Learn about the problems with LA's Measure ULA
Yet another example of a tax that didn’t live up to its promises
Measure ULA, approved by nearly 58% of the voters, initially imposed a 4% “mansion tax” on the sales of any homes or commercial properties valued at more than $5 million. The rate jumped to 5.5% on sales above $10 million. The thresholds increased to $5.15 million and $10.3 million on ...
Kerry Jackson
September 20, 2024
Read about the Trump and Harris health care plans
Trump Has a Plan for Healthcare
Harris, by contrast, has been mum on whether she continues to support a government takeover of the health insurance system as she did during her first run for the presidency. Instead, she has said that she wants to strengthen the Affordable Care Act and extend President Joe Biden’s ruinously expensive scheme ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 20, 2024
Learn about the latest problems with Obamacare
Americans Don’t Want Obamacare’s High Maintenance
At last week’s presidential debate, Vice President Kamala Harris was asked about her previous support for Medicare For All, a $44 trillion proposal that would outlaw private insurance. She backed away from the questions, saying, “What we need to do is maintain and grow the Affordable Care Act.” Read the full ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 18, 2024
Drug Companies Are Embracing Direct-To-Consumer Sales. That’s A Win For Patients.
Fortunately, that’s starting to change. In recent months, drug companies Pfizer and Eli Lilly have begun rolling out direct-to-consumer programs that let patients purchase basic prescriptions remotely. This development is a huge win for patients. Not only are direct-to-consumer offerings more convenient. They can also provide a jolt of competition ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 16, 2024
Kamala Harris’ worst plan yet: bringing the NHS to America
Something, of course, must be done. Less than one in four people are satisfied with the NHS and its outdated centralised system of universal coverage, which routinely fails to provide adequate services. Some 7.6 million patients, including individuals suffering from cancer, are waiting to start treatment. About half have waited ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 14, 2024
Read the latest about the problems with Obamacare
Junk Health Insurance? It’s Called Obamacare
The exchanges, in other words, are failing at one of their most fundamental jobs: expanding access to quality health care. Taxpayers cannot afford to divert yet more public money to subsidizing substandard exchange plans, as Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris has called for. Read the full article at Newsmax
Sally C. Pipes
September 12, 2024
‘California way’ offers a preview of a Harris’ presidency
Suppose Ms. Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz, who has governed Minnesota as if he were following the Golden State playbook, are elected. In that case, voters can expect the California way to guide a future administration. Read the full article at the Washington Times
Kerry Jackson and Tim Anaya
September 10, 2024
Learn why drug price controls don't work
The Expected Consequences Of Price Controls
The intended consequence of the policy is to reduce overall spending on drugs, but all regulations have unintended consequences, too. While these consequences may be unintended, they need not be unexpected. In the case of the IRA, these unintended impacts now threaten to undermine the entire purpose of the policy. ...
Wayne Winegarden
September 9, 2024
Trump is wrong about IVF
That is certainly true. But socializing coverage of IVF, or mandating that insurance pays for it, draws from the same Democratic playbook that has caused the cost of health coverage to surge. Read the full article at the Washington Examiner
Sally C. Pipes
September 6, 2024
This November, Choose Wisely on Healthcare
And the two political parties have wildly different approaches to solving that problem. The Democrats believe that subjecting more of our healthcare system to government control is the answer. Republicans argue that competition, free markets, and private-sector ingenuity can bring about better care at lower cost. Read the full article ...
Sally C. Pipes
September 5, 2024
Learn about the problems with LA's Measure ULA
Yet another example of a tax that didn’t live up to its promises
Measure ULA, approved by nearly 58% of the voters, initially imposed a 4% “mansion tax” on the sales of any homes or commercial properties valued at more than $5 million. The rate jumped to 5.5% on sales above $10 million. The thresholds increased to $5.15 million and $10.3 million on ...
Read about the Trump and Harris health care plans
Trump Has a Plan for Healthcare
Harris, by contrast, has been mum on whether she continues to support a government takeover of the health insurance system as she did during her first run for the presidency. Instead, she has said that she wants to strengthen the Affordable Care Act and extend President Joe Biden’s ruinously expensive scheme ...
Learn about the latest problems with Obamacare
Americans Don’t Want Obamacare’s High Maintenance
At last week’s presidential debate, Vice President Kamala Harris was asked about her previous support for Medicare For All, a $44 trillion proposal that would outlaw private insurance. She backed away from the questions, saying, “What we need to do is maintain and grow the Affordable Care Act.” Read the full ...
Drug Companies Are Embracing Direct-To-Consumer Sales. That’s A Win For Patients.
Fortunately, that’s starting to change. In recent months, drug companies Pfizer and Eli Lilly have begun rolling out direct-to-consumer programs that let patients purchase basic prescriptions remotely. This development is a huge win for patients. Not only are direct-to-consumer offerings more convenient. They can also provide a jolt of competition ...
Kamala Harris’ worst plan yet: bringing the NHS to America
Something, of course, must be done. Less than one in four people are satisfied with the NHS and its outdated centralised system of universal coverage, which routinely fails to provide adequate services. Some 7.6 million patients, including individuals suffering from cancer, are waiting to start treatment. About half have waited ...
Read the latest about the problems with Obamacare
Junk Health Insurance? It’s Called Obamacare
The exchanges, in other words, are failing at one of their most fundamental jobs: expanding access to quality health care. Taxpayers cannot afford to divert yet more public money to subsidizing substandard exchange plans, as Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris has called for. Read the full article at Newsmax
‘California way’ offers a preview of a Harris’ presidency
Suppose Ms. Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz, who has governed Minnesota as if he were following the Golden State playbook, are elected. In that case, voters can expect the California way to guide a future administration. Read the full article at the Washington Times
Learn why drug price controls don't work
The Expected Consequences Of Price Controls
The intended consequence of the policy is to reduce overall spending on drugs, but all regulations have unintended consequences, too. While these consequences may be unintended, they need not be unexpected. In the case of the IRA, these unintended impacts now threaten to undermine the entire purpose of the policy. ...
Trump is wrong about IVF
That is certainly true. But socializing coverage of IVF, or mandating that insurance pays for it, draws from the same Democratic playbook that has caused the cost of health coverage to surge. Read the full article at the Washington Examiner
This November, Choose Wisely on Healthcare
And the two political parties have wildly different approaches to solving that problem. The Democrats believe that subjecting more of our healthcare system to government control is the answer. Republicans argue that competition, free markets, and private-sector ingenuity can bring about better care at lower cost. Read the full article ...