

Repeal And Replace Can’t Wait Any Longer

The chief obstacle to repealing and replacing Obamacare may no longer be congressional Democrats. It could be the GOP itself. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has promised to hold a vote on the party’s repeal-and-replace plan by the end of June. But as he’s tacked his plan to the center ...

GOP Replacement For Obamacare’s Individual Mandate: Worse Than Doing Nothing

Few provisions within Obamacare have proved less popular than the individual mandate, which requires all Americans to secure insurance or pay a fine. Unfortunately, some Senate Republicans are proposing a replacement that’s even worse. As part of their bid to repeal Obamacare, Sens. Bill Cassidy, R-La., and Susan Collins, R-Maine, ...

School Curriculum Whitewashes Communism’s History

When the state Assembly passed Assemblyman Rob Bonta’s bill that would have repealed state provisions that make membership in the Communist Party a fireable offense for state employment, a firestorm of criticism ensued. The backlash forced Bonta to withdraw the bill, but any rejoicing should be tempered by the knowledge ...
Business & Economics

Puerto Rico’s Illness Is Threatening To Become A National Epidemic

10-years of economic stagnation has taken its toll on Puerto Rico. Unemployment is skyrocketing, infrastructure is degrading, and the exodus away from the island is accelerating. Structural reforms that will stabilize the financial crisis in the short-term, and revitalize the economy in the long-term, are necessary. Such reforms will benefit ...

State-Level Single-Payer Healthcare Faces Death By Sticker-Shock

Californians and New Yorkers could soon discover just how expensive “free” healthcare really is. On June 1, California’s Senate passed the Healthy California Act by a vote of 23-14. If it passes the State Assembly, the bill will create a single-payer healthcare system that charges no premiums, co-pays, or deductibles. ...

Would Single Payer Violate The Gann Limit?

The California Senate voted late on June 1 to create a single-payer health-care system that will cover every resident in the state with no money out of their pockets. But this “free” health care would be anything but. Its costs are going to be steep, painful, probably deadly – and ...
Business & Economics

Rising Regulatory Burdens, Declining Health Outcomes

Tweaks do not turn bad regulatory proposals into good ones. Yet, with only minor modifications, Congress is once again considering the CREATES Act (Creating and Restoring Equal Access to Equivalent Samples Act of 2017), and its close cousin, the FAST Act (Fair Access for Safe and Timely Generics Act of ...

California’s ‘Free’ Health Care Won’t Come Cheap

(Note: After the column went to print, SB 562 passed the State Senate on June 1 by a vote of 23 to 14.) Democrats in California’s state Senate spent Thursday hemming and hawing over Senate Bill 562, the Healthy California Act. When this column went to print, the Democratic caucus ...

Why Trump Is Right To Cut Federal Education Spending

President Trump’s proposed cuts to the federal education budget have elicited the usual howls of dismay and condemnation from the education establishment. Yet, drill down into the actual cuts and there are a lot of good reasons to put these programs on the chopping block. Take, for example, the 21st ...

Sally Pipes on Single Payer Vote

SAN FRANCISCO – Pacific Research Institute President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes today issued the following statement in response to the State Senate’s passage of single-payer health care legislation (Senate Bill 562): “Lawmakers today voted to move forward a $400 billion-a-year single-payer ...

Repeal And Replace Can’t Wait Any Longer

The chief obstacle to repealing and replacing Obamacare may no longer be congressional Democrats. It could be the GOP itself. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has promised to hold a vote on the party’s repeal-and-replace plan by the end of June. But as he’s tacked his plan to the center ...

GOP Replacement For Obamacare’s Individual Mandate: Worse Than Doing Nothing

Few provisions within Obamacare have proved less popular than the individual mandate, which requires all Americans to secure insurance or pay a fine. Unfortunately, some Senate Republicans are proposing a replacement that’s even worse. As part of their bid to repeal Obamacare, Sens. Bill Cassidy, R-La., and Susan Collins, R-Maine, ...

School Curriculum Whitewashes Communism’s History

When the state Assembly passed Assemblyman Rob Bonta’s bill that would have repealed state provisions that make membership in the Communist Party a fireable offense for state employment, a firestorm of criticism ensued. The backlash forced Bonta to withdraw the bill, but any rejoicing should be tempered by the knowledge ...
Business & Economics

Puerto Rico’s Illness Is Threatening To Become A National Epidemic

10-years of economic stagnation has taken its toll on Puerto Rico. Unemployment is skyrocketing, infrastructure is degrading, and the exodus away from the island is accelerating. Structural reforms that will stabilize the financial crisis in the short-term, and revitalize the economy in the long-term, are necessary. Such reforms will benefit ...

State-Level Single-Payer Healthcare Faces Death By Sticker-Shock

Californians and New Yorkers could soon discover just how expensive “free” healthcare really is. On June 1, California’s Senate passed the Healthy California Act by a vote of 23-14. If it passes the State Assembly, the bill will create a single-payer healthcare system that charges no premiums, co-pays, or deductibles. ...

Would Single Payer Violate The Gann Limit?

The California Senate voted late on June 1 to create a single-payer health-care system that will cover every resident in the state with no money out of their pockets. But this “free” health care would be anything but. Its costs are going to be steep, painful, probably deadly – and ...
Business & Economics

Rising Regulatory Burdens, Declining Health Outcomes

Tweaks do not turn bad regulatory proposals into good ones. Yet, with only minor modifications, Congress is once again considering the CREATES Act (Creating and Restoring Equal Access to Equivalent Samples Act of 2017), and its close cousin, the FAST Act (Fair Access for Safe and Timely Generics Act of ...

California’s ‘Free’ Health Care Won’t Come Cheap

(Note: After the column went to print, SB 562 passed the State Senate on June 1 by a vote of 23 to 14.) Democrats in California’s state Senate spent Thursday hemming and hawing over Senate Bill 562, the Healthy California Act. When this column went to print, the Democratic caucus ...

Why Trump Is Right To Cut Federal Education Spending

President Trump’s proposed cuts to the federal education budget have elicited the usual howls of dismay and condemnation from the education establishment. Yet, drill down into the actual cuts and there are a lot of good reasons to put these programs on the chopping block. Take, for example, the 21st ...

Sally Pipes on Single Payer Vote

SAN FRANCISCO – Pacific Research Institute President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes today issued the following statement in response to the State Senate’s passage of single-payer health care legislation (Senate Bill 562): “Lawmakers today voted to move forward a $400 billion-a-year single-payer ...
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