

The Year In Commentary: Broker Commission Losses And The Future Of Healthcare

Through high-profile business acquisitions, growing regulatory activity and changing carrier relations, advisers had their hands full with business-altering activity in 2016. EBA’s most-viewed blogs of the year reflect this reality, covering the impact of the Department of Labor stepping up compliance measures and a range of ways the Affordable Care ...

In The Age of Obamacare, Americans Are Less Healthy

Defenders of Obamacare just got a nasty reality check. The law was supposed to help Americans improve their health by expanding access to coverage. Yet almost seven years after Obamacare’s passage and three years after the exchanges opened for business, Americans’ health is deteriorating at an alarming rate, according to ...

Free Market Policies Needed To Incentivize Creation Of New Life-Saving Treatments

The deaths of two patients at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in early 2015 were blamed in part on a drug-resistant superbug. Two years earlier, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predicted that a “nightmare” was coming in the form of the killer bacteria carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, also known ...
Business & Economics

Wasteful Spending By Other Names

Cutting wasteful government spending would be much easier if it were properly labeled. But, wasteful expenditures are never properly categorized as duplicitous, unnecessary, or unwarranted spending. Instead, wasteful government expenditures masquerade as important government programs with important sounding missions. With such high-minded purposes, the groups who benefit can defend their ...
Business & Economics

The Rust Belt Is Right To Blame Obama

Donald Trump hasn’t wasted time moving to revive America’s economic growth, with an emphasis on manufacturing. Critics may say the recent Carrier deal, which will save 800 American jobs, is small potatoes, but Mr. Trump’s pledge to reduce regulation is decidedly not. A new analysis confirms that the average industry’s ...

To Fix Health Care, Stop Defending Obamacare

If there was any doubt that the Affordable Care Act has utterly failed, a new study by the Commonwealth Fund should put it to rest. According to the report, Americans are more likely to forgo necessary care because of financial concerns and to struggle with their health bills than their ...
Blended Learning

Can Technology Help Students and Save Education in California?

Click here to watch a video of PRI’s recent panel discussion on ed tech and blended learning in the classroom. Much of the debate in education over the last few years has centered around issues of standards, curricula and testing. While very important, these issues should not obscure the possibilities ...

Clean Power Plan Would Trap More People In Poverty

More and more West Virginians are living in energy poverty today. If you spend more than 10 percent of your income on electricity, natural gas, and other household energy costs, then you are afflicted by energy poverty. It is a tragedy that forces some families to choose between keeping the ...

Forging A Post-Obamacare Health Policy Debate

The end of Obamacare is near. But while Republican lawmakers plan on repealing the law early in 2017, they may take as long as three years to finalize Obamacare’s replacement. In other words, the debate over the future of America’s health system is just beginning. Democrats are certain to use ...

ObamaCare’s Risk Corridor Corruption Never Ends

The Obama Administration just caught a lucky break in its legal war with the insurance industry. A federal court has ruled that the administration doesn’t owe money to Land of Lincoln Mutual Health Insurance Company, a shuttered Illinois health insurer that was promised more than $70 million under the ObamaCare’s ...

The Year In Commentary: Broker Commission Losses And The Future Of Healthcare

Through high-profile business acquisitions, growing regulatory activity and changing carrier relations, advisers had their hands full with business-altering activity in 2016. EBA’s most-viewed blogs of the year reflect this reality, covering the impact of the Department of Labor stepping up compliance measures and a range of ways the Affordable Care ...

In The Age of Obamacare, Americans Are Less Healthy

Defenders of Obamacare just got a nasty reality check. The law was supposed to help Americans improve their health by expanding access to coverage. Yet almost seven years after Obamacare’s passage and three years after the exchanges opened for business, Americans’ health is deteriorating at an alarming rate, according to ...

Free Market Policies Needed To Incentivize Creation Of New Life-Saving Treatments

The deaths of two patients at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in early 2015 were blamed in part on a drug-resistant superbug. Two years earlier, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predicted that a “nightmare” was coming in the form of the killer bacteria carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, also known ...
Business & Economics

Wasteful Spending By Other Names

Cutting wasteful government spending would be much easier if it were properly labeled. But, wasteful expenditures are never properly categorized as duplicitous, unnecessary, or unwarranted spending. Instead, wasteful government expenditures masquerade as important government programs with important sounding missions. With such high-minded purposes, the groups who benefit can defend their ...
Business & Economics

The Rust Belt Is Right To Blame Obama

Donald Trump hasn’t wasted time moving to revive America’s economic growth, with an emphasis on manufacturing. Critics may say the recent Carrier deal, which will save 800 American jobs, is small potatoes, but Mr. Trump’s pledge to reduce regulation is decidedly not. A new analysis confirms that the average industry’s ...

To Fix Health Care, Stop Defending Obamacare

If there was any doubt that the Affordable Care Act has utterly failed, a new study by the Commonwealth Fund should put it to rest. According to the report, Americans are more likely to forgo necessary care because of financial concerns and to struggle with their health bills than their ...
Blended Learning

Can Technology Help Students and Save Education in California?

Click here to watch a video of PRI’s recent panel discussion on ed tech and blended learning in the classroom. Much of the debate in education over the last few years has centered around issues of standards, curricula and testing. While very important, these issues should not obscure the possibilities ...

Clean Power Plan Would Trap More People In Poverty

More and more West Virginians are living in energy poverty today. If you spend more than 10 percent of your income on electricity, natural gas, and other household energy costs, then you are afflicted by energy poverty. It is a tragedy that forces some families to choose between keeping the ...

Forging A Post-Obamacare Health Policy Debate

The end of Obamacare is near. But while Republican lawmakers plan on repealing the law early in 2017, they may take as long as three years to finalize Obamacare’s replacement. In other words, the debate over the future of America’s health system is just beginning. Democrats are certain to use ...

ObamaCare’s Risk Corridor Corruption Never Ends

The Obama Administration just caught a lucky break in its legal war with the insurance industry. A federal court has ruled that the administration doesn’t owe money to Land of Lincoln Mutual Health Insurance Company, a shuttered Illinois health insurer that was promised more than $70 million under the ObamaCare’s ...
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