

Are You Getting Anti-Vaccine Information From Russian Propagandists?

The spike in the number of measles cases in the United States is finally garnering the attention it deserves, as the number of new illnesses continues to accelerate. The number of cases in the United States now stands at more than 750, the highest number recorded in a year since the ...

So-called ‘Medicare for All’ gets its 15 minutes of infamy

Last week, the House Rules Committee held a landmark hearing on “Medicare for all.” The idea’s advocates championed the hearing as a major step towards providing Americans universal, government-run healthcare. A day later, the Congressional Budget Office delivered an analysis that detailed just how destructive single-payer healthcare would be. The ...

Yes, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, The VA Is Badly Broken

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently offered a vigorous defense of the Veterans Health Administration, arguing that its problems were a “myth” peddled by Republicans who want to privatize the system. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” she said. One of her fellow Democrats would beg to differ. And he has a relevant ...
Charter Schools

SoCal NAACP Chapters Break with Unions Because Charter Schools Work

While a powerful front of liberal lawmakers and groups push for a moratorium on the creation of new charter schools in California, individual chapters of the NAACP have broken ranks to support charters that are improving the education for thousands of African-American children. To end teacher strikes in Los Angeles and Oakland, local school ...

A Scientist’s Week at the Vatican

Ten years ago this month, I had the experience of a lifetime. I was one of a small group of scholars from around the world who were convened by the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences for a “study week.” Our subject was “Transgenic Plants for Food Security in the Context ...

Hair care’s lessons for health care

The other day, I found myself in a predicament. I was having a bit of a bad hair day. So I went to a Drybar, the chain of quick-service salons, and poof! An hour and $49 later, I was ready for the catwalk. Consider the simple chain of events that transpired. Within ...

FDA Has Problems, But Too-Fast, Too-Lenient Reviews Aren’t Among Them

In its international edition on April 25, the New York Times ran a blatantly anti-Semitic political cartoon that portrayed a blind President Trump wearing a yarmulke being led by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was depicted as a dog wearing a collar with a star of David. It was, ...

High-Speed Alternatives to High-Speed Rail

On the campaign trail, California governor Gavin Newsom expressed support for the state’s high-speed rail project, but he’s been more reticent since taking office earlier this year. In February, he proposed to cut back on the plan because it “would cost too much and . . . take too long,” ...

California Is Moving to Ban Disposable Plastic Statewide

More than a half-century ago, in one of the most famous movie lines of all time, Dustin Hoffman character Benjamin Braddock, fresh out of college, received some unsolicited career advice. “I want to say one word to you. Just one word,” Mr. McGuire told young Benjamin. “Plastics. There’s a great ...

Pharmaceutical Rebates — Keeping The Right Score

Sometimes the important reforms are those that address the mundane details. The Administration’s proposed changes to how pharmaceutical rebates are paid fall into this category. While far from a panacea, this reform could meaningfully improve the pharmaceutical market. For this reason, the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) just released “budget score“ on ...

Are You Getting Anti-Vaccine Information From Russian Propagandists?

The spike in the number of measles cases in the United States is finally garnering the attention it deserves, as the number of new illnesses continues to accelerate. The number of cases in the United States now stands at more than 750, the highest number recorded in a year since the ...

So-called ‘Medicare for All’ gets its 15 minutes of infamy

Last week, the House Rules Committee held a landmark hearing on “Medicare for all.” The idea’s advocates championed the hearing as a major step towards providing Americans universal, government-run healthcare. A day later, the Congressional Budget Office delivered an analysis that detailed just how destructive single-payer healthcare would be. The ...

Yes, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, The VA Is Badly Broken

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently offered a vigorous defense of the Veterans Health Administration, arguing that its problems were a “myth” peddled by Republicans who want to privatize the system. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” she said. One of her fellow Democrats would beg to differ. And he has a relevant ...
Charter Schools

SoCal NAACP Chapters Break with Unions Because Charter Schools Work

While a powerful front of liberal lawmakers and groups push for a moratorium on the creation of new charter schools in California, individual chapters of the NAACP have broken ranks to support charters that are improving the education for thousands of African-American children. To end teacher strikes in Los Angeles and Oakland, local school ...

A Scientist’s Week at the Vatican

Ten years ago this month, I had the experience of a lifetime. I was one of a small group of scholars from around the world who were convened by the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences for a “study week.” Our subject was “Transgenic Plants for Food Security in the Context ...

Hair care’s lessons for health care

The other day, I found myself in a predicament. I was having a bit of a bad hair day. So I went to a Drybar, the chain of quick-service salons, and poof! An hour and $49 later, I was ready for the catwalk. Consider the simple chain of events that transpired. Within ...

FDA Has Problems, But Too-Fast, Too-Lenient Reviews Aren’t Among Them

In its international edition on April 25, the New York Times ran a blatantly anti-Semitic political cartoon that portrayed a blind President Trump wearing a yarmulke being led by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was depicted as a dog wearing a collar with a star of David. It was, ...

High-Speed Alternatives to High-Speed Rail

On the campaign trail, California governor Gavin Newsom expressed support for the state’s high-speed rail project, but he’s been more reticent since taking office earlier this year. In February, he proposed to cut back on the plan because it “would cost too much and . . . take too long,” ...

California Is Moving to Ban Disposable Plastic Statewide

More than a half-century ago, in one of the most famous movie lines of all time, Dustin Hoffman character Benjamin Braddock, fresh out of college, received some unsolicited career advice. “I want to say one word to you. Just one word,” Mr. McGuire told young Benjamin. “Plastics. There’s a great ...

Pharmaceutical Rebates — Keeping The Right Score

Sometimes the important reforms are those that address the mundane details. The Administration’s proposed changes to how pharmaceutical rebates are paid fall into this category. While far from a panacea, this reform could meaningfully improve the pharmaceutical market. For this reason, the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) just released “budget score“ on ...
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