

Aetna and The Great Obamacare Unraveling: Insurers Are Sick of Trying to Survive in a Health-Care Economy Permanently Altered By This Bad Law

Health insurance giant Aetna just announced that it will sell health plans in only four of Obamacare’s state exchanges next year, down from the 15 it currently operates in. The law’s partisans claim that the move is payback for the Obama administration’s recent decision to block Aetna’s merger with rival ...

Where’s the Passion for CEQA Reform?

The roots of California’s environmental regulations can be traced back to 1884. That’s the year a federal judge ordered miners to stop using water cannons to batter the Sierra hillsides to separate gold from the soil and rock, but also left behind a broken and ugly landscape. The process, called ...

Hillary Won the Nomination, But Bernie Won On Healthcare

Many pundits speculated that Hillary Clinton would devote a significant portion of her Democratic Convention speech to health care. But she dedicated just one sentence to the topic. The reason? Earlier in the week, Bernie Sanders had already laid out her campaign’s position. In exchange for her formal rival’s endorsement, ...

Dear America: Don’t Buy the Single-Payer Snake Oil

Americans have grown infatuated with single-payer health care. Gallup recently found that six in 10 people support replacing Obamacare with a “federally funded health care program providing insurance for all Americans.” This support is troubling. Single-payer systems are little more than snake oil. Both in the United States and abroad, ...

Trump’s right — the system is rigged. Look at Common Core

Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump has argued that our political, policy and economic systems are rigged against ordinary Americans. The process that gave us Common Core is a perfect example of a rigged system in action. Back in June 2009, two big Washington, D.C.-based organizations — the National Governors Association ...

Why Is The FDA Leaving Doctors In The Dark?

FDA officials apparently think that doctors aren’t smart enough to understand the labels on the medications they prescribe. The agency recently released draft guidance for how the pharmaceutical industry should label “biosimilars,” a new class of medicines. These guidelines state that biosimilars’ labels should leave out critical information in order ...

Making Housing More Affordable

Gov. Jerry Brown is an easy target for the conservative- and libertarian-minded, both from within and without of California. He’s in many ways the quintessential big-government Democrat. But not everything Brown does is wrong. Consider, for instance, his level-headed plan for getting government out of the way of developers who ...

We Need A Prop 13-Style Ballot Initiative For Gasoline And Diesel Taxes

Attorney General Kamala Harris has reportedly opened an investigation of oil refiners over gasoline prices. But if she truly wants to know why gasoline and diesel cost so much in California, she’ll be grilling the wrong suspects. She should instead investigate the general assembly. Politicians love to conduct oil industry ...

A Better Way to Affordable, Quality Health Care

President Obama recently took to the Journal of the American Medical Association to defend his health-care law and recommend additional reforms. Among them? A government-run “public option” designed to compete against insurers on the exchanges. Instead of looking to increase the federal government’s role in health care yet again, he ...

Driving Up Labor Costs Drives Down Jobs

Gov. Jerry Brown has advised lawmakers to expect a slowdown in tax revenue, a warning he issued weeks after he signed into law a bill raising the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2022. Maybe he should consider that there’s a connection. When Brown signed the minimum wage ...

Aetna and The Great Obamacare Unraveling: Insurers Are Sick of Trying to Survive in a Health-Care Economy Permanently Altered By This Bad Law

Health insurance giant Aetna just announced that it will sell health plans in only four of Obamacare’s state exchanges next year, down from the 15 it currently operates in. The law’s partisans claim that the move is payback for the Obama administration’s recent decision to block Aetna’s merger with rival ...

Where’s the Passion for CEQA Reform?

The roots of California’s environmental regulations can be traced back to 1884. That’s the year a federal judge ordered miners to stop using water cannons to batter the Sierra hillsides to separate gold from the soil and rock, but also left behind a broken and ugly landscape. The process, called ...

Hillary Won the Nomination, But Bernie Won On Healthcare

Many pundits speculated that Hillary Clinton would devote a significant portion of her Democratic Convention speech to health care. But she dedicated just one sentence to the topic. The reason? Earlier in the week, Bernie Sanders had already laid out her campaign’s position. In exchange for her formal rival’s endorsement, ...

Dear America: Don’t Buy the Single-Payer Snake Oil

Americans have grown infatuated with single-payer health care. Gallup recently found that six in 10 people support replacing Obamacare with a “federally funded health care program providing insurance for all Americans.” This support is troubling. Single-payer systems are little more than snake oil. Both in the United States and abroad, ...

Trump’s right — the system is rigged. Look at Common Core

Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump has argued that our political, policy and economic systems are rigged against ordinary Americans. The process that gave us Common Core is a perfect example of a rigged system in action. Back in June 2009, two big Washington, D.C.-based organizations — the National Governors Association ...

Why Is The FDA Leaving Doctors In The Dark?

FDA officials apparently think that doctors aren’t smart enough to understand the labels on the medications they prescribe. The agency recently released draft guidance for how the pharmaceutical industry should label “biosimilars,” a new class of medicines. These guidelines state that biosimilars’ labels should leave out critical information in order ...

Making Housing More Affordable

Gov. Jerry Brown is an easy target for the conservative- and libertarian-minded, both from within and without of California. He’s in many ways the quintessential big-government Democrat. But not everything Brown does is wrong. Consider, for instance, his level-headed plan for getting government out of the way of developers who ...

We Need A Prop 13-Style Ballot Initiative For Gasoline And Diesel Taxes

Attorney General Kamala Harris has reportedly opened an investigation of oil refiners over gasoline prices. But if she truly wants to know why gasoline and diesel cost so much in California, she’ll be grilling the wrong suspects. She should instead investigate the general assembly. Politicians love to conduct oil industry ...

A Better Way to Affordable, Quality Health Care

President Obama recently took to the Journal of the American Medical Association to defend his health-care law and recommend additional reforms. Among them? A government-run “public option” designed to compete against insurers on the exchanges. Instead of looking to increase the federal government’s role in health care yet again, he ...

Driving Up Labor Costs Drives Down Jobs

Gov. Jerry Brown has advised lawmakers to expect a slowdown in tax revenue, a warning he issued weeks after he signed into law a bill raising the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2022. Maybe he should consider that there’s a connection. When Brown signed the minimum wage ...
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