izumi on Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association

January 11, 2015 – The Pacific Research Institute issued the following statement by Senior Education Studies Director Lance Izumi on today’s U.S. Supreme Court oral argument on Friedrichs v. the California Teachers Association: “The admission by the attorney for the State of California that the collective bargaining contract negotiated by ...

New Book Release By Sally Pipes

President Barack Obama has declared that his signature health reform law – the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – is “here to stay.” But his days in the White House are numbered, and the law has failed: insurance premiums and deductibles have skyrocketed, patients are losing access to doctors, ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Water Markets Would Alleviate Shortages

We’ve all read the daily stories highlighting the drought’s impact on California’s economy and environment. Wells have run dry, forcing some Central Valley communities to shower in church parking lots. Farmers are fallowing land. In many areas of the state, over-pumping groundwater is causing the ground to sink. Read Report

Freedom, not union, key to teachers’ case

Almost everybody agrees that an employee – public or private – should be judged on his or her individual qualifications and performance. Yet, for many of the nation’s teachers, their freedom to be treated as individuals is barred by a collective bargaining process that treats them as a group. This ...

Rebecca Friedrichs: Challenging Compulsory Union Dues and Standing Up for Freedom

In March 2015, PRI filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to hear Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association (CTA) -a major case challenging compulsory union dues that nearly all California teachers are required to pay. The case, spearheaded by the Center for Individual Rights (CIR), was brought by ...

Obamacare’s Legacy: U.S. now leads world in health care spending

A new report from a major international research group has dealt a devastating blow to Obamacare’s apologists. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) — a group of 34 developed countries — recently ranked member countries by per-capita health care spending. The United States took first place by spending ...

Obamacare Makes Employer-Based System Even Worse

The cost of health insurance is continuing its steady upward climb. According to a new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average annual premium for employer-sponsored insurance reached $17,545 this year — an almost $4,000 uptick since 2010, when Obamacare became law. Many workers may not have felt the ...

Here’s how to create a better health policy than Obamacare

One in 2 Americans now opposes Obamacare. It’s not hard to see why. Premiums will increase this year by an average of 7.5 percent for the law’s midlevel “silver” plans. More than half of Obamacare’s nonprofit insurance co-ops have failed, forcing 740,000 people to find new, often more expensive insurance. ...

The Way Out Of Obamacare

Republicans just took an unprecedented step toward repealing and replacing Obamacare. Last week, the GOP-led Congress passed a bill that would gut President Obama’s deeply unpopular health law. This effort was different than Republicans’ previous 61 attempts to repeal the law — it’s the first one to reach the president’s ...

U.S. now leads world in health care spending

A new report from a major international research group has dealt a devastating blow to Obamacare’s apologists. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) – a group of 34 developed countries – recently ranked member countries by per-capita health care spending. The United States took first place by spending ...

Statement from PRI Senior Director of Education Studies Lance Izumi on Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association

January 11, 2015 – The Pacific Research Institute issued the following statement by Senior Education Studies Director Lance Izumi on today’s U.S. Supreme Court oral argument on Friedrichs v. the California Teachers Association: “The admission by the attorney for the State of California that the collective bargaining contract negotiated by ...

New Book Release By Sally Pipes

President Barack Obama has declared that his signature health reform law – the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – is “here to stay.” But his days in the White House are numbered, and the law has failed: insurance premiums and deductibles have skyrocketed, patients are losing access to doctors, ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Water Markets Would Alleviate Shortages

We’ve all read the daily stories highlighting the drought’s impact on California’s economy and environment. Wells have run dry, forcing some Central Valley communities to shower in church parking lots. Farmers are fallowing land. In many areas of the state, over-pumping groundwater is causing the ground to sink. Read Report

Freedom, not union, key to teachers’ case

Almost everybody agrees that an employee – public or private – should be judged on his or her individual qualifications and performance. Yet, for many of the nation’s teachers, their freedom to be treated as individuals is barred by a collective bargaining process that treats them as a group. This ...

Rebecca Friedrichs: Challenging Compulsory Union Dues and Standing Up for Freedom

In March 2015, PRI filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to hear Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association (CTA) -a major case challenging compulsory union dues that nearly all California teachers are required to pay. The case, spearheaded by the Center for Individual Rights (CIR), was brought by ...

Obamacare’s Legacy: U.S. now leads world in health care spending

A new report from a major international research group has dealt a devastating blow to Obamacare’s apologists. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) — a group of 34 developed countries — recently ranked member countries by per-capita health care spending. The United States took first place by spending ...
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