Will Sacramento Finally Restore California’s Housing Market?
Our Sacramento lawmakers are promising to finally do something about the state’s runaway housing crisis after they return from their August break. Will this finally be the year they take meaningful action? Not until they show that they understand the essence of the problem. There’s no disagreement that California has ...
Kerry Jackson
August 10, 2017
Congress Takes an Important Step to Prevent Future Droughts
Thanks to a stormy winter, California’s long drought is over says state government. But California’s man-made drought will continue as long as Sacramento misallocates our water supply. Maybe it’s time to appeal to a higher but distant authority. When Gov. Jerry Brown declared in April that the six-year “drought emergency ...
Kerry Jackson
August 8, 2017
Piecemeal Repeal Is The Least Bad Obamacare Option
The demise of the Senate’s “skinny” repeal of Obamacare may be a blessing in disguise. Nobody should have mistaken that measure for genuine repeal of the Affordable Care Act — much less for the free-market healthcare reform that most of the GOP has long clamored for. Yet the collapse of ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 7, 2017
Reports Of Obamacare Repeal’s Death Are Greatly Exaggerated
President Trump recently tweeted, “Unless the Republican senators are total quitters, Repeal & Replace is not dead!” He’s completely right that free-marketeers shouldn’t give up on health reform. But if we’re being honest, none of the bills that the Senate considered last week would have come close to fulfilling the ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 3, 2017
California’s Single-Payer Bill Is Still Alive — And That’s A Shame
The Democrats’ dream of single-payer health care is alive and well in California — it’s just been temporarily deferred. In late June, California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon shelved SB 562, the Healthy California Act, until next year. If passed, the bill would abolish private insurance and force everyone — including ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 3, 2017
Business & Economics
Market Reforms To Improve Pharmaceutical Outcomes
The drama of “repeal and replace” resembled an unfunny version of a Monty Python skit, continuously claiming that it was “not dead yet”, and even that it was “getting better” only to be put out of its misery in the end. The end of repeal and replace will not end ...
Wayne Winegarden
July 31, 2017
The Tragic Demise Of Repeal And Replace
Anyone committed to repealing and replacing ObamaCare will not mourn the death of the Senate’s “skinny repeal” bill this past Friday morning. It retreated from nearly every health policy goal — from rolling back premium-inflating insurance regulations to modernizing Medicaid — that conservatives have championed since ObamaCare became law over ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 31, 2017
Congress Should Beware of ‘Unintended Consequences’ Of Tax Reform
If the U.S. economy is ever going to regain its past economic mojo, then Congress must pass comprehensive tax reform. Consider how much has changed since the last major tax reform in 1986. Back then, Bill Clinton was the governor of Arkansas, Mike Tyson had just become the youngest heavyweight ...
Wayne Winegarden
July 28, 2017
Yes, We Should Block-Grant Medicaid
The Senate’s Better Care Reconciliation Act is effectively dead following the 57–43 no vote on July 25. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also did not have the votes to pass the Obamacare-repeal bill that Congress passed in 2015 but President Obama vetoed; it was rejected the next day, 55–45. That’s mainly ...
Sally C. Pipes
July 28, 2017
Business & Economics
Federal Tax Proposal Could Raise Insurance Costs In Earthquake Country
California is called earthquake country for good reason. There are nearly 2,000 known fault lines crisscrossing the state, and scientists continue to discover new fault lines all the time. Nearly every Californian lives within 30 miles of an active fault line. The U.S. Geological Survey recently released a study identifying ...
Wayne Winegarden
July 28, 2017
Will Sacramento Finally Restore California’s Housing Market?
Our Sacramento lawmakers are promising to finally do something about the state’s runaway housing crisis after they return from their August break. Will this finally be the year they take meaningful action? Not until they show that they understand the essence of the problem. There’s no disagreement that California has ...
Congress Takes an Important Step to Prevent Future Droughts
Thanks to a stormy winter, California’s long drought is over says state government. But California’s man-made drought will continue as long as Sacramento misallocates our water supply. Maybe it’s time to appeal to a higher but distant authority. When Gov. Jerry Brown declared in April that the six-year “drought emergency ...
Piecemeal Repeal Is The Least Bad Obamacare Option
The demise of the Senate’s “skinny” repeal of Obamacare may be a blessing in disguise. Nobody should have mistaken that measure for genuine repeal of the Affordable Care Act — much less for the free-market healthcare reform that most of the GOP has long clamored for. Yet the collapse of ...
Reports Of Obamacare Repeal’s Death Are Greatly Exaggerated
President Trump recently tweeted, “Unless the Republican senators are total quitters, Repeal & Replace is not dead!” He’s completely right that free-marketeers shouldn’t give up on health reform. But if we’re being honest, none of the bills that the Senate considered last week would have come close to fulfilling the ...
California’s Single-Payer Bill Is Still Alive — And That’s A Shame
The Democrats’ dream of single-payer health care is alive and well in California — it’s just been temporarily deferred. In late June, California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon shelved SB 562, the Healthy California Act, until next year. If passed, the bill would abolish private insurance and force everyone — including ...
Market Reforms To Improve Pharmaceutical Outcomes
The drama of “repeal and replace” resembled an unfunny version of a Monty Python skit, continuously claiming that it was “not dead yet”, and even that it was “getting better” only to be put out of its misery in the end. The end of repeal and replace will not end ...
The Tragic Demise Of Repeal And Replace
Anyone committed to repealing and replacing ObamaCare will not mourn the death of the Senate’s “skinny repeal” bill this past Friday morning. It retreated from nearly every health policy goal — from rolling back premium-inflating insurance regulations to modernizing Medicaid — that conservatives have championed since ObamaCare became law over ...
Congress Should Beware of ‘Unintended Consequences’ Of Tax Reform
If the U.S. economy is ever going to regain its past economic mojo, then Congress must pass comprehensive tax reform. Consider how much has changed since the last major tax reform in 1986. Back then, Bill Clinton was the governor of Arkansas, Mike Tyson had just become the youngest heavyweight ...
Yes, We Should Block-Grant Medicaid
The Senate’s Better Care Reconciliation Act is effectively dead following the 57–43 no vote on July 25. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also did not have the votes to pass the Obamacare-repeal bill that Congress passed in 2015 but President Obama vetoed; it was rejected the next day, 55–45. That’s mainly ...
Federal Tax Proposal Could Raise Insurance Costs In Earthquake Country
California is called earthquake country for good reason. There are nearly 2,000 known fault lines crisscrossing the state, and scientists continue to discover new fault lines all the time. Nearly every Californian lives within 30 miles of an active fault line. The U.S. Geological Survey recently released a study identifying ...