
Charter Schools

School Riots Underscore Why Parents Prefer School Choice

Over the last two months, riots at public schools across the country have underscored why parents choose safer charter schools for their children. In April, ten Stamford, Connecticut high school students were charged with numerous crimes, including first-degree riot and assault on a police officer, after a riot that involved hundreds of ...

Earth Day: Opposing Progress Trumps Protecting the Planet

By Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D. and Jeff Stier Today is Earth Day, a celebration originally conceived by then-U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis.) and first held in 1970 as a “symbol of environmental responsibility and stewardship.” In the spirit of the time, it was a touchy-feely, consciousness-raising, New Age experience. ...

Pick your poison on Democrats’ health care ideas

More than 100 House Democrats have signed onto a new bill from Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal that would outlaw private insurance and force everyone into a government-run health plan. Some other Democrats are leery of Jayapal’s bid for “Medicare for All.” So they’ve rolled out more “moderate” measures that would ...
Business & Economics

Reform Payment Models to Encourage Gene Therapies

Gene therapies are transformative treatments that fundamentally differ from traditional medical and pharmaceutical options because they modify a patient’s DNA in order to address the genetic causes of diseases. These therapies have the potential to dramatically improve the lives of millions of Americans living with life-threatening or life-altering diseases. Since ...
Business & Economics

To reduce inequality, lawmakers must end government-created burdens to entrepreneurship

Many Sacramento lawmakers have named reducing poverty and economic inequality among their top priorities this session.   They have unveiled a variety of proposals to address these issues, most center around new government programs, increased state spending, and new mandates. As history has shown, bigger government usually doesn’t solve the problem.  ...
Business & Economics

Regulatory Burden Threatens California’s Entrepreneurial Roots

California has been a red-hot destination, and comfortable home, for entrepreneurs at least as far back as the mid-19th Century, when 300,000 fortune hunters swarmed West during the Gold Rush. In 2019, it is still attracting business pioneers. But at the same time, Sacramento operates one of the most obstructionist ...

Does California Have a Future?

Republican California State Assemblyman Vince Fong recently tweeted about California’s 19 percent poverty rate, which he said “is driven by the extreme high cost of living here.” “Yet,” said Fong, “Sacramento continues to pass policies that make it even more expensive.” In a story illustrated by an artist’s rendering of a family in ...
Business & Economics

Reinvigorating Entrepreneurship Is Key to America’s Economic Future

Even during times of strong job and economic growth, as we’re experiencing today, economists are looking for warning signs about future economic distress – after all, it is called the “dismal science”. The fact that entrepreneurship is declining in the United States, and has been for some time, is one ...

Medicare ‘buy-in’ proposals would lead to single-payer system, long waits, care rationing

Many Democratic politicians, including those seeking the party’s presidential nomination, believe bigger government is the solution to America’s health care woes. But a handful of centrist Democrats worry full-fledged “Medicare for all” will spook independents. So they have unveiled several seemingly moderate plans that would allow people to buy into Medicare ...

California, Blinded By Plastic

California, the Los Angeles Times recently reported, is building a “non-plastic future.” The state has outlawed or restricted single-use plastic bags, plastic drinking straws, and plastic cutlery. Future targets: plastic detergent bottles, unattached caps on plastic bottles, and polystyrene containers (typically used to hold restaurant takeout orders), which more than 100 California cities ...
Charter Schools

School Riots Underscore Why Parents Prefer School Choice

Over the last two months, riots at public schools across the country have underscored why parents choose safer charter schools for their children. In April, ten Stamford, Connecticut high school students were charged with numerous crimes, including first-degree riot and assault on a police officer, after a riot that involved hundreds of ...

Earth Day: Opposing Progress Trumps Protecting the Planet

By Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D. and Jeff Stier Today is Earth Day, a celebration originally conceived by then-U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis.) and first held in 1970 as a “symbol of environmental responsibility and stewardship.” In the spirit of the time, it was a touchy-feely, consciousness-raising, New Age experience. ...

Pick your poison on Democrats’ health care ideas

More than 100 House Democrats have signed onto a new bill from Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal that would outlaw private insurance and force everyone into a government-run health plan. Some other Democrats are leery of Jayapal’s bid for “Medicare for All.” So they’ve rolled out more “moderate” measures that would ...
Business & Economics

Reform Payment Models to Encourage Gene Therapies

Gene therapies are transformative treatments that fundamentally differ from traditional medical and pharmaceutical options because they modify a patient’s DNA in order to address the genetic causes of diseases. These therapies have the potential to dramatically improve the lives of millions of Americans living with life-threatening or life-altering diseases. Since ...
Business & Economics

To reduce inequality, lawmakers must end government-created burdens to entrepreneurship

Many Sacramento lawmakers have named reducing poverty and economic inequality among their top priorities this session.   They have unveiled a variety of proposals to address these issues, most center around new government programs, increased state spending, and new mandates. As history has shown, bigger government usually doesn’t solve the problem.  ...
Business & Economics

Regulatory Burden Threatens California’s Entrepreneurial Roots

California has been a red-hot destination, and comfortable home, for entrepreneurs at least as far back as the mid-19th Century, when 300,000 fortune hunters swarmed West during the Gold Rush. In 2019, it is still attracting business pioneers. But at the same time, Sacramento operates one of the most obstructionist ...

Does California Have a Future?

Republican California State Assemblyman Vince Fong recently tweeted about California’s 19 percent poverty rate, which he said “is driven by the extreme high cost of living here.” “Yet,” said Fong, “Sacramento continues to pass policies that make it even more expensive.” In a story illustrated by an artist’s rendering of a family in ...
Business & Economics

Reinvigorating Entrepreneurship Is Key to America’s Economic Future

Even during times of strong job and economic growth, as we’re experiencing today, economists are looking for warning signs about future economic distress – after all, it is called the “dismal science”. The fact that entrepreneurship is declining in the United States, and has been for some time, is one ...

Medicare ‘buy-in’ proposals would lead to single-payer system, long waits, care rationing

Many Democratic politicians, including those seeking the party’s presidential nomination, believe bigger government is the solution to America’s health care woes. But a handful of centrist Democrats worry full-fledged “Medicare for all” will spook independents. So they have unveiled several seemingly moderate plans that would allow people to buy into Medicare ...

California, Blinded By Plastic

California, the Los Angeles Times recently reported, is building a “non-plastic future.” The state has outlawed or restricted single-use plastic bags, plastic drinking straws, and plastic cutlery. Future targets: plastic detergent bottles, unattached caps on plastic bottles, and polystyrene containers (typically used to hold restaurant takeout orders), which more than 100 California cities ...
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