

Universal Government Preschool is a Bad Idea

By Lance Izumi and Kerry McDonald Back in 2006, California voters decisively rejected liberal Hollywood director/activist Rob Reiner’s ballot initiative that would have provided government preschool to all four-year-olds. Yet, like a bad penny, efforts to resurrect universal government preschool keep turning up. California’s newly elected governor Gavin Newsom campaigned ...

New Trump rule could help small business employees afford health insurance

The Trump administration recently proposed a new rule. that could make health insurance more affordable, and stands to impact 10 million American workers by 2028. It’s sorely needed. Many firms are dropping coverage because the premiums are just too expensive. They may want to help their workers with the cost of health ...

Don’t let Elizabeth Warren ruin the generic drug market

On Dec. 18, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., introduced the Affordable Drug Manufacturing Act. The bill would create an Office of Drug Manufacturing to produce and sell generic medications. Warren hopes this government entity would solve “market failures” — her term for generic drug shortages and steep price hikes on off-patent medicines. The plan is ...

Blame Government Regulations for America’s Uninsured Problem

The number of uninsured Americans is rising. Last year, 27.4 million Americans went without health insurance, an increase of 700,000 from 2016, according to a just-published analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Government mandates deserve much of the blame. Regulations and red tape have driven premiums through the roof, pricing many Americans ...
Business & Economics

Let’s Hope a Trade Agreement with Xi Jinping Is In The Works

Americans of all stripes should be able to unite in support of trade. It’s fundamental to a diverse and healthy economy. Robust U.S. trade relationships around the world are also critical to the national economy. That’s especially true in California. The state leads the country in exports, totaling $171.9 billion ...

California’s energy mandates amount to state-legislated energy poverty

Every Californian wants to conserve energy and see cleaner air and water in the Golden State. But in their quest to safeguard the state’s environment for future generations, Sacramento policymakers have put in place an overzealous regulatory scheme that negatively impacts poor and minority communities. The new Pacific Research Institute ...

American Life Expectancy Would Be Worse — But For The U.S. Health Care System

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just revealed some disturbing news — life expectancy in the United States has declined for the third consecutive year. The last time that happened was a century ago, during a four-year stretch that included World War I and a global flu pandemic. The ...

Supermajority in Sacramento portends bad bills

Humorist Will Rogers quite appropriately warned the country nearly a century ago about the dangers of Congress meeting the next morning. He encouraged all Americans to pray: “Oh Lord, give us strength to bear that which is about to be inflicted upon us. Be merciful with them, oh Lord, for ...

A Cost-Saving Medical Revolution If We Can Finance It

Despite the constant barrage of negative news, this is an exciting time for patients. Truly innovative medicines and gene therapies are under development. New gene therapies are particularly exciting because these therapies do not just treat diseases – they often cure them by fixing underlying genetic defects, frequently with only ...

‘Unconstitutional’ ObamaCare is deeply flawed, and it’s time to do away with it

Last week, a federal district court judge in Texas ruled that ObamaCare – in its entirety – is unconstitutional. ObamaCare’s defenders plan to appeal the decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court, if necessary. The legal fight could drag on for ...

Universal Government Preschool is a Bad Idea

By Lance Izumi and Kerry McDonald Back in 2006, California voters decisively rejected liberal Hollywood director/activist Rob Reiner’s ballot initiative that would have provided government preschool to all four-year-olds. Yet, like a bad penny, efforts to resurrect universal government preschool keep turning up. California’s newly elected governor Gavin Newsom campaigned ...

New Trump rule could help small business employees afford health insurance

The Trump administration recently proposed a new rule. that could make health insurance more affordable, and stands to impact 10 million American workers by 2028. It’s sorely needed. Many firms are dropping coverage because the premiums are just too expensive. They may want to help their workers with the cost of health ...

Don’t let Elizabeth Warren ruin the generic drug market

On Dec. 18, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., introduced the Affordable Drug Manufacturing Act. The bill would create an Office of Drug Manufacturing to produce and sell generic medications. Warren hopes this government entity would solve “market failures” — her term for generic drug shortages and steep price hikes on off-patent medicines. The plan is ...

Blame Government Regulations for America’s Uninsured Problem

The number of uninsured Americans is rising. Last year, 27.4 million Americans went without health insurance, an increase of 700,000 from 2016, according to a just-published analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Government mandates deserve much of the blame. Regulations and red tape have driven premiums through the roof, pricing many Americans ...
Business & Economics

Let’s Hope a Trade Agreement with Xi Jinping Is In The Works

Americans of all stripes should be able to unite in support of trade. It’s fundamental to a diverse and healthy economy. Robust U.S. trade relationships around the world are also critical to the national economy. That’s especially true in California. The state leads the country in exports, totaling $171.9 billion ...

California’s energy mandates amount to state-legislated energy poverty

Every Californian wants to conserve energy and see cleaner air and water in the Golden State. But in their quest to safeguard the state’s environment for future generations, Sacramento policymakers have put in place an overzealous regulatory scheme that negatively impacts poor and minority communities. The new Pacific Research Institute ...

American Life Expectancy Would Be Worse — But For The U.S. Health Care System

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just revealed some disturbing news — life expectancy in the United States has declined for the third consecutive year. The last time that happened was a century ago, during a four-year stretch that included World War I and a global flu pandemic. The ...

Supermajority in Sacramento portends bad bills

Humorist Will Rogers quite appropriately warned the country nearly a century ago about the dangers of Congress meeting the next morning. He encouraged all Americans to pray: “Oh Lord, give us strength to bear that which is about to be inflicted upon us. Be merciful with them, oh Lord, for ...

A Cost-Saving Medical Revolution If We Can Finance It

Despite the constant barrage of negative news, this is an exciting time for patients. Truly innovative medicines and gene therapies are under development. New gene therapies are particularly exciting because these therapies do not just treat diseases – they often cure them by fixing underlying genetic defects, frequently with only ...

‘Unconstitutional’ ObamaCare is deeply flawed, and it’s time to do away with it

Last week, a federal district court judge in Texas ruled that ObamaCare – in its entirety – is unconstitutional. ObamaCare’s defenders plan to appeal the decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court, if necessary. The legal fight could drag on for ...
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