Learn why price controls won't reduce inflation
Kamala Harris is wrong. American economic history is replete with failed price control policies
Yet in one of her first policy proposals as the Democratic Party’s White House candidate, Kamala Harris insisted that the country needs “the first-ever federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries.” She would set “clear rules of the road to make clear that big corporations can’t unfairly exploit ...
Wayne Winegarden and Kerry Jackson
September 3, 2024
Buffalo News
Stop directing healthcare funding to social issues
Several states are already using Medicaid funds for nonmedical services like housing and food assistance. It’s a dangerous overreach that threatens to undermine Medicaid’s core mission of providing health coverage for low-income and disabled Americans. Read the full article at Buffalo News
Sally C. Pipes
September 3, 2024
Learn why drug price controls don't work
Don’t Buy Kamala Harris’ Anti-Price Gouging Plan
That may sound like standard progressive fare. But the means by which she’d try to achieve those goals is a scheme of price controls that could destroy entire sectors of the U.S. economy. Read the full article at Forbes
Sally C. Pipes
September 3, 2024
Learn why support for single-payer continues to fall
Kamala Harris aims to hide her long record of backing Medicare for All
Just 37% of likely voters support a government takeover of the country’s health insurance system and a concomitant ban on private health insurance, according to a survey conducted by Echelon Insights and sponsored by the Pacific Research Institute. And support for such a single-payer system has been eroding, dropping three ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 2, 2024
Read the latest on the Harris grocery price gouging plan
Kamala Harris is wrong. The ‘California Way,’ not corporate greed, hikes grocery prices
Harris is right: we’re paying more at the grocery store these days. According to the Federal Reserve, food prices are up about 20 percent compared to when Harris became vice president. But when looking for a culprit for rising food prices, economists suggest Harris should look in the mirror – ...
Kerry Jackson and Tim Anaya
August 29, 2024
Read the latest on Biden administration's drug price controls
Drug Price Controls Underperform, Unworkable
According to the White House, the program will save the federal government an estimated $6 billion in 2026, the first year the new prices will be in effect, while reducing costs for seniors by $1.5 billion. Those figures might seem impressive. But they are almost certainly inflated. In fact, it’s ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 27, 2024
Learn about the damage from lawsuit abuse
Tort Abuses Threat To Innovation And Product Availability
Not only is continued invention necessary for expanding our prosperity, but it is also key for mitigating problems such as global climate change or finding new technologies and treatments for troubling health conditions. Take the state and municipal lawsuits being filed against energy companies as an example. When announcing his ...
Wayne Winegarden
August 26, 2024
Read the latest about the problems with PBMs
Insulin Lawsuits Obscure A Dirty Business
The plaintiffs say they’re fighting for patients. They’re less forthcoming about the fact that they’ve profited handsomely from the system they’re now decrying. For years, these cities and states have insisted on a cut—if not all—of the rebates that these pharmacy benefit managers extract from drug makers when negotiating over ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 26, 2024
Read the latest about VP Harris' healthcare platform
Harris commits to worst of Biden healthcare policies
One proposal Harris has explicitly backed would enshrine President Joe Biden’s enhanced Obamacare subsidies, which are slated to expire in 2025. “Republicans want to let those credits expire, increasing premiums,” the Democratic platform asserts. “Democrats will fight to make them permanent.” Read the full article at the Washington Examiner
Sally C. Pipes
August 24, 2024
Read the latest on the new PRI book
Adopting policies the ‘California Way’ could skyrocket energy costs
Ask any Californian paying their summer power bills and they’ll tell you a different story. Government data also offers a fact check – Energy Information Administration figures show the average monthly price of electricity was 34.3 cents per kilowatt hour in May (second to Hawaii), compared to 14.7 cents in ...
Kerry Jackson and Tim Anaya
August 24, 2024
Learn why price controls won't reduce inflation
Kamala Harris is wrong. American economic history is replete with failed price control policies
Yet in one of her first policy proposals as the Democratic Party’s White House candidate, Kamala Harris insisted that the country needs “the first-ever federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries.” She would set “clear rules of the road to make clear that big corporations can’t unfairly exploit ...
Buffalo News
Stop directing healthcare funding to social issues
Several states are already using Medicaid funds for nonmedical services like housing and food assistance. It’s a dangerous overreach that threatens to undermine Medicaid’s core mission of providing health coverage for low-income and disabled Americans. Read the full article at Buffalo News
Learn why drug price controls don't work
Don’t Buy Kamala Harris’ Anti-Price Gouging Plan
That may sound like standard progressive fare. But the means by which she’d try to achieve those goals is a scheme of price controls that could destroy entire sectors of the U.S. economy. Read the full article at Forbes
Learn why support for single-payer continues to fall
Kamala Harris aims to hide her long record of backing Medicare for All
Just 37% of likely voters support a government takeover of the country’s health insurance system and a concomitant ban on private health insurance, according to a survey conducted by Echelon Insights and sponsored by the Pacific Research Institute. And support for such a single-payer system has been eroding, dropping three ...
Read the latest on the Harris grocery price gouging plan
Kamala Harris is wrong. The ‘California Way,’ not corporate greed, hikes grocery prices
Harris is right: we’re paying more at the grocery store these days. According to the Federal Reserve, food prices are up about 20 percent compared to when Harris became vice president. But when looking for a culprit for rising food prices, economists suggest Harris should look in the mirror – ...
Read the latest on Biden administration's drug price controls
Drug Price Controls Underperform, Unworkable
According to the White House, the program will save the federal government an estimated $6 billion in 2026, the first year the new prices will be in effect, while reducing costs for seniors by $1.5 billion. Those figures might seem impressive. But they are almost certainly inflated. In fact, it’s ...
Learn about the damage from lawsuit abuse
Tort Abuses Threat To Innovation And Product Availability
Not only is continued invention necessary for expanding our prosperity, but it is also key for mitigating problems such as global climate change or finding new technologies and treatments for troubling health conditions. Take the state and municipal lawsuits being filed against energy companies as an example. When announcing his ...
Read the latest about the problems with PBMs
Insulin Lawsuits Obscure A Dirty Business
The plaintiffs say they’re fighting for patients. They’re less forthcoming about the fact that they’ve profited handsomely from the system they’re now decrying. For years, these cities and states have insisted on a cut—if not all—of the rebates that these pharmacy benefit managers extract from drug makers when negotiating over ...
Read the latest about VP Harris' healthcare platform
Harris commits to worst of Biden healthcare policies
One proposal Harris has explicitly backed would enshrine President Joe Biden’s enhanced Obamacare subsidies, which are slated to expire in 2025. “Republicans want to let those credits expire, increasing premiums,” the Democratic platform asserts. “Democrats will fight to make them permanent.” Read the full article at the Washington Examiner
Read the latest on the new PRI book
Adopting policies the ‘California Way’ could skyrocket energy costs
Ask any Californian paying their summer power bills and they’ll tell you a different story. Government data also offers a fact check – Energy Information Administration figures show the average monthly price of electricity was 34.3 cents per kilowatt hour in May (second to Hawaii), compared to 14.7 cents in ...