

Obamacare Repeal Would Not Be A Disaster

From #MakeAmericaSickAgain — Senator Charles E. Schumer’s, D-N.Y., latest catchphrase — to #CoverageMatters, Twitter hashtags have emerged as the rhetorical weapon of choice for defenders of Obamacare. One of the latest is #the27percent, supposedly the share of Americans under the age of 65 with pre-existing conditions who are at risk ...

PRI Observes National School Choice Week At State Capitol

Watch State Senator Ted Gaines, R-Roseville, present a Senate Member’s Resolution on National School Choice Week to PRI’s Lance Izumi at the State Capitol in Sacramento. Sen. Gaines talks with Lance about the importance of school choice in his own children’s upbringing.
Business & Economics

How To Create A High-Growth Economy

Click here to read part 1 of “Beyond the New Normal” by Wayne Winegarden and Niles Chura For more than a decade federal policy has re-shaped the economy through a variety of activist policies. Taxes have risen, spending has increased, and the regulatory state has been empowered. The Federal Reserve, ...

A Choice For Kids With No Options Left

January 22nd to 28th will mark National School Choice Week, which promotes efforts to empower parents to choose the best education option for their children. There is probably no better example of why children need choices in education than Life Learning Academy (LLA) public charter school. Opponents of charter schools, ...

Obamacare Repeal And Replacement Could Come With Hidden Costs

The sprint to dismantle the Affordable Care Act has Houston’s hospital leaders worried about a potential fallout that could sweep beyond the poor if the uninsured rate rises again. Texas already leads the nation with more than 4 million uninsured, with Harris County topping the state at about 740,000. A ...
Business & Economics

Liberal Critics Should Take A Closer Look

President Trump’s extraordinary Inaugural Address was at once familiar and surprising, combining echoes from a forgotten past with notes that are entirely new. The echoes were to a president who was viewed with as much alarm by the official Washington of his day as Mr. Trump is by today’s Washington. ...

Repeal and Delay Is A Frightening Prospect

The inauguration of President Donald Trump on Friday marks the beginning of the end for President Obama’s signature health law. But will repealing and replacing Obamacare cost patients their lives? The media is doing everything it can to convince the public of as much. A New York Times op-ed bears ...

Sally Pipes On The Ed Morrissey Show

Confused about the GOP approach to repealing and replacing ObamaCare? Healthcare expert and president of the Pacific Research Institute, Sally Pipes, has analyzed the different GOP proposals and will brief us on what to expect. Related links

Elements Of ACA Replacement: Dr. Patricia Salber Interviews Sally Pipes

On the heels of the hearing for President-elect Donald J. Trump’s pick for HHS secretary Representative Tom Price, R-Georgia, Patricia Salber, MD, MBA, of The Doctor Weighs In, spoke with Sally C. Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, about potential elements of an Affordable Care Act replacement ...
Business & Economics

Trump Should Remind Us To Acknowledge What’s Wrong Before Making Things Right

In his first Inaugural Address, President Andrew Jackson said that the election that brought him to office “inscribes on the list of Executive duties, in characters too legible to be overlooked, the task of ‘reform.’” With this election, the American people told those of us they chose – for both ...

Obamacare Repeal Would Not Be A Disaster

From #MakeAmericaSickAgain — Senator Charles E. Schumer’s, D-N.Y., latest catchphrase — to #CoverageMatters, Twitter hashtags have emerged as the rhetorical weapon of choice for defenders of Obamacare. One of the latest is #the27percent, supposedly the share of Americans under the age of 65 with pre-existing conditions who are at risk ...

PRI Observes National School Choice Week At State Capitol

Watch State Senator Ted Gaines, R-Roseville, present a Senate Member’s Resolution on National School Choice Week to PRI’s Lance Izumi at the State Capitol in Sacramento. Sen. Gaines talks with Lance about the importance of school choice in his own children’s upbringing.
Business & Economics

How To Create A High-Growth Economy

Click here to read part 1 of “Beyond the New Normal” by Wayne Winegarden and Niles Chura For more than a decade federal policy has re-shaped the economy through a variety of activist policies. Taxes have risen, spending has increased, and the regulatory state has been empowered. The Federal Reserve, ...

A Choice For Kids With No Options Left

January 22nd to 28th will mark National School Choice Week, which promotes efforts to empower parents to choose the best education option for their children. There is probably no better example of why children need choices in education than Life Learning Academy (LLA) public charter school. Opponents of charter schools, ...

Obamacare Repeal And Replacement Could Come With Hidden Costs

The sprint to dismantle the Affordable Care Act has Houston’s hospital leaders worried about a potential fallout that could sweep beyond the poor if the uninsured rate rises again. Texas already leads the nation with more than 4 million uninsured, with Harris County topping the state at about 740,000. A ...
Business & Economics

Liberal Critics Should Take A Closer Look

President Trump’s extraordinary Inaugural Address was at once familiar and surprising, combining echoes from a forgotten past with notes that are entirely new. The echoes were to a president who was viewed with as much alarm by the official Washington of his day as Mr. Trump is by today’s Washington. ...

Repeal and Delay Is A Frightening Prospect

The inauguration of President Donald Trump on Friday marks the beginning of the end for President Obama’s signature health law. But will repealing and replacing Obamacare cost patients their lives? The media is doing everything it can to convince the public of as much. A New York Times op-ed bears ...

Sally Pipes On The Ed Morrissey Show

Confused about the GOP approach to repealing and replacing ObamaCare? Healthcare expert and president of the Pacific Research Institute, Sally Pipes, has analyzed the different GOP proposals and will brief us on what to expect. Related links

Elements Of ACA Replacement: Dr. Patricia Salber Interviews Sally Pipes

On the heels of the hearing for President-elect Donald J. Trump’s pick for HHS secretary Representative Tom Price, R-Georgia, Patricia Salber, MD, MBA, of The Doctor Weighs In, spoke with Sally C. Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, about potential elements of an Affordable Care Act replacement ...
Business & Economics

Trump Should Remind Us To Acknowledge What’s Wrong Before Making Things Right

In his first Inaugural Address, President Andrew Jackson said that the election that brought him to office “inscribes on the list of Executive duties, in characters too legible to be overlooked, the task of ‘reform.’” With this election, the American people told those of us they chose – for both ...
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