

What’s Next For Repeal And Replace — 100 Days Into Trump’s Presidency

We’re more than 100 days into Donald Trump’s presidency, and Obamacare is still the law of the land. That’s disappointing — but not catastrophic. Indeed, President Trump himself said last week that he was “disappointed” in House Republicans for failing to pass a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare thus ...
Business & Economics

Prevailing Wage Would Make California’s Housing Crisis Worse

California has a grim housing problem and nearly everyone in the state, whether they have tried to buy or rent a home or not, is aware of it. Apparently, though, some in Sacramento haven’t noticed and hope to mix in more of the poison that created the crisis in the ...

The Path To Health Care Reform Starts With Health Savings Accounts

Congress left Washington last week without passing a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. They are now back with an amendment to the failed American Health Care Act. A growing number of Americans aren’t waiting for lawmakers to figure out how to make health insurance more accessible and affordable. They’re ...
Business & Economics

Free Market Would Do More to Protect California’s Environment Than State Regulation

California is home to six of the 10 cities with the worst air pollution in the country. This seems inconceivable, given that the state has the strictest environmental rules in the nation. Clearly, policymakers have been making the wrong choices. Of course, there’s little chance they’ll admit error. Their response ...
Business & Economics

Drug Importation Will Not Improve Health Care Affordability

The growing problem of health care affordability requires prompt and effective policy solutions. However, just as the wrong medical diagnosis will not cure a patient, and may make the patient even sicker, the wrong policy solution will not address the U.S. health care affordability problem, and may even worsen the ...

Politicized Teachers Push Radical Leftist Agenda

Typically, school choice advocates rely on school and student performance data to show that public schools are academically failing or underperforming compared to other schooling options. But as I have documented in my soon-to-be-released book, The Corrupt Classroom, parents in California and many other states have an even more-compelling reason ...

Dear President Trump: Single-Payer Healthcare Is Still A Disastrous Idea

Single-payer healthcare is making a comeback. A new survey by Morning Consult/Gallup finds that 44 percent of American voters support universal, government-run healthcare. Meanwhile, two California state senators introduced the Healthy California Act in February, a bill that would create a single-payer system in the Golden State. Even some prominent ...

Scrap Obamacare Subsidies: Trump Could Protect The Constitution And Rejuvenate Congress’ Efforts To Replace This Law

President Trump has a new bargaining chip in the drive to repeal and replace Obamacare. He recently expressed willingness to end the law’s “cost-sharing reduction” subsidies — which reimburse insurers for covering out-of-pocket costs like deductibles and co-pays for low-income exchange enrollees — in order to bring Democrats back to ...

Could California Become The Next Canada for Health Care?

State Sen. Ricardo Lara didn’t move to Canada following Donald Trump’s win last November, but he visited last week. While touring a major research hospital in Toronto, he said he realized that American views on providing health care are becoming more Canadian. “One fundamental difference between the United States and ...

One State, Under Water

After a particularly soppy winter refilled California’s gasping reservoirs and swelled the Sierra Nevada snowpack—to 175 percent above its historical average, in some spots—grateful residents hailed the end of a dry spell that stretched back six years. Governor Jerry Brown has declared that the state’s drought is mostly over, though ...

What’s Next For Repeal And Replace — 100 Days Into Trump’s Presidency

We’re more than 100 days into Donald Trump’s presidency, and Obamacare is still the law of the land. That’s disappointing — but not catastrophic. Indeed, President Trump himself said last week that he was “disappointed” in House Republicans for failing to pass a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare thus ...
Business & Economics

Prevailing Wage Would Make California’s Housing Crisis Worse

California has a grim housing problem and nearly everyone in the state, whether they have tried to buy or rent a home or not, is aware of it. Apparently, though, some in Sacramento haven’t noticed and hope to mix in more of the poison that created the crisis in the ...

The Path To Health Care Reform Starts With Health Savings Accounts

Congress left Washington last week without passing a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. They are now back with an amendment to the failed American Health Care Act. A growing number of Americans aren’t waiting for lawmakers to figure out how to make health insurance more accessible and affordable. They’re ...
Business & Economics

Free Market Would Do More to Protect California’s Environment Than State Regulation

California is home to six of the 10 cities with the worst air pollution in the country. This seems inconceivable, given that the state has the strictest environmental rules in the nation. Clearly, policymakers have been making the wrong choices. Of course, there’s little chance they’ll admit error. Their response ...
Business & Economics

Drug Importation Will Not Improve Health Care Affordability

The growing problem of health care affordability requires prompt and effective policy solutions. However, just as the wrong medical diagnosis will not cure a patient, and may make the patient even sicker, the wrong policy solution will not address the U.S. health care affordability problem, and may even worsen the ...

Politicized Teachers Push Radical Leftist Agenda

Typically, school choice advocates rely on school and student performance data to show that public schools are academically failing or underperforming compared to other schooling options. But as I have documented in my soon-to-be-released book, The Corrupt Classroom, parents in California and many other states have an even more-compelling reason ...

Dear President Trump: Single-Payer Healthcare Is Still A Disastrous Idea

Single-payer healthcare is making a comeback. A new survey by Morning Consult/Gallup finds that 44 percent of American voters support universal, government-run healthcare. Meanwhile, two California state senators introduced the Healthy California Act in February, a bill that would create a single-payer system in the Golden State. Even some prominent ...

Scrap Obamacare Subsidies: Trump Could Protect The Constitution And Rejuvenate Congress’ Efforts To Replace This Law

President Trump has a new bargaining chip in the drive to repeal and replace Obamacare. He recently expressed willingness to end the law’s “cost-sharing reduction” subsidies — which reimburse insurers for covering out-of-pocket costs like deductibles and co-pays for low-income exchange enrollees — in order to bring Democrats back to ...

Could California Become The Next Canada for Health Care?

State Sen. Ricardo Lara didn’t move to Canada following Donald Trump’s win last November, but he visited last week. While touring a major research hospital in Toronto, he said he realized that American views on providing health care are becoming more Canadian. “One fundamental difference between the United States and ...

One State, Under Water

After a particularly soppy winter refilled California’s gasping reservoirs and swelled the Sierra Nevada snowpack—to 175 percent above its historical average, in some spots—grateful residents hailed the end of a dry spell that stretched back six years. Governor Jerry Brown has declared that the state’s drought is mostly over, though ...
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