

Secret Union Negotiations Aren’t in the Best Interest of Taxpayers

Taxpayers, who fund public employees’ platinum-plated pensions, deserve to know what happens at the bargaining table when their elected representatives negotiate contracts with public-employee unions. What they’d hear would likely alarm them. But the door is locked. They’re not allowed in. Consider legislation (Assembly Bill 1455) signed into law this ...

Bernie, Stop Fibbing About Canada’s Single-Payer Disaster

Late last month, Senator Bernie Sanders traveled to Canada to see firsthand what the United States can “learn” from our northern neighbor’s single-payer healthcare system. The pied piper of single-payer praised the Canadian system profusely, declaring that there is not “any debate” about whether “the quality of care is as ...

School Choice Can Protect Kids From Classroom Indoctrination

Progressive educators are launching new offensives in the nation’s culture wars. Washington State, for example, has put a sex-education curriculum, developed in part by Planned Parenthood, on its approved list, which has caused controversy in places like Spokane. Nevada’s Washoe County School District is currently debatinga sex education curriculum that would introduce ...

There’s No Reason For Congress Not to Repeal the Individual Mandate in Tax Reform

On Tuesday, Senate Republican leaders announced plans to scrap Obamacare’s individual mandate in their latest tax reform legislation. If passed, the mandate would be fully repealed by 2019. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., has already signaled willingness to include the measure in the House tax reform bill should the Senate bill pass. ...

Don’t Give Up The Fight To Repeal Obamacare’s Individual Mandate

Senators Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., recently introduced a bill that would effectively repeal Obamacare’s individual mandate, which fines people for going without health insurance. Their effort has its share of fans. President Trump has called on Congress to include repeal of the mandate in whatever tax reform ...

A Public Option Would Lead to Single-Payer

Senate Democrats recently introduced two bills that would create a “public option” — a government-run health plan that would compete against private insurers for the business of shoppers on Obamacare’s exchanges. Proponents claim that this would offer consumers an additional choice — and lead to lower prices. But a public ...

Doctors Should Oppose Single-Payer

A growing number of physicians now believe they have the cure for our nation’s health care maladies — a government-run, single-payer system. Fifty-six percent of doctors support single-payer health care, according to a new survey by physician recruitment firm Merritt Hawkins. Ten years ago, the numbers were almost reversed, with ...

Advice for Secretary DeVos: Remember the Trump Base

The continuing campus protests by the Left against U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos may grab the headlines, but another real political concern for her and the president lies with her relationship with the Right. The importance of the base for President Donald Trump cannot be overstated. Mark Penn, the ...
Business & Economics

Analysis: House Tax Plan Would Create Nearly 1 Million New Jobs and Increase GDP By 3.9%

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the new legislation introduced by the House last week, would create nearly one million new jobs and increase gross domestic product by 3.9 percent, according to an analysis from the nonpartisan Tax Foundation. The bill cuts the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent; ...

Bernie Sanders Goes To Canada And Turns A Blind Eye To Their Failing Health System

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., traveled to Canada in late October. His goal? To highlight the supposed benefits of that nation’s single-payer healthcare system. “How is it that here in Canada, they provide quality health care to all people … and they do it for half the cost?” he asked rhetorically. ...

Secret Union Negotiations Aren’t in the Best Interest of Taxpayers

Taxpayers, who fund public employees’ platinum-plated pensions, deserve to know what happens at the bargaining table when their elected representatives negotiate contracts with public-employee unions. What they’d hear would likely alarm them. But the door is locked. They’re not allowed in. Consider legislation (Assembly Bill 1455) signed into law this ...

Bernie, Stop Fibbing About Canada’s Single-Payer Disaster

Late last month, Senator Bernie Sanders traveled to Canada to see firsthand what the United States can “learn” from our northern neighbor’s single-payer healthcare system. The pied piper of single-payer praised the Canadian system profusely, declaring that there is not “any debate” about whether “the quality of care is as ...

School Choice Can Protect Kids From Classroom Indoctrination

Progressive educators are launching new offensives in the nation’s culture wars. Washington State, for example, has put a sex-education curriculum, developed in part by Planned Parenthood, on its approved list, which has caused controversy in places like Spokane. Nevada’s Washoe County School District is currently debatinga sex education curriculum that would introduce ...

There’s No Reason For Congress Not to Repeal the Individual Mandate in Tax Reform

On Tuesday, Senate Republican leaders announced plans to scrap Obamacare’s individual mandate in their latest tax reform legislation. If passed, the mandate would be fully repealed by 2019. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., has already signaled willingness to include the measure in the House tax reform bill should the Senate bill pass. ...

Don’t Give Up The Fight To Repeal Obamacare’s Individual Mandate

Senators Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., recently introduced a bill that would effectively repeal Obamacare’s individual mandate, which fines people for going without health insurance. Their effort has its share of fans. President Trump has called on Congress to include repeal of the mandate in whatever tax reform ...

A Public Option Would Lead to Single-Payer

Senate Democrats recently introduced two bills that would create a “public option” — a government-run health plan that would compete against private insurers for the business of shoppers on Obamacare’s exchanges. Proponents claim that this would offer consumers an additional choice — and lead to lower prices. But a public ...

Doctors Should Oppose Single-Payer

A growing number of physicians now believe they have the cure for our nation’s health care maladies — a government-run, single-payer system. Fifty-six percent of doctors support single-payer health care, according to a new survey by physician recruitment firm Merritt Hawkins. Ten years ago, the numbers were almost reversed, with ...

Advice for Secretary DeVos: Remember the Trump Base

The continuing campus protests by the Left against U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos may grab the headlines, but another real political concern for her and the president lies with her relationship with the Right. The importance of the base for President Donald Trump cannot be overstated. Mark Penn, the ...
Business & Economics

Analysis: House Tax Plan Would Create Nearly 1 Million New Jobs and Increase GDP By 3.9%

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the new legislation introduced by the House last week, would create nearly one million new jobs and increase gross domestic product by 3.9 percent, according to an analysis from the nonpartisan Tax Foundation. The bill cuts the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent; ...

Bernie Sanders Goes To Canada And Turns A Blind Eye To Their Failing Health System

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., traveled to Canada in late October. His goal? To highlight the supposed benefits of that nation’s single-payer healthcare system. “How is it that here in Canada, they provide quality health care to all people … and they do it for half the cost?” he asked rhetorically. ...
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