

Read Kerry Jackson's latest at Fox News

California Gov. Newsom travels the globe while these problems plague his state

On Oct. 20, Newsom was in Israel, where he “met with survivors, impacted families and others” of that country’s war with Hamas. Three days later, he was in Hong Kong, then in Beijing the next day, where he was “flexing California’s credentials as a global leader in climate change policy,” ...

Seniors are disappointed with efforts to lower Medicare costs — and rightly so

But wait, the law’s proponents may say: The federal government hasn’t yet exercised its power to “negotiate” — or more accurately, cap — the prices of drugs in Medicare. Those price controls may save the federal government money. But patients won’t see much of the savings. The federal government has ...
Climate Change

Read about state & local climate change lawsuits

California Is Abusing The Legal System To Set Energy Policy

These claims are an end-run around the proper democratic process and, if successful, would be economically destructive. Making these costs harder to bear, the lawsuits are a futile exercise in hypocrisy. Federal courts have already dismissed similar claims against the automobile and electric power industries. Essentially the courts have stated ...

The Federal Trade Commission’s Assault On Growth

The FTC’s mission is to protect consumers by ensuring that markets are competitive, not to protect competitors. Presumably, the Commissioners imagine that the theoretical harm to competitors will somehow make consumers worse off, but if this sounds far-fetched, this is precisely what an FTC administrative judge concluded when hearing the ...

Read latest about problems with Obamacare

Open Enrollment is a Warning, Not a Cause for Celebration

Obamacare’s open enrollment period kicks off this week. Each year around this time, the Affordable Care Act’s defenders mobilize to tout its supposed benefits and to encourage people to purchase coverage on the exchanges it created. From the halls of Congress to the White House, we can expect to see ...

Read about problems with 340B program

Incompetence, Abuse Comprise 340B Health Program

There’s a paradox at the center of American healthcare policy. The government will spend just shy of $2 trillion subsidizing healthcare this year — including over $500 billion on Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. But low-income Americans still struggle to afford care. According to one recent poll by the ...

Read latest about single-payer healthcare

Most Americans don’t want Medicare for All

But according to recent polling, neither claim is true. Americans are broadly happy with the existing health insurance system. And single-payer would manifestly worsen — not solve — the problems Americans do face under the status quo. Read the full article at the Boston Herald

Read about government health care mandates

Healthcare provider shortages are a symptom of government red tape

The unions cited inadequate staffing ratios as a primary motivator for the strike. Labor shortages, or suboptimal distributions of healthcare personnel, are common across the country. Government red tape is largely to blame. Cutting that red tape could make it easier for millions of patients to access care. Read the ...

Read about latest CA green mandate

California Is Throwing Kids, Parents and Taxpayers Under The E-Bus

Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed into law Assembly Bill 579, which requires that, by Jan. 1, 2035, “all newly purchased or contracted school buses of a local educational agency (LEA) to be zero-emission.” Read the full article at GV Wire

Read about CA's growing outmigration problem

Californians are voting against Big Government, at least with their feet

People are clearly leaving California because of bad public policy choices.  The state’s roads are poorly maintained. The cost of living is unaffordable. The streets are unsafe, the homelessness problem continues to fester, and economic opportunities are becoming scarcer. These results are consistent with the new Pacific Research Institute Free ...

Read Kerry Jackson's latest at Fox News

California Gov. Newsom travels the globe while these problems plague his state

On Oct. 20, Newsom was in Israel, where he “met with survivors, impacted families and others” of that country’s war with Hamas. Three days later, he was in Hong Kong, then in Beijing the next day, where he was “flexing California’s credentials as a global leader in climate change policy,” ...

Seniors are disappointed with efforts to lower Medicare costs — and rightly so

But wait, the law’s proponents may say: The federal government hasn’t yet exercised its power to “negotiate” — or more accurately, cap — the prices of drugs in Medicare. Those price controls may save the federal government money. But patients won’t see much of the savings. The federal government has ...
Climate Change

Read about state & local climate change lawsuits

California Is Abusing The Legal System To Set Energy Policy

These claims are an end-run around the proper democratic process and, if successful, would be economically destructive. Making these costs harder to bear, the lawsuits are a futile exercise in hypocrisy. Federal courts have already dismissed similar claims against the automobile and electric power industries. Essentially the courts have stated ...

The Federal Trade Commission’s Assault On Growth

The FTC’s mission is to protect consumers by ensuring that markets are competitive, not to protect competitors. Presumably, the Commissioners imagine that the theoretical harm to competitors will somehow make consumers worse off, but if this sounds far-fetched, this is precisely what an FTC administrative judge concluded when hearing the ...

Read latest about problems with Obamacare

Open Enrollment is a Warning, Not a Cause for Celebration

Obamacare’s open enrollment period kicks off this week. Each year around this time, the Affordable Care Act’s defenders mobilize to tout its supposed benefits and to encourage people to purchase coverage on the exchanges it created. From the halls of Congress to the White House, we can expect to see ...

Read about problems with 340B program

Incompetence, Abuse Comprise 340B Health Program

There’s a paradox at the center of American healthcare policy. The government will spend just shy of $2 trillion subsidizing healthcare this year — including over $500 billion on Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. But low-income Americans still struggle to afford care. According to one recent poll by the ...

Read latest about single-payer healthcare

Most Americans don’t want Medicare for All

But according to recent polling, neither claim is true. Americans are broadly happy with the existing health insurance system. And single-payer would manifestly worsen — not solve — the problems Americans do face under the status quo. Read the full article at the Boston Herald

Read about government health care mandates

Healthcare provider shortages are a symptom of government red tape

The unions cited inadequate staffing ratios as a primary motivator for the strike. Labor shortages, or suboptimal distributions of healthcare personnel, are common across the country. Government red tape is largely to blame. Cutting that red tape could make it easier for millions of patients to access care. Read the ...

Read about latest CA green mandate

California Is Throwing Kids, Parents and Taxpayers Under The E-Bus

Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed into law Assembly Bill 579, which requires that, by Jan. 1, 2035, “all newly purchased or contracted school buses of a local educational agency (LEA) to be zero-emission.” Read the full article at GV Wire

Read about CA's growing outmigration problem

Californians are voting against Big Government, at least with their feet

People are clearly leaving California because of bad public policy choices.  The state’s roads are poorly maintained. The cost of living is unaffordable. The streets are unsafe, the homelessness problem continues to fester, and economic opportunities are becoming scarcer. These results are consistent with the new Pacific Research Institute Free ...
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