

Foreign drugs import danger

The Trump administration just announced it is taking steps to introduce a “safe importation action” pilot program authorizing states, wholesalers, and pharmacists to import drugs from Canada under one scenario and from other countries under another scenario. There is no specific timeline for implementation of a plan yet. According to the Secretary of ...

Judge Delivers A Big Victory For Affordable Health Care

Just over two weeks ago, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon upheld a Trump administration rule that expands access to short-term, limited duration health plans. The ruling represents a major victory for those in need of affordable health coverage. But the plaintiffs are appealing the ruling. And many states have already ...

Sally Pipes Fox News Op-Ed: Socialized medicine for all is favored by Dem presidential hopefuls – Despite their denials

Health care took center stage when 20 Democratic presidential hopefuls debated in Detroit this week. Only a few candidates pledged to implement “Medicare-for-all.” The rest proposed a variety of plans aimed at achieving universal coverage, which they claimed are more “moderate” alternatives. Don’t believe it. Every Democratic candidate’s plan will ...

PRI’s Henry Miller in the LA Times: A smarter way to curb drug prices through imports

A smarter way to curb drug prices through imports By Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D. and John J. Cohrssen The Trump administration last week announced steps that could lead to the importation of prescription drugs from Canada, where prices are lower. It is a goal supported by President Trump, but long ...
Charter Schools

Read Lance Izumi’s op-ed in the Washington Times: When national teacher unions careen left

As the national teacher unions careen farther and farther left, they now brazenly proclaim politics and power as their goals, while openly dismissing quality education as their priority. Education analyst and retired Los Angeles teacher Larry Sand observed that at the recent annual meeting of the National Education Association, the country’s ...

Californians’ Transportation Choices Should Be Left to Them—Not Bureaucrats

Last month, the Los Angeles Times reported that the Metro system “is hemorrhaging bus riders.” The news was presented as, if not a crisis, at least an urgent matter that needs to be promptly addressed. Yet that’s hardly the case. It’s troubling, we’re supposed to infer, that “passengers have fled” ...

Henry Miller: Food Labeling Follies

California’s Office of Administrative Law (OAL) recently made it official: Your morning cup of coffee won’t give you cancer. Next week’s newsflash probably will be, swallowing an orange seed doesn’t cause a tree to grow in your stomach. After more than a year of legal wrangling, OAL signed off on a proposed ...

Sally Pipes: Bernie Sanders offers wrong solution to cut drug prices

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., again defended his “Medicare-for all” plan Sunday, as he headed from Detroit to the nearby Canadian city of Windsor with a group of diabetics to dramatize the lower cost of insulin in Canada. Sanders is bound to mention his Canadian trip when he debates nine other presidential contenders ...

Berkeley Is Opening The Manhole Of Absurdity In California

Keeping up with the foolishness in California is not difficult. Just look to Berkeley, home of the University of California’s flagship campus. The city continues to go where no other has gone before, deep into pure Blue State madness. Writing last year in National Review, Alexander Nazaryan and Alexandra DeSanctis ...

Wayne Winegarden in Forbes: Inflation Caps Are Price Controls By Another Name

From the time we were toddlers, it has always been tempting to bang the square peg into the round hole. After all, there is always that one square peg that seems like it should just about fit into that round hole, and it would feel so satisfying if it did. ...

Foreign drugs import danger

The Trump administration just announced it is taking steps to introduce a “safe importation action” pilot program authorizing states, wholesalers, and pharmacists to import drugs from Canada under one scenario and from other countries under another scenario. There is no specific timeline for implementation of a plan yet. According to the Secretary of ...

Judge Delivers A Big Victory For Affordable Health Care

Just over two weeks ago, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon upheld a Trump administration rule that expands access to short-term, limited duration health plans. The ruling represents a major victory for those in need of affordable health coverage. But the plaintiffs are appealing the ruling. And many states have already ...

Sally Pipes Fox News Op-Ed: Socialized medicine for all is favored by Dem presidential hopefuls – Despite their denials

Health care took center stage when 20 Democratic presidential hopefuls debated in Detroit this week. Only a few candidates pledged to implement “Medicare-for-all.” The rest proposed a variety of plans aimed at achieving universal coverage, which they claimed are more “moderate” alternatives. Don’t believe it. Every Democratic candidate’s plan will ...

PRI’s Henry Miller in the LA Times: A smarter way to curb drug prices through imports

A smarter way to curb drug prices through imports By Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D. and John J. Cohrssen The Trump administration last week announced steps that could lead to the importation of prescription drugs from Canada, where prices are lower. It is a goal supported by President Trump, but long ...
Charter Schools

Read Lance Izumi’s op-ed in the Washington Times: When national teacher unions careen left

As the national teacher unions careen farther and farther left, they now brazenly proclaim politics and power as their goals, while openly dismissing quality education as their priority. Education analyst and retired Los Angeles teacher Larry Sand observed that at the recent annual meeting of the National Education Association, the country’s ...

Californians’ Transportation Choices Should Be Left to Them—Not Bureaucrats

Last month, the Los Angeles Times reported that the Metro system “is hemorrhaging bus riders.” The news was presented as, if not a crisis, at least an urgent matter that needs to be promptly addressed. Yet that’s hardly the case. It’s troubling, we’re supposed to infer, that “passengers have fled” ...

Henry Miller: Food Labeling Follies

California’s Office of Administrative Law (OAL) recently made it official: Your morning cup of coffee won’t give you cancer. Next week’s newsflash probably will be, swallowing an orange seed doesn’t cause a tree to grow in your stomach. After more than a year of legal wrangling, OAL signed off on a proposed ...

Sally Pipes: Bernie Sanders offers wrong solution to cut drug prices

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., again defended his “Medicare-for all” plan Sunday, as he headed from Detroit to the nearby Canadian city of Windsor with a group of diabetics to dramatize the lower cost of insulin in Canada. Sanders is bound to mention his Canadian trip when he debates nine other presidential contenders ...

Berkeley Is Opening The Manhole Of Absurdity In California

Keeping up with the foolishness in California is not difficult. Just look to Berkeley, home of the University of California’s flagship campus. The city continues to go where no other has gone before, deep into pure Blue State madness. Writing last year in National Review, Alexander Nazaryan and Alexandra DeSanctis ...

Wayne Winegarden in Forbes: Inflation Caps Are Price Controls By Another Name

From the time we were toddlers, it has always been tempting to bang the square peg into the round hole. After all, there is always that one square peg that seems like it should just about fit into that round hole, and it would feel so satisfying if it did. ...
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