

Why Democrats Should Support Tom Price’s Plan To Replace Obamacare

On Wednesday, the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee will consider President-elect Trump’s nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services: Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga. The hearing will no doubt be another showdown in the war over Obamacare’s fate. Price, an orthopedic doctor in Atlanta before he ...
Business & Economics

Brown’s Budget Underscores Need For Tax Reform

Gov. Jerry Brown released his budget Tuesday amid what the media called an “uncertainty” in Washington that will could an effect on the state’s finances. The fear is that the Republican White House and Congress will punish California for its political rejection of Donald Trump by holding back federal funds. ...
Business & Economics

On Standing Rock, Politics Trumped Facts And Law

Last month, the Army Corps of Engineers, pursuant to political pressure, reversed its prior decision and denied the final permit needed to complete construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The pretext: that the pipeline company, after years of planning and reliance on the U.S. government’s decisions and representations to the ...

Hiring Of Holder Takes Away From Real Issues

The California Legislature entered the New Year by hiring former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder to lead the state’s legal charge against the Trump administration. The justification is that he will “safeguard the values of the people of California.” Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León said that bringing in ...

GOP Will Fix Health Insurance With High-Risk Pools

Congressional Republicans are counting the days until Donald Trump assumes the Oval Office – and they can finally give voters what they asked for on Nov. 8: a repeal and replacement of Obamacare. Democrats claim that repeal will jeopardize the ability of those with preexisting conditions to access affordable health ...
Charter Schools

Biased Classroom Politics: Another Reason for School Choices

During the week of January 22-28, we mark National School Choice Week and efforts to empower parents to choose the best public or private education option for their children. For years, school choice efforts have mainly focused on the poor performance of traditional public schools. Growing political bias in the ...

Biased Classroom Politics: Reason For School Choice

During the week of January 22-28, we mark National School Choice Week and efforts to empower parents to choose the best public or private education option for their children. For years, school choice efforts have mainly focused on the poor performance of traditional public schools. Growing political bias in the ...

The New Senate’s Top Priority: Destroying Drug Innovation?

Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar just introduced a federal budget amendment that would legalize the importation of foreign prescription drugs. This particular policy change has long topped Democrats’ health care wish list, but shockingly, they might find support across the aisle this year, as President-elect Trump has spoken glowingly of importation. ...

The VA Doesn’t Need Protection — It Needs Competition

It takes a special kind of dishonesty to defend the Department of Veterans Affairs’ scandal-plagued health system. Yet that’s exactly what Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., veterans groups, and the Obama administration are doing in response to a modest proposal from the Trump transition team. A Trump official recently suggested that ...

The Obamacare Law Devours Itself With Exemptions Amid 5 Million (And Counting) Cancellations

Nearly five million people have had their health insurance policies cancelled because of Obamacare. Their coverage didn’t meet the law’s lofty specifications for covered benefits. So they were told they’d have to secure more generous — and more expensive — insurance. Needless to say, they weren’t too pleased. And they ...

Why Democrats Should Support Tom Price’s Plan To Replace Obamacare

On Wednesday, the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee will consider President-elect Trump’s nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services: Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga. The hearing will no doubt be another showdown in the war over Obamacare’s fate. Price, an orthopedic doctor in Atlanta before he ...
Business & Economics

Brown’s Budget Underscores Need For Tax Reform

Gov. Jerry Brown released his budget Tuesday amid what the media called an “uncertainty” in Washington that will could an effect on the state’s finances. The fear is that the Republican White House and Congress will punish California for its political rejection of Donald Trump by holding back federal funds. ...
Business & Economics

On Standing Rock, Politics Trumped Facts And Law

Last month, the Army Corps of Engineers, pursuant to political pressure, reversed its prior decision and denied the final permit needed to complete construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The pretext: that the pipeline company, after years of planning and reliance on the U.S. government’s decisions and representations to the ...

Hiring Of Holder Takes Away From Real Issues

The California Legislature entered the New Year by hiring former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder to lead the state’s legal charge against the Trump administration. The justification is that he will “safeguard the values of the people of California.” Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León said that bringing in ...

GOP Will Fix Health Insurance With High-Risk Pools

Congressional Republicans are counting the days until Donald Trump assumes the Oval Office – and they can finally give voters what they asked for on Nov. 8: a repeal and replacement of Obamacare. Democrats claim that repeal will jeopardize the ability of those with preexisting conditions to access affordable health ...
Charter Schools

Biased Classroom Politics: Another Reason for School Choices

During the week of January 22-28, we mark National School Choice Week and efforts to empower parents to choose the best public or private education option for their children. For years, school choice efforts have mainly focused on the poor performance of traditional public schools. Growing political bias in the ...

Biased Classroom Politics: Reason For School Choice

During the week of January 22-28, we mark National School Choice Week and efforts to empower parents to choose the best public or private education option for their children. For years, school choice efforts have mainly focused on the poor performance of traditional public schools. Growing political bias in the ...

The New Senate’s Top Priority: Destroying Drug Innovation?

Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar just introduced a federal budget amendment that would legalize the importation of foreign prescription drugs. This particular policy change has long topped Democrats’ health care wish list, but shockingly, they might find support across the aisle this year, as President-elect Trump has spoken glowingly of importation. ...

The VA Doesn’t Need Protection — It Needs Competition

It takes a special kind of dishonesty to defend the Department of Veterans Affairs’ scandal-plagued health system. Yet that’s exactly what Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., veterans groups, and the Obama administration are doing in response to a modest proposal from the Trump transition team. A Trump official recently suggested that ...

The Obamacare Law Devours Itself With Exemptions Amid 5 Million (And Counting) Cancellations

Nearly five million people have had their health insurance policies cancelled because of Obamacare. Their coverage didn’t meet the law’s lofty specifications for covered benefits. So they were told they’d have to secure more generous — and more expensive — insurance. Needless to say, they weren’t too pleased. And they ...
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