

California’s Net Neutrality Push is a Solution in Search of a Problem

Sacramento seems to ever be in search of a problem to solve even where no problem exists. Count Sen. Scott Wiener’s net neutrality bill among the efforts to force hard medicine on a healthy patient. Wiener’s aim with Senate Bill 822, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, is “to make ...

This Easter, Single-Payer Is Rising from the Grave

A revival movement is sweeping the nation. Millions of souls have already been converted, thanks to a charismatic preacher and his passionate disciples. I’m talking, of course, about the doctrine of “Medicare for All” and its chief evangelist, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. The socialist senator’s sermons appear to have swayed ...

Trump is right — California is out of control

When President Trump recently visited California, he came away with the sense that it “is totally out of control.” If he arrived at that conclusion from just a single visit, imagine how many who live in the state feel. To be fair, California itself isn’t out of control. There are ...

Is ‘Plastophobia’ Sweeping California?

Grocery store cashier: Do you need a bag? Customer: No thanks, it’s just a few items. I’ll put everything in this plastic produce bag with the bananas. Cashier: Ok. We just got those bags the other day. They’re awesome. Customer: Oh, why? Cashier: They’re biodegradable. They are also delicate to ...

ObamaCare’s 8th Birthday is An Unhappy One for All Americans

When ObamaCare turns eight on Friday, the law will have exactly one impressive accomplishment to its name: surviving as long as it has. Americans are worse off than we were before ObamaCare was enacted. Health insurance premiums and deductibles are soaring, and consumers face a shrinking number of insurance options. More ...

‘Medicare Extra’ Delivers Socialized Medicine In Slow Motion

The Center for American Progress, one of the nation’s most influential left-wing think tanks, just released a plan to repeal Obamacare. Unfortunately, the proposal would replace the law with something even worse — single-payer health care. CAP’s plan would impose single-payer gradually, over a period of at least eight years. But the ...

Glazer Bill Would Begin to Move State Away from Pension Disaster

California was once defined by its natural beauty and milestones of human achievement. Today it’s known more for intractable problems, such as the public employee pension crisis. State and local governments have racked up nearly $1 trillion in pension debt. But because government employers have contributed only about 70 percent of what ...

Don’t Fall for Single-Payer’s False Promises

Support for single-payer health care has reached an all-time high, according to Gallup. Seven in 10 Democratic voters — and one in three Republicans — favor a government takeover of the health sector. They should be careful what they wish for. Single-payer systems have failed everywhere they’ve been implemented, from ...

Don’t Revive The Individual Mandate

Tax reform repealed Obamacare’s least popular provision, the individual mandate, starting in 2019. Now, at least nine states want to revive the mandate, which required all Americans to purchase health insurance or pay a fine. Obamacare’s proponents claim that state-level individual mandates would compel young and healthy people to buy ...

VA Health Care Is a Cautionary Tale Against Medicare-For-All

Army veteran Glenford Turner lived for nearly four years with a piece of razor-sharp metal in his abdomen. The object wasn’t shrapnel from the battlefield — it was a scalpel he alleges was left inside him during a 2013 surgery at a Connecticut Veterans Affairs hospital. Turner’s story, revealed in ...

California’s Net Neutrality Push is a Solution in Search of a Problem

Sacramento seems to ever be in search of a problem to solve even where no problem exists. Count Sen. Scott Wiener’s net neutrality bill among the efforts to force hard medicine on a healthy patient. Wiener’s aim with Senate Bill 822, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, is “to make ...

This Easter, Single-Payer Is Rising from the Grave

A revival movement is sweeping the nation. Millions of souls have already been converted, thanks to a charismatic preacher and his passionate disciples. I’m talking, of course, about the doctrine of “Medicare for All” and its chief evangelist, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. The socialist senator’s sermons appear to have swayed ...

Trump is right — California is out of control

When President Trump recently visited California, he came away with the sense that it “is totally out of control.” If he arrived at that conclusion from just a single visit, imagine how many who live in the state feel. To be fair, California itself isn’t out of control. There are ...

Is ‘Plastophobia’ Sweeping California?

Grocery store cashier: Do you need a bag? Customer: No thanks, it’s just a few items. I’ll put everything in this plastic produce bag with the bananas. Cashier: Ok. We just got those bags the other day. They’re awesome. Customer: Oh, why? Cashier: They’re biodegradable. They are also delicate to ...

ObamaCare’s 8th Birthday is An Unhappy One for All Americans

When ObamaCare turns eight on Friday, the law will have exactly one impressive accomplishment to its name: surviving as long as it has. Americans are worse off than we were before ObamaCare was enacted. Health insurance premiums and deductibles are soaring, and consumers face a shrinking number of insurance options. More ...

‘Medicare Extra’ Delivers Socialized Medicine In Slow Motion

The Center for American Progress, one of the nation’s most influential left-wing think tanks, just released a plan to repeal Obamacare. Unfortunately, the proposal would replace the law with something even worse — single-payer health care. CAP’s plan would impose single-payer gradually, over a period of at least eight years. But the ...

Glazer Bill Would Begin to Move State Away from Pension Disaster

California was once defined by its natural beauty and milestones of human achievement. Today it’s known more for intractable problems, such as the public employee pension crisis. State and local governments have racked up nearly $1 trillion in pension debt. But because government employers have contributed only about 70 percent of what ...

Don’t Fall for Single-Payer’s False Promises

Support for single-payer health care has reached an all-time high, according to Gallup. Seven in 10 Democratic voters — and one in three Republicans — favor a government takeover of the health sector. They should be careful what they wish for. Single-payer systems have failed everywhere they’ve been implemented, from ...

Don’t Revive The Individual Mandate

Tax reform repealed Obamacare’s least popular provision, the individual mandate, starting in 2019. Now, at least nine states want to revive the mandate, which required all Americans to purchase health insurance or pay a fine. Obamacare’s proponents claim that state-level individual mandates would compel young and healthy people to buy ...

VA Health Care Is a Cautionary Tale Against Medicare-For-All

Army veteran Glenford Turner lived for nearly four years with a piece of razor-sharp metal in his abdomen. The object wasn’t shrapnel from the battlefield — it was a scalpel he alleges was left inside him during a 2013 surgery at a Connecticut Veterans Affairs hospital. Turner’s story, revealed in ...
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