

Finally, Some Honesty from State Leaders on High-Speed Rail

Jerry Brown wants to burnish his legacy with a high-speed rail line that would whip passengers up and down the state. But he’s more likely to be remembered as the governor who couldn’t make his fabulously over-cost train run on time. Brown’s dream train, according to the self-described “father” of ...

Docs Need to Inoculate Themselves Against Single-Payer

A majority of doctors now approve of government-run, single-payer health care, according to a new survey from Merritt Hawkins, a physician recruitment firm. Doctors should be careful what they wish for. Single-payer could transform doctors from highly respected, independent professionals to order-taking, unionized government employees. It’s hard to understand why ...

Sanders’ Single-Payer Fairy Tale

Earlier this month, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., unveiled his plan for extending Medicare to all Americans. Sanders’ proposal would provide more generous coverage than Medicare currently does. Private insurance would be a thing of the past, as would premiums, deductibles and co-payments. Dental, vision, and hearing coverage would be included. ...

End of Legislative Session Brings Brief Respite from Higher Energy Prices

Legislation that would have required all electric power sold in the state to be generated by renewable sources by 2045 was held up in the final days of the recently-completed legislative session. But it will come back. Should the idea ever become law, we’ll remember these as the easy days ...
Business & Economics

Let Health Insurance Be Insurance

One of the many flaws with our current health care system is that, too often, health insurance coverage fails people precisely when they need it the most. It’s as if your car insurance has been paying the cost for your oil changes for years, but won’t pay the costs to ...

Bernie Sanders’ Socialized Healthcare Plan is Even Worse Than Canada’s Health System

There’s little to envy about the Canadian health system. Yet, when Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., rolled out his single-payer Medicare for All Act on Sept. 13, he pointed to Canada as a model. The comparison should strike Americans as more than a little troubling. As a native of Canada, I’ve ...
Business & Economics

Lewis Carroll and the Pricing of Pharmaceuticals

Imagine a pharmaceutical market designed by Lewis Carroll’s Mad Hatter. In contrast to almost every other market, he might begin by charging wholesale prices that are higher than retail prices. He would then make sure that the higher wholesale price goes, the lower retail prices can become. And finally, he ...

The New Obamacare Repeal Bill Could Lead to Single Payer Health Care

This week, a group of Republican senators is scrambling to pick up enough votes for a last-ditch effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare. The senators have until Sept. 30 to act. But the Graham-Cassidy plan—named for its two leading proponents, Sen. Lindsey ...

Kasich-Hickenlooper Plan Rescues Obamacare, Abandons Patients

Two of the nation’s highest-profile governors, frustrated by congressional inaction on health care, have offered up a proposal of their own. Democrat John Hickenlooper, D-Colo., and Republican John Kasich, R-Ohio, hope that their plan will get a serious look, in part because they hail from different parties — and so ...

Could Sanders Make Healthcare Worse? Author Sally Pipes Weighs In


Finally, Some Honesty from State Leaders on High-Speed Rail

Jerry Brown wants to burnish his legacy with a high-speed rail line that would whip passengers up and down the state. But he’s more likely to be remembered as the governor who couldn’t make his fabulously over-cost train run on time. Brown’s dream train, according to the self-described “father” of ...

Docs Need to Inoculate Themselves Against Single-Payer

A majority of doctors now approve of government-run, single-payer health care, according to a new survey from Merritt Hawkins, a physician recruitment firm. Doctors should be careful what they wish for. Single-payer could transform doctors from highly respected, independent professionals to order-taking, unionized government employees. It’s hard to understand why ...

Sanders’ Single-Payer Fairy Tale

Earlier this month, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., unveiled his plan for extending Medicare to all Americans. Sanders’ proposal would provide more generous coverage than Medicare currently does. Private insurance would be a thing of the past, as would premiums, deductibles and co-payments. Dental, vision, and hearing coverage would be included. ...

End of Legislative Session Brings Brief Respite from Higher Energy Prices

Legislation that would have required all electric power sold in the state to be generated by renewable sources by 2045 was held up in the final days of the recently-completed legislative session. But it will come back. Should the idea ever become law, we’ll remember these as the easy days ...
Business & Economics

Let Health Insurance Be Insurance

One of the many flaws with our current health care system is that, too often, health insurance coverage fails people precisely when they need it the most. It’s as if your car insurance has been paying the cost for your oil changes for years, but won’t pay the costs to ...

Bernie Sanders’ Socialized Healthcare Plan is Even Worse Than Canada’s Health System

There’s little to envy about the Canadian health system. Yet, when Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., rolled out his single-payer Medicare for All Act on Sept. 13, he pointed to Canada as a model. The comparison should strike Americans as more than a little troubling. As a native of Canada, I’ve ...
Business & Economics

Lewis Carroll and the Pricing of Pharmaceuticals

Imagine a pharmaceutical market designed by Lewis Carroll’s Mad Hatter. In contrast to almost every other market, he might begin by charging wholesale prices that are higher than retail prices. He would then make sure that the higher wholesale price goes, the lower retail prices can become. And finally, he ...

The New Obamacare Repeal Bill Could Lead to Single Payer Health Care

This week, a group of Republican senators is scrambling to pick up enough votes for a last-ditch effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare. The senators have until Sept. 30 to act. But the Graham-Cassidy plan—named for its two leading proponents, Sen. Lindsey ...

Kasich-Hickenlooper Plan Rescues Obamacare, Abandons Patients

Two of the nation’s highest-profile governors, frustrated by congressional inaction on health care, have offered up a proposal of their own. Democrat John Hickenlooper, D-Colo., and Republican John Kasich, R-Ohio, hope that their plan will get a serious look, in part because they hail from different parties — and so ...

Could Sanders Make Healthcare Worse? Author Sally Pipes Weighs In

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