

Women belong in the boardroom — but not because the government forces it

California has passed a bill that would, if signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown by Sept. 30, force every publicly-traded company in the state to place a certain number of women on their corporate boards. The legislation’s proponents are sending a clear message that women do not have the ...

Free-market Environmentalism

Many of you may be unaware, but this past week was National Clean Energy Week. And, while many economically harmful policies have been proposed in pursuit of clean, efficient, and cost-effective renewable energy, the goal is worthwhile. It just matters how we get there. The Clean Capitalist Coalition (full disclosure, I participate in ...

Dr. Henry Miller Publishes New Federalist Society White Paper on Regulation of Food & Ag Biotech

We Need Smarter Regulation of Food and Agricultural Biotechnology By John J. Cohrseen and Henry I. Miller EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the early 1970s a group of scientists — none involved in agriculture or food — raised concerns about the hypothetical hazards that might arise from the use of the newly ...

The problem with single-payer? Eventually, you run out of other people’s money

Democrats have made a complete government takeover of the healthcare system the linchpin of their pitch to voters in this fall’s elections. Former President Obama, who supported single payer before he was against it when promoting Obamacare, is now for it again. In a September 7 speech at the University ...

Despite Obamacare, healthcare spending is spiraling out of control

Former President Barack Obama promised the Affordable Care Act would bend “the cost curve and [start] to reduce costs for families, businesses, and government.” But his pledge has gone unfulfilled – patients and taxpayers are spending record amounts on healthcare. This year, total healthcare spending will increase 5.3 percent, according ...
Business & Economics

The Opportunity Created by California’s Overly-Generous Public Pensions

Americans are facing two very different pension outlooks. Most private sector workers contribute to 401(k) plans (which are often matched by employers), and rely on investments, savings, and Social Security for their retirement. But, their savings is inadequate. According to a 2018 survey by Northwestern Mutual, 33 percent of Baby Boomers ...

Would Prop. 10 Reduce California’s High Housing Costs? Basic Economics Says No.

Californians will be faced with a dozen voter propositions on Election Day. None is more important than Proposition 10, which would allow local governments to enact rent control laws. The outcome will have a profound effect on California’s housing crisis. Prop 10 would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act of ...
Business & Economics

CAFE Standards versus Public Opinion

Calls for stricter environmental mandates contradict the broad public consensus on global warming. According to a 2018 report by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, seven out of ten Americans believe global warming is happening and six out of ten say they are at least “somewhat worried”. Other polls differ ...

Doctor Shortage Will Only Worsen Under Single-Payer

America’s doctor shortage is becoming more and more severe. The Association of American Medical Colleges recently projected a shortfall of up to 120,000 physicians by 2030. ObamaCare didn’t cause this crisis. But it has made the problem worse. The law created countless administrative headaches for doctors. Some have responded by ...

Free Med School Won’t Solve the Doctor Shortage

The New York University School of Medicine just eliminated tuition for all current and future students. Administrators believe the reform will help solve the nation’s doctor shortage. Dean Robert Grossman suggests that “without the prospect of overwhelming financial debt,” more people will pursue medical careers. And they’ll be more willing ...

Women belong in the boardroom — but not because the government forces it

California has passed a bill that would, if signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown by Sept. 30, force every publicly-traded company in the state to place a certain number of women on their corporate boards. The legislation’s proponents are sending a clear message that women do not have the ...

Free-market Environmentalism

Many of you may be unaware, but this past week was National Clean Energy Week. And, while many economically harmful policies have been proposed in pursuit of clean, efficient, and cost-effective renewable energy, the goal is worthwhile. It just matters how we get there. The Clean Capitalist Coalition (full disclosure, I participate in ...

Dr. Henry Miller Publishes New Federalist Society White Paper on Regulation of Food & Ag Biotech

We Need Smarter Regulation of Food and Agricultural Biotechnology By John J. Cohrseen and Henry I. Miller EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the early 1970s a group of scientists — none involved in agriculture or food — raised concerns about the hypothetical hazards that might arise from the use of the newly ...

The problem with single-payer? Eventually, you run out of other people’s money

Democrats have made a complete government takeover of the healthcare system the linchpin of their pitch to voters in this fall’s elections. Former President Obama, who supported single payer before he was against it when promoting Obamacare, is now for it again. In a September 7 speech at the University ...

Despite Obamacare, healthcare spending is spiraling out of control

Former President Barack Obama promised the Affordable Care Act would bend “the cost curve and [start] to reduce costs for families, businesses, and government.” But his pledge has gone unfulfilled – patients and taxpayers are spending record amounts on healthcare. This year, total healthcare spending will increase 5.3 percent, according ...
Business & Economics

The Opportunity Created by California’s Overly-Generous Public Pensions

Americans are facing two very different pension outlooks. Most private sector workers contribute to 401(k) plans (which are often matched by employers), and rely on investments, savings, and Social Security for their retirement. But, their savings is inadequate. According to a 2018 survey by Northwestern Mutual, 33 percent of Baby Boomers ...

Would Prop. 10 Reduce California’s High Housing Costs? Basic Economics Says No.

Californians will be faced with a dozen voter propositions on Election Day. None is more important than Proposition 10, which would allow local governments to enact rent control laws. The outcome will have a profound effect on California’s housing crisis. Prop 10 would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act of ...
Business & Economics

CAFE Standards versus Public Opinion

Calls for stricter environmental mandates contradict the broad public consensus on global warming. According to a 2018 report by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, seven out of ten Americans believe global warming is happening and six out of ten say they are at least “somewhat worried”. Other polls differ ...

Doctor Shortage Will Only Worsen Under Single-Payer

America’s doctor shortage is becoming more and more severe. The Association of American Medical Colleges recently projected a shortfall of up to 120,000 physicians by 2030. ObamaCare didn’t cause this crisis. But it has made the problem worse. The law created countless administrative headaches for doctors. Some have responded by ...

Free Med School Won’t Solve the Doctor Shortage

The New York University School of Medicine just eliminated tuition for all current and future students. Administrators believe the reform will help solve the nation’s doctor shortage. Dean Robert Grossman suggests that “without the prospect of overwhelming financial debt,” more people will pursue medical careers. And they’ll be more willing ...
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