

Single Payer Is Fool’s Gold For California

While the latest Republican attempt to repeal and replace ObamaCare may have failed, Democrats in California and in D.C. are just getting started in their effort to eliminate the health law. Unfortunately, they’re angling to replace ObamaCare with something even worse. In California, State Senators Ricardo Lara and Toni Atkins ...

How Trump Can Keep The Drive To Repeal Obamacare Alive Through Executive Action

There’s no doubt about it — last week’s failure to pass the American Health Care Act was a painful setback in the fight to repeal and replace Obamacare. But Obamacare’s critics need not give up. There are plenty of executive actions the Trump administration could take to roll back the ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Discusses The Clean Power Plan On “The Takeaway”

PRI’s Wayne Winegarden talks about President Trump’s executive action to repeal the Clean Power Plan with Todd Zwillich on “The Takeaway.” Click here to listen to the interview. Last year, PRI released “The Clean Power Plan’s Economic Impact,” a 50-state study showing that the Obama Administration’s climate change regulations would ...

Listen To PRI’s Sally Pipes On “To The Point With Warren Olney”

Listen to PRI’s Sally Pipes talk about the “do-or-die” time for the American Health Care Act on “To The Point With Warren Olney” on KCRW 89.9 FM. Sally Pipes on “To The Point With Warren Olney” On KCRW FM
Business & Economics

How Hasty Obama-Era Rules Are Doing More Harm Than Good

In a flurry of activity during its waning hours, the Obama administration hastily approved far too many ill-conceived regulations that will affect the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of Americans. In this rush to regulate, the outgoing administration violated regulatory procedures on vitally important issues, and, as a consequence, the ...

ObamaCare’s Unhappy 7th Birthday

As the GOP’s fractious debate over health care reform drags on, some Americans are beginning to look back on ObamaCare through rose-colored glasses. Although voters put in power on Nov. 8, 2016, a party committed to repealing and replacing ObamaCare, public approval for the health law just reached 54% — ...

California Single-Payer Bill Looks Backward, Instead Of Forward To A New Era Of Patient Choice

Here we go again. The California State Legislature is considering yet another bill to impose a so-called single-payer, government monopoly, health care system. This has long been an obsession of the California’s nurses unions, because a health system under total government control would suit the narrow interests of union leaders. ...

Devin Nunes Has 5 Big Ideas To Fix California

There are 120 legislators and eight elected statewide officials in Sacramento, but maybe the most sensible elected official in California lives much of the time in Washington, D.C. Or at least the one who’s making the most sensible proposals. Rep. Devin Nunes, who represents California’s 22nd District in Congress, encouraged ...
Business & Economics

Can The Government Afford Economic Growth?

Despite the Federal Reserve’s latest interest rate increase last week, interest rates remain low by historical standards. While rising interest rates are an indication that the economic outlook is improving, the slow climb back to normal rates is a significant risk to the government’s budget. 50 years ago, about 10 ...
Business & Economics

To Grow California’s Economy, Legislature Must Act to Stop Junk Lawsuits

California’s business climate is more predictable than its weather. It’s always one storm after the other. Companies relocate to states where they are welcomed rather than vilified and preyed upon. Capital is moved to more jobs-friendly states. Productive workers just get out, or are left behind with few good opportunities ...

Single Payer Is Fool’s Gold For California

While the latest Republican attempt to repeal and replace ObamaCare may have failed, Democrats in California and in D.C. are just getting started in their effort to eliminate the health law. Unfortunately, they’re angling to replace ObamaCare with something even worse. In California, State Senators Ricardo Lara and Toni Atkins ...

How Trump Can Keep The Drive To Repeal Obamacare Alive Through Executive Action

There’s no doubt about it — last week’s failure to pass the American Health Care Act was a painful setback in the fight to repeal and replace Obamacare. But Obamacare’s critics need not give up. There are plenty of executive actions the Trump administration could take to roll back the ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden Discusses The Clean Power Plan On “The Takeaway”

PRI’s Wayne Winegarden talks about President Trump’s executive action to repeal the Clean Power Plan with Todd Zwillich on “The Takeaway.” Click here to listen to the interview. Last year, PRI released “The Clean Power Plan’s Economic Impact,” a 50-state study showing that the Obama Administration’s climate change regulations would ...

Listen To PRI’s Sally Pipes On “To The Point With Warren Olney”

Listen to PRI’s Sally Pipes talk about the “do-or-die” time for the American Health Care Act on “To The Point With Warren Olney” on KCRW 89.9 FM. Sally Pipes on “To The Point With Warren Olney” On KCRW FM
Business & Economics

How Hasty Obama-Era Rules Are Doing More Harm Than Good

In a flurry of activity during its waning hours, the Obama administration hastily approved far too many ill-conceived regulations that will affect the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of Americans. In this rush to regulate, the outgoing administration violated regulatory procedures on vitally important issues, and, as a consequence, the ...

ObamaCare’s Unhappy 7th Birthday

As the GOP’s fractious debate over health care reform drags on, some Americans are beginning to look back on ObamaCare through rose-colored glasses. Although voters put in power on Nov. 8, 2016, a party committed to repealing and replacing ObamaCare, public approval for the health law just reached 54% — ...

California Single-Payer Bill Looks Backward, Instead Of Forward To A New Era Of Patient Choice

Here we go again. The California State Legislature is considering yet another bill to impose a so-called single-payer, government monopoly, health care system. This has long been an obsession of the California’s nurses unions, because a health system under total government control would suit the narrow interests of union leaders. ...

Devin Nunes Has 5 Big Ideas To Fix California

There are 120 legislators and eight elected statewide officials in Sacramento, but maybe the most sensible elected official in California lives much of the time in Washington, D.C. Or at least the one who’s making the most sensible proposals. Rep. Devin Nunes, who represents California’s 22nd District in Congress, encouraged ...
Business & Economics

Can The Government Afford Economic Growth?

Despite the Federal Reserve’s latest interest rate increase last week, interest rates remain low by historical standards. While rising interest rates are an indication that the economic outlook is improving, the slow climb back to normal rates is a significant risk to the government’s budget. 50 years ago, about 10 ...
Business & Economics

To Grow California’s Economy, Legislature Must Act to Stop Junk Lawsuits

California’s business climate is more predictable than its weather. It’s always one storm after the other. Companies relocate to states where they are welcomed rather than vilified and preyed upon. Capital is moved to more jobs-friendly states. Productive workers just get out, or are left behind with few good opportunities ...
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