

Don’t Blame Trump for Obamacare’s Lackluster Open Enrollment Season

Obamacare’s 2018 open enrollment period came to a close in most states on December 15. Roughly 8.8 million people signed up for health plans through, the federal exchange that operates in 39 states. That’s a 4 percent decline compared to last year’s total of 9.2 million sign ups through ...

VA Negligence Is Killing Veterans

A bombshell report just revealed that a Department of Veterans Affairs hospital knowingly hired a physician with a record of more than a dozen cases of malpractice, including the death of a patient. Other recent VA physician recruits include a known sexual predator and a dangerous felon. A separate analysis ...

What California Should Do To Ease Housing Crisis

In September, Sacramento lawmakers passed more than a dozen bills aiming to begin healing the state’s housing sore. It was, to their thinking, “Housing Day” in California. Two weeks later, legislators joined Gov. Jerry Brown in San Francisco as he signed what he called “15 good bills.” “Today, California begins ...

Don’t Blame Trump for Lower Health Insurance Signups. Blame Obamacare.

Obamacare’s fifth open enrollment period ended Friday. In the 39 states using the federal insurance exchange, 4.7 million people signed up for 2018 coverage, as of Dec. 9. At this point, that’s about 4.5 million fewer people who signed up than last year. This year’s lower numbers shouldn’t be surprising. Those ...

Falling Obamacare Enrollment Should Surprise No One

Obamacare’s fifth open enrollment season just ended for the 39 states served by — and it was a major failure in terms of enrollees. Fewer than 10 million people signed up for 2018 health plans through the state and federal exchanges, according to one recent projection. That’s down from 12.2 million ...

School Choice Programs Are Needed To Save America’s Public Schools

America’s public school systems are going bankrupt, as they pour money they don’t have into programs that enrich employees at the expense of students. The Los Angeles Unified School District could face an estimated $422 million budget shortfall in 2019. Baltimore’s schools are $130 million in the hole. Illinois officials ...

California Middle Class Look For A Winning Hand in Las Vegas

They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Apparently, this is true of Californians, as well: If they happen to be in Vegas, there’s a good chance they’re going to be staying there. California has a leakage problem. Not only are businesses leaving the state in waves, people are ...

Myths and Realities of the Health Care Affordability Problem

According to the five-second rule, you can still eat your food that has fallen on the floor, so long as you picked it up within five seconds. Only, this common perception is bad advice. In reality, if a person eats food that has fallen on a dirty floor, he risks ...

While California Put on ‘Road Diet,’ Drivers Still Stuck in Traffic Gridlock

Quick, name the place where drivers suffer through maybe the worst traffic on Earth while policymakers are committed to making it altogether intolerable. Yes, of course it’s California. Earlier this year, Inrix, a transportation analytics firm, ranked Los Angeles as the city with the worst traffic in the world, as ...

Single-Payer Would Sicken, Not Cure, Massachusetts

Progressives in Massachusetts believe they’ve taken the first step toward a government-run, single-payer health care, thanks to a bill that passed the state Senate in November. The measure would, among other things, commission a study to analyze the cost of a statewide single-payer system. If the tab is less expensive ...

Don’t Blame Trump for Obamacare’s Lackluster Open Enrollment Season

Obamacare’s 2018 open enrollment period came to a close in most states on December 15. Roughly 8.8 million people signed up for health plans through, the federal exchange that operates in 39 states. That’s a 4 percent decline compared to last year’s total of 9.2 million sign ups through ...

VA Negligence Is Killing Veterans

A bombshell report just revealed that a Department of Veterans Affairs hospital knowingly hired a physician with a record of more than a dozen cases of malpractice, including the death of a patient. Other recent VA physician recruits include a known sexual predator and a dangerous felon. A separate analysis ...

What California Should Do To Ease Housing Crisis

In September, Sacramento lawmakers passed more than a dozen bills aiming to begin healing the state’s housing sore. It was, to their thinking, “Housing Day” in California. Two weeks later, legislators joined Gov. Jerry Brown in San Francisco as he signed what he called “15 good bills.” “Today, California begins ...

Don’t Blame Trump for Lower Health Insurance Signups. Blame Obamacare.

Obamacare’s fifth open enrollment period ended Friday. In the 39 states using the federal insurance exchange, 4.7 million people signed up for 2018 coverage, as of Dec. 9. At this point, that’s about 4.5 million fewer people who signed up than last year. This year’s lower numbers shouldn’t be surprising. Those ...

Falling Obamacare Enrollment Should Surprise No One

Obamacare’s fifth open enrollment season just ended for the 39 states served by — and it was a major failure in terms of enrollees. Fewer than 10 million people signed up for 2018 health plans through the state and federal exchanges, according to one recent projection. That’s down from 12.2 million ...

School Choice Programs Are Needed To Save America’s Public Schools

America’s public school systems are going bankrupt, as they pour money they don’t have into programs that enrich employees at the expense of students. The Los Angeles Unified School District could face an estimated $422 million budget shortfall in 2019. Baltimore’s schools are $130 million in the hole. Illinois officials ...

California Middle Class Look For A Winning Hand in Las Vegas

They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Apparently, this is true of Californians, as well: If they happen to be in Vegas, there’s a good chance they’re going to be staying there. California has a leakage problem. Not only are businesses leaving the state in waves, people are ...

Myths and Realities of the Health Care Affordability Problem

According to the five-second rule, you can still eat your food that has fallen on the floor, so long as you picked it up within five seconds. Only, this common perception is bad advice. In reality, if a person eats food that has fallen on a dirty floor, he risks ...

While California Put on ‘Road Diet,’ Drivers Still Stuck in Traffic Gridlock

Quick, name the place where drivers suffer through maybe the worst traffic on Earth while policymakers are committed to making it altogether intolerable. Yes, of course it’s California. Earlier this year, Inrix, a transportation analytics firm, ranked Los Angeles as the city with the worst traffic in the world, as ...

Single-Payer Would Sicken, Not Cure, Massachusetts

Progressives in Massachusetts believe they’ve taken the first step toward a government-run, single-payer health care, thanks to a bill that passed the state Senate in November. The measure would, among other things, commission a study to analyze the cost of a statewide single-payer system. If the tab is less expensive ...
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