
Business & Economics

Consumers And Industry Innovators Should Not Trust Antitrust

T.J. Rodgers, formerly the outspoken CEO of Cypress Semiconductor, once warned that the tech industry should not “normalize relations with Washington, D.C.” He wrote, “A normalized relationship between Washington and Silicon Valley … offers only disadvantages. The collectivism that Big Government espouses undermines capitalism and therefore the fundamental wealth-producing process ...

Lance Izumi on The Lars Larson Show

Listen to Lance Izumi’s recent interview on the national radio show, “The Lars Larson Show” on his book The Corrupt Classroom. Lance’s interview beings at the 56:00 mark. Click here to learn more or buy a copy of The Corrupt Classroom.

Just Say No to Pay-fors

The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) was established in 1997—a program that gives states federal matching funds to provide health insurance to children from families that are too wealthy to qualify for Medicaid, but too poor to afford private insurance. However, current federal funding for CHIP expires on September 30th. ...
Business & Economics

Enriching Lawyers Is Not the Solution to the Opioid Crisis

Effective health care reforms must reduce the excessive costs imposed by frivolous lawsuits. Studies have shown that medical tort reform could reduce total health care premiums between 1 and 3 percent. As estimated by the American Action Forum, this could mean “roughly $15 billion” in savings from effective (but partial) ...

Lance Izumi Interviewed By Frank Beckmann on “The Corrupt Classroom”

PRI’s Koret senior fellow in education and senior director of education studies Lance Izumi discusses his new book, The Corrupt Classroom with Frank Beckmann on WJR Radio in Detroit. To learn more about The Corrupt Classroom, click here.
Business & Economics

Can’t Buy Me Gender Equality

President Trump just rescinded an Obama administration policy aimed at closing the economic gap between men and women. The measure would have required companies to collect data on pay differences between genders and races. It’s tempting to see the move as dismissive of the gender disparities in our economy. But ...

Reforms Should Improve the Efficiency of the Pharmaceutical Market

The refrain that pharmaceuticals are driving the health care affordability problem has been repeated so often that it is becoming an illusory truth – people believe it to be true simply because they have heard it repeated so often. Obviously, repeating the same incorrect statement over and over again does ...

Bipartisan Healthcare Fix Can Keep Obamacare On Life Support

Republicans in Congress spent seven years explaining why Obamacare is fundamentally flawed and unfixable, and they promised to repeal and replace the law. Now, they’re trying to save the law. This past week, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee held a series of hearings to stabilize the state ...

Students Need An Escape From Public School Violence

America’s public schools are starting to resemble war zones. Recently, a fistfight between two female students at a Mobile, Alabama high school erupted into a campus-wide fracas that ended in gunfire. A massive lunchroom brawl at a North Carolina school resulted in multiple arrests. And in San Diego, several teenage ...

Taxing Robots Will Hurt California Innovation and Opportunity

A California governor who went on to greater things was known to say that if government sees something move, it will tax it. Ronald Reagan’s words, spoken more than 30 years ago, are being played out today by a lawmaker who wants to enact a robot tax. Jane Kim, a ...
Business & Economics

Consumers And Industry Innovators Should Not Trust Antitrust

T.J. Rodgers, formerly the outspoken CEO of Cypress Semiconductor, once warned that the tech industry should not “normalize relations with Washington, D.C.” He wrote, “A normalized relationship between Washington and Silicon Valley … offers only disadvantages. The collectivism that Big Government espouses undermines capitalism and therefore the fundamental wealth-producing process ...

Lance Izumi on The Lars Larson Show

Listen to Lance Izumi’s recent interview on the national radio show, “The Lars Larson Show” on his book The Corrupt Classroom. Lance’s interview beings at the 56:00 mark. Click here to learn more or buy a copy of The Corrupt Classroom.

Just Say No to Pay-fors

The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) was established in 1997—a program that gives states federal matching funds to provide health insurance to children from families that are too wealthy to qualify for Medicaid, but too poor to afford private insurance. However, current federal funding for CHIP expires on September 30th. ...
Business & Economics

Enriching Lawyers Is Not the Solution to the Opioid Crisis

Effective health care reforms must reduce the excessive costs imposed by frivolous lawsuits. Studies have shown that medical tort reform could reduce total health care premiums between 1 and 3 percent. As estimated by the American Action Forum, this could mean “roughly $15 billion” in savings from effective (but partial) ...

Lance Izumi Interviewed By Frank Beckmann on “The Corrupt Classroom”

PRI’s Koret senior fellow in education and senior director of education studies Lance Izumi discusses his new book, The Corrupt Classroom with Frank Beckmann on WJR Radio in Detroit. To learn more about The Corrupt Classroom, click here.
Business & Economics

Can’t Buy Me Gender Equality

President Trump just rescinded an Obama administration policy aimed at closing the economic gap between men and women. The measure would have required companies to collect data on pay differences between genders and races. It’s tempting to see the move as dismissive of the gender disparities in our economy. But ...

Reforms Should Improve the Efficiency of the Pharmaceutical Market

The refrain that pharmaceuticals are driving the health care affordability problem has been repeated so often that it is becoming an illusory truth – people believe it to be true simply because they have heard it repeated so often. Obviously, repeating the same incorrect statement over and over again does ...

Bipartisan Healthcare Fix Can Keep Obamacare On Life Support

Republicans in Congress spent seven years explaining why Obamacare is fundamentally flawed and unfixable, and they promised to repeal and replace the law. Now, they’re trying to save the law. This past week, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee held a series of hearings to stabilize the state ...

Students Need An Escape From Public School Violence

America’s public schools are starting to resemble war zones. Recently, a fistfight between two female students at a Mobile, Alabama high school erupted into a campus-wide fracas that ended in gunfire. A massive lunchroom brawl at a North Carolina school resulted in multiple arrests. And in San Diego, several teenage ...

Taxing Robots Will Hurt California Innovation and Opportunity

A California governor who went on to greater things was known to say that if government sees something move, it will tax it. Ronald Reagan’s words, spoken more than 30 years ago, are being played out today by a lawmaker who wants to enact a robot tax. Jane Kim, a ...
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