

Learn About Free Market Health Care Alternatives

Here’s How American Employers Are Seeking Affordable Alternatives To Obamacare

It’s growing more expensive for employers to offer health insurance. Employer insurance costs are expected to climb 6.5% in 2024, according to a new survey from major benefits consulting firms Mercer and Willis Towers Watson. Employers spend about $14,600, on average, to insure a single employee, a 5% percent increase from last year ...

Read latest about problems with PBMs

Pharmacy benefit manager reform must remain a priority for Congress

Congress has returned to Capitol Hill from summer recess. Lawmakers in both chambers have a full slate of policy priorities to attend to — not least among them funding the government and averting a shutdown before the Sept. 30 deadline. Several healthcare items will also remain near the top of ...

Read latest on push for free-market healthcare reform

Conservatives Must Take Back Healthcare Debate

U.S. House Republicans are launching a task force aimed at drawing out new ideas for healthcare reform. The task force “will convene members from various committees as well as independent experts and stakeholders from across the health care sector to reform what’s broken and build on what’s working,” per Reps. ...
Charter Schools

Read about PRI's new national education survey

New Poll Shows Voters See Room for Improvement in School Boards

The just-released national survey, conducted for the Pacific Research Institute by Echelon Insights, found that 49% of respondents said that their local public school boards were fair/poor/very poor. Just 36% thought their boards were excellent or good. Those who rated their school board’s performance as poor or very poor were ...

Read latest on single-payer healthcare

If There Were a Healthcare Competition, US Would Win

Doctors in England’s National Health Service (NHS) staged a two-day strike in late August over a pay dispute with the country’s government. They plan to strike again in September and October if their demands aren’t met. The walkout is just the latest development in an ever-escalating crisis in Britain’s system ...

Government Regulation Threatens Life-Saving Innovation

Drug Companies Are Delivering a “Golden Age of Medicine.” Let’s Protect It.

New vaccines for scourges like malaria and respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV. New cancer drugs that can cut death rates by half or even cause complete remission. The discovery of a biomarker that could identify people who would benefit from investigational drugs for Parkinson’s Disease. Breakthrough treatments that curb obesity ...

Read about dangers of single-payer health care

Lawmakers Can’t Let Single-Payer Health Care Cross The Border—Or The Pond

Unfortunately, many progressives are determined to import something even more dangerous from Canada—single-payer health care. For decades, Canadians have shouldered burdensome taxes for the privilege of waiting weeks to receive subpar care. Things are just as bad in England’s government-run healthcare system. Read full article at Forbes
Business & Economics

Read about latest tax hike push at State Capitol

California’s Already High Taxes Could Increase if Democratic Legislators Prevail

California has been losing businesses and residents to states with lower tax burdens for years, and the response in Sacramento has been puzzling. Rather than trying to compete with those states, the counter has been to instead raise taxes even higher. Following this formula, legislators recently passed ​​Assembly Constitutional Amendment ...

Read about lack of action on state water infrastructure

Farmers Flush With Water Now, But State Still Hasn’t Prepared for the Next Drought

For most of the state, the drought is over. The Central Valley is receiving their full state water supply allocation and farmers don’t need to pull water from the ground to keep their crops from dying of thirst. But that doesn’t mean the signs along Interstate 5 and Highway 99 ...

Learn how price controls threaten access to drugs

Despite Democrats’ Celebratory Mood, It’s A Sad Day For American Patients.

President Joe Biden celebrated a milestone today—but American patients have no reason to cheer. The White House announced the first 10 prescription drugs that, starting in 2026, will be subject to price controls authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act . . . It’s laudable that lawmakers want to reduce out-of-pocket ...

Learn About Free Market Health Care Alternatives

Here’s How American Employers Are Seeking Affordable Alternatives To Obamacare

It’s growing more expensive for employers to offer health insurance. Employer insurance costs are expected to climb 6.5% in 2024, according to a new survey from major benefits consulting firms Mercer and Willis Towers Watson. Employers spend about $14,600, on average, to insure a single employee, a 5% percent increase from last year ...

Read latest about problems with PBMs

Pharmacy benefit manager reform must remain a priority for Congress

Congress has returned to Capitol Hill from summer recess. Lawmakers in both chambers have a full slate of policy priorities to attend to — not least among them funding the government and averting a shutdown before the Sept. 30 deadline. Several healthcare items will also remain near the top of ...

Read latest on push for free-market healthcare reform

Conservatives Must Take Back Healthcare Debate

U.S. House Republicans are launching a task force aimed at drawing out new ideas for healthcare reform. The task force “will convene members from various committees as well as independent experts and stakeholders from across the health care sector to reform what’s broken and build on what’s working,” per Reps. ...
Charter Schools

Read about PRI's new national education survey

New Poll Shows Voters See Room for Improvement in School Boards

The just-released national survey, conducted for the Pacific Research Institute by Echelon Insights, found that 49% of respondents said that their local public school boards were fair/poor/very poor. Just 36% thought their boards were excellent or good. Those who rated their school board’s performance as poor or very poor were ...

Read latest on single-payer healthcare

If There Were a Healthcare Competition, US Would Win

Doctors in England’s National Health Service (NHS) staged a two-day strike in late August over a pay dispute with the country’s government. They plan to strike again in September and October if their demands aren’t met. The walkout is just the latest development in an ever-escalating crisis in Britain’s system ...

Government Regulation Threatens Life-Saving Innovation

Drug Companies Are Delivering a “Golden Age of Medicine.” Let’s Protect It.

New vaccines for scourges like malaria and respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV. New cancer drugs that can cut death rates by half or even cause complete remission. The discovery of a biomarker that could identify people who would benefit from investigational drugs for Parkinson’s Disease. Breakthrough treatments that curb obesity ...

Read about dangers of single-payer health care

Lawmakers Can’t Let Single-Payer Health Care Cross The Border—Or The Pond

Unfortunately, many progressives are determined to import something even more dangerous from Canada—single-payer health care. For decades, Canadians have shouldered burdensome taxes for the privilege of waiting weeks to receive subpar care. Things are just as bad in England’s government-run healthcare system. Read full article at Forbes
Business & Economics

Read about latest tax hike push at State Capitol

California’s Already High Taxes Could Increase if Democratic Legislators Prevail

California has been losing businesses and residents to states with lower tax burdens for years, and the response in Sacramento has been puzzling. Rather than trying to compete with those states, the counter has been to instead raise taxes even higher. Following this formula, legislators recently passed ​​Assembly Constitutional Amendment ...

Read about lack of action on state water infrastructure

Farmers Flush With Water Now, But State Still Hasn’t Prepared for the Next Drought

For most of the state, the drought is over. The Central Valley is receiving their full state water supply allocation and farmers don’t need to pull water from the ground to keep their crops from dying of thirst. But that doesn’t mean the signs along Interstate 5 and Highway 99 ...

Learn how price controls threaten access to drugs

Despite Democrats’ Celebratory Mood, It’s A Sad Day For American Patients.

President Joe Biden celebrated a milestone today—but American patients have no reason to cheer. The White House announced the first 10 prescription drugs that, starting in 2026, will be subject to price controls authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act . . . It’s laudable that lawmakers want to reduce out-of-pocket ...
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