Business & Economics
Federal Tax Proposal Could Raise Insurance Costs In Earthquake Country
California is called earthquake country for good reason. There are nearly 2,000 known fault lines crisscrossing the state, and scientists continue to discover new fault lines all the time. Nearly every Californian lives within 30 miles of an active fault line. The U.S. Geological Survey recently released a study identifying ...
Wayne Winegarden
July 28, 2017
Free-Marketers Shouldn’t Give Up on Health Care Reform
The nation is watching to see whether the U.S. Senate repeals the Affordable Care Act (ACA), revises it, or even continues working in earnest to repeal Obamacare. No matter the outcome, free-market health care reformers will be disappointed. None of the legislation under consideration offers a full-fledged, consumer-driven alternative to ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 27, 2017
Business & Economics
Obstacles To Cutting Edge Cancer Treatments
Disincentives plague the U.S. health care system, driving costs higher and the quality of care lower. Improving health outcomes requires reforms that remove these disincentives. With respect to health insurers, this means returning payers to their proper role of providing effective risk management services to patients. In contrast to other ...
Wayne Winegarden
July 26, 2017
Fake Achievement: The Rising High School Graduation Rate
PRI’s Senior Director of the Center for Education and Koret Senior Fellow in Education Lance Izumi contributed an article to the Heritage Foundation’s 2017 Index of Culture and Opportunity. Over the past several years, the U.S. high school graduation rate has climbed significantly. That increase, however, is not necessarily due ...
Lance Izumi
July 25, 2017
How Trump Can Undo Obamacare, With Or Without Congress
The Senate’s effort to pass the Better Care Reconciliation Act — or even some form of the 2015 repeal-only Obamacare Repeal Reconciliation Act — appears to have collapsed. But the fight to repeal and replace Obamacare is not over. As President Trump told Senate Republicans last week, “Inaction is not ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 24, 2017
Is Cap-and-Trade Really A Free Market Solution To Climate Change?
The mood was reportedly celebratory on the evening of July 17 after legislators approved a decade-long extension of the state’s carbon dioxide cap-and-trade program. But that’s not to say everyone was happy, or should be. Assembly Bill 398 will continue the current cap-and-trade system through 2030. It places a cap ...
Kerry Jackson
July 21, 2017
Business & Economics
Separating Budgetary Wheat From The Chaff: The CDC Example
For Samsung, it was the Galaxy Note 7; for Microsoft, it was the Zune; and for Coke, it was New Coke. These famous flops exemplify that failures are a part of life – even for multi-billion-dollar companies. In the private sector, successful companies own up to their failures and, if ...
Wayne Winegarden
July 19, 2017
Why Trump Should Be Happy That the GOP’s ‘Repeal-and-Delay’ Is Dead
Senate Republicans’ bid to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act collapsed on Tuesday, after Sens. Jerry Moran, (R-Kans.), and Mike Lee, (R-Utah), became the third and fourth Republicans to come out against the bill. Their defections deprived Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of the votes he needed to advance ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 19, 2017
Unless Legislature Embraces Free Market Energy Future, California Faces Next Solyndra
California’s solar power system generated such a glut of electricity for two weeks in March that some of it had to be sent out of state. Supporters of solar energy might believe this is evidence that it works. But it actually highlights solar energy’s biggest flaw. In late June, the ...
Kerry Jackson
July 14, 2017
If GOP Fails To Repeal And Replace Obamacare, Single-Payer Could Be Next
It’s no secret that the cost of failure in the GOP healthcare reform effort will be that Obamacare remains on the books indefinitely. Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell hinted that he might be willing to pay that cost. He said that Republicans would work with Democrats to produce ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 10, 2017
Federal Tax Proposal Could Raise Insurance Costs In Earthquake Country
California is called earthquake country for good reason. There are nearly 2,000 known fault lines crisscrossing the state, and scientists continue to discover new fault lines all the time. Nearly every Californian lives within 30 miles of an active fault line. The U.S. Geological Survey recently released a study identifying ...
Free-Marketers Shouldn’t Give Up on Health Care Reform
The nation is watching to see whether the U.S. Senate repeals the Affordable Care Act (ACA), revises it, or even continues working in earnest to repeal Obamacare. No matter the outcome, free-market health care reformers will be disappointed. None of the legislation under consideration offers a full-fledged, consumer-driven alternative to ...
Obstacles To Cutting Edge Cancer Treatments
Disincentives plague the U.S. health care system, driving costs higher and the quality of care lower. Improving health outcomes requires reforms that remove these disincentives. With respect to health insurers, this means returning payers to their proper role of providing effective risk management services to patients. In contrast to other ...
Fake Achievement: The Rising High School Graduation Rate
PRI’s Senior Director of the Center for Education and Koret Senior Fellow in Education Lance Izumi contributed an article to the Heritage Foundation’s 2017 Index of Culture and Opportunity. Over the past several years, the U.S. high school graduation rate has climbed significantly. That increase, however, is not necessarily due ...
How Trump Can Undo Obamacare, With Or Without Congress
The Senate’s effort to pass the Better Care Reconciliation Act — or even some form of the 2015 repeal-only Obamacare Repeal Reconciliation Act — appears to have collapsed. But the fight to repeal and replace Obamacare is not over. As President Trump told Senate Republicans last week, “Inaction is not ...
Is Cap-and-Trade Really A Free Market Solution To Climate Change?
The mood was reportedly celebratory on the evening of July 17 after legislators approved a decade-long extension of the state’s carbon dioxide cap-and-trade program. But that’s not to say everyone was happy, or should be. Assembly Bill 398 will continue the current cap-and-trade system through 2030. It places a cap ...
Separating Budgetary Wheat From The Chaff: The CDC Example
For Samsung, it was the Galaxy Note 7; for Microsoft, it was the Zune; and for Coke, it was New Coke. These famous flops exemplify that failures are a part of life – even for multi-billion-dollar companies. In the private sector, successful companies own up to their failures and, if ...
Why Trump Should Be Happy That the GOP’s ‘Repeal-and-Delay’ Is Dead
Senate Republicans’ bid to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act collapsed on Tuesday, after Sens. Jerry Moran, (R-Kans.), and Mike Lee, (R-Utah), became the third and fourth Republicans to come out against the bill. Their defections deprived Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of the votes he needed to advance ...
Unless Legislature Embraces Free Market Energy Future, California Faces Next Solyndra
California’s solar power system generated such a glut of electricity for two weeks in March that some of it had to be sent out of state. Supporters of solar energy might believe this is evidence that it works. But it actually highlights solar energy’s biggest flaw. In late June, the ...
If GOP Fails To Repeal And Replace Obamacare, Single-Payer Could Be Next
It’s no secret that the cost of failure in the GOP healthcare reform effort will be that Obamacare remains on the books indefinitely. Last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell hinted that he might be willing to pay that cost. He said that Republicans would work with Democrats to produce ...