

Single-Payer Is Failing Overseas — We Shouldn’t Adopt It Here

Two weeks ago, Sens. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., and Tim Kaine, D-Va., introduced a bill that would effectively allow some Americans to buy into Medicare. Other congressional Democrats favor an even more aggressive expansion of the program. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D- Mich., recently proposed dropping the program’s eligibility age from 65 ...

Harvey Weinsteins And Their Enablers Also Run Our Public Schools

Meet teacher Mitchell Whitehurst, the Harvey Weinstein of public education. Meet the Portland Public Schools, the education Hollywood of enablers. Meet the Portland teachers union, which like the Mafia in The Godfather, practices “omerta,” or silence when questioned. And meet the children, victims of a heinous sexual predator shielded by ...
Business & Economics

Killing the gasoline-powered car in California? That’s what one legislator wants by 2040

A clean energy advocate in the California Legislature wants internal combustion vehicles to sputter out of existence on the state’s roads and highways. “The cars that we drive today are based on technology that’s 100 years old,” said Assembly member Phil Ting, D-San Francisco. “It’s almost like we’re doing addition ...

California’s Dangerous Dalliance with Single-Payer Continues

Californians better get comfortable. The wait time to see a doctor in the Golden State may be about to skyrocket. Last week, California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and a select committee of representatives held two days of hearings in Sacramento on Senate Bill 562 — the Healthy California Act — ...

Trump’s Executive Order Offers Relief to Employers and Patients

This past Thursday President Donald Trump signed an executive order rolling back a handful of Obamacare’s regulations. Patients and employers should celebrate the move. The administration is taking action where Congress could not to increase the number of health insurance choices available to Americans — and to reduce their cost. ...

Americans hate waiting, so they’ll despise single-payer

What makes for an awful trip to the doctor? Waiting. Earlier this year, doctor-rating website Zocdoc took a look at its database of doctor reviews and found that long waits or appointment delays were the primary motivators of negative marks from patients. Given this aversion to waiting, it’s shocking that ...
Business & Economics

To lure Amazon and more, California needs a statewide enterprise zone

Everyone wants a piece of Amazon. A city in Georgia has even offered to rename itself “Amazon” if only the web sales giant would locate its second headquarters there. Jerry Brown is making a pitch, too. The governor, according to the Mercury News, “is offering tax breaks and other incentives ...

Students need an escape from public school violence

Recently, a fistfight between two female students at an Alabama high school erupted into a campus-wide fracas that ended in gunfire. A massive brawl at a North Carolina school resulted in multiple arrests. And in San Diego, several teenage boys were rushed to the emergency room with stab wounds after ...

Universal Coverage Hearings Begin In California Assembly

PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes talks with Capitol Public Radio News as Universal Coverage hearings begin in the California Assembly. She says drastically expanding public health care in California will stretch the state’s budget too thin. Listen here

Republicans, don’t forfeit the battle against Obamacare’s insurer bailouts

Washington Examiner Last week, Sens. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Patty Murray, D-Wash., introduced a bill they say will stabilize Obamacare’s insurance exchanges. A dozen Republicans and a dozen Democrats have already signed on as co-sponsors. That’s a shame. The proposal is a bad deal for proponents of free markets. It ...

Single-Payer Is Failing Overseas — We Shouldn’t Adopt It Here

Two weeks ago, Sens. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., and Tim Kaine, D-Va., introduced a bill that would effectively allow some Americans to buy into Medicare. Other congressional Democrats favor an even more aggressive expansion of the program. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D- Mich., recently proposed dropping the program’s eligibility age from 65 ...

Harvey Weinsteins And Their Enablers Also Run Our Public Schools

Meet teacher Mitchell Whitehurst, the Harvey Weinstein of public education. Meet the Portland Public Schools, the education Hollywood of enablers. Meet the Portland teachers union, which like the Mafia in The Godfather, practices “omerta,” or silence when questioned. And meet the children, victims of a heinous sexual predator shielded by ...
Business & Economics

Killing the gasoline-powered car in California? That’s what one legislator wants by 2040

A clean energy advocate in the California Legislature wants internal combustion vehicles to sputter out of existence on the state’s roads and highways. “The cars that we drive today are based on technology that’s 100 years old,” said Assembly member Phil Ting, D-San Francisco. “It’s almost like we’re doing addition ...

California’s Dangerous Dalliance with Single-Payer Continues

Californians better get comfortable. The wait time to see a doctor in the Golden State may be about to skyrocket. Last week, California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and a select committee of representatives held two days of hearings in Sacramento on Senate Bill 562 — the Healthy California Act — ...

Trump’s Executive Order Offers Relief to Employers and Patients

This past Thursday President Donald Trump signed an executive order rolling back a handful of Obamacare’s regulations. Patients and employers should celebrate the move. The administration is taking action where Congress could not to increase the number of health insurance choices available to Americans — and to reduce their cost. ...

Americans hate waiting, so they’ll despise single-payer

What makes for an awful trip to the doctor? Waiting. Earlier this year, doctor-rating website Zocdoc took a look at its database of doctor reviews and found that long waits or appointment delays were the primary motivators of negative marks from patients. Given this aversion to waiting, it’s shocking that ...
Business & Economics

To lure Amazon and more, California needs a statewide enterprise zone

Everyone wants a piece of Amazon. A city in Georgia has even offered to rename itself “Amazon” if only the web sales giant would locate its second headquarters there. Jerry Brown is making a pitch, too. The governor, according to the Mercury News, “is offering tax breaks and other incentives ...

Students need an escape from public school violence

Recently, a fistfight between two female students at an Alabama high school erupted into a campus-wide fracas that ended in gunfire. A massive brawl at a North Carolina school resulted in multiple arrests. And in San Diego, several teenage boys were rushed to the emergency room with stab wounds after ...

Universal Coverage Hearings Begin In California Assembly

PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes talks with Capitol Public Radio News as Universal Coverage hearings begin in the California Assembly. She says drastically expanding public health care in California will stretch the state’s budget too thin. Listen here

Republicans, don’t forfeit the battle against Obamacare’s insurer bailouts

Washington Examiner Last week, Sens. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Patty Murray, D-Wash., introduced a bill they say will stabilize Obamacare’s insurance exchanges. A dozen Republicans and a dozen Democrats have already signed on as co-sponsors. That’s a shame. The proposal is a bad deal for proponents of free markets. It ...
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