

Don’t give Medicaid to illegal immigrants

California just became the first state to offer taxpayer-funded healthcare to all illegal immigrants. As of Jan. 1, every adult in California, regardless of age or legal status, can apply for Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program. Democrats claim the law is about human rights. But taxpayer dollars are finite — something California should understand as it grapples with a ...

Candidates can’t afford silence on health care

Democrats and Republicans are further apart than they’ve been in half a century, according to the Pew Research Center. But nearly 4 in 10 tell pollsters that they’d be open to supporting a candidate from a different political party whose top priority was reducing health care costs. Many Democrats have ...

Read Sally Pipes' latest at Newsmax

Progressives’ Obsession With Coverage Numbers Leaves Patients Behind

Democrats have long based their critique of the U.S healthcare system on the fact that millions of Americans lack insurance. But it’s important to note that many of those folks are uninsured by choice, according to a new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation. And the left’s approach to health policy is ...

Obamacare Advocates Say You’re Better Off With Fewer Choices, Don’t Believe Them

Open enrollment in Obamacare’s exchanges is near its end. Consumers have until Jan. 16 to purchase coverage that will take effect in February. The federal government appears to think that Americans are not equipped to pick a suitable plan. So it’s limiting the number that insurers can offer. According to ...

Why Californicating the United States isn’t going well

New York lost more residents from July 2022 to July 2023 than California, almost 102,000 compared to 75,423, according to the Census Bureau. But it’s the Golden State that has written the how-not-to guide. It’s the trend setter of blue state public policy, “known today for incubating ever more elaborate forms ...
Business & Economics

Read an analysis of the 2024-25 CA proposed budget

Gov. Newsom’s proposed budget fails the moment

Governor Gavin Newsom is wrong. His proposed budget is not “resilient;” it demonstrates an inability to learn the lessons from California’s volatile budget history. The crippling deficit is merely one manifestation of the broader crisis. Newsom estimates a $37.9 billion deficit, about one-half of the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst Office’s (LAO) ...

Is 2024 Finally The Year of a California Homebuilding Breakthrough?

On Jan. 1, a package of housing legislation that was passed in 2023 took effect. Will the results be a homebuilding boom? California’s housing gap is implausibly wide, so it’s going to require a historic effort to catch up. In 2015, the Legislative Analyst’s Office said that “on top of ...

Dear Governors: Just Say ‘No’ To Medicaid Expansion

Once upon a time, Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion seemed like a blue-state fantasy. But that’s hardly the case anymore. Today, 40 states and the District of Columbia have taken advantage of the Affordable Care Act’s move to open the program to able-bodied Americans with incomes below 138% of the federal poverty level. Even ...

House’s New Healthcare Reform Drags Medical Pricing to Sunlight

One of the most glaring deficiencies in America’s healthcare system is its lack of price transparency. For too long, the bottom-line price of everything from prescription drugs to MRI scans and in-patient medical procedures has remained a mystery to most consumers. This is no accident. By obscuring this information, providers, ...

The Rising Costs From Monopoly Utilities And Excessive Energy Mandates

The onset of Winter is once again highlighting the electric grid’s declining reliability. But unlike the cold Winter, a less reliable grid is not inevitable. It is a self-inflicted problem caused by monopoly electricity providers and growing renewable energy mandates that thwart competitive power markets. Instead of creating incentives to ...

Don’t give Medicaid to illegal immigrants

California just became the first state to offer taxpayer-funded healthcare to all illegal immigrants. As of Jan. 1, every adult in California, regardless of age or legal status, can apply for Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program. Democrats claim the law is about human rights. But taxpayer dollars are finite — something California should understand as it grapples with a ...

Candidates can’t afford silence on health care

Democrats and Republicans are further apart than they’ve been in half a century, according to the Pew Research Center. But nearly 4 in 10 tell pollsters that they’d be open to supporting a candidate from a different political party whose top priority was reducing health care costs. Many Democrats have ...

Read Sally Pipes' latest at Newsmax

Progressives’ Obsession With Coverage Numbers Leaves Patients Behind

Democrats have long based their critique of the U.S healthcare system on the fact that millions of Americans lack insurance. But it’s important to note that many of those folks are uninsured by choice, according to a new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation. And the left’s approach to health policy is ...

Obamacare Advocates Say You’re Better Off With Fewer Choices, Don’t Believe Them

Open enrollment in Obamacare’s exchanges is near its end. Consumers have until Jan. 16 to purchase coverage that will take effect in February. The federal government appears to think that Americans are not equipped to pick a suitable plan. So it’s limiting the number that insurers can offer. According to ...

Why Californicating the United States isn’t going well

New York lost more residents from July 2022 to July 2023 than California, almost 102,000 compared to 75,423, according to the Census Bureau. But it’s the Golden State that has written the how-not-to guide. It’s the trend setter of blue state public policy, “known today for incubating ever more elaborate forms ...
Business & Economics

Read an analysis of the 2024-25 CA proposed budget

Gov. Newsom’s proposed budget fails the moment

Governor Gavin Newsom is wrong. His proposed budget is not “resilient;” it demonstrates an inability to learn the lessons from California’s volatile budget history. The crippling deficit is merely one manifestation of the broader crisis. Newsom estimates a $37.9 billion deficit, about one-half of the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst Office’s (LAO) ...

Is 2024 Finally The Year of a California Homebuilding Breakthrough?

On Jan. 1, a package of housing legislation that was passed in 2023 took effect. Will the results be a homebuilding boom? California’s housing gap is implausibly wide, so it’s going to require a historic effort to catch up. In 2015, the Legislative Analyst’s Office said that “on top of ...

Dear Governors: Just Say ‘No’ To Medicaid Expansion

Once upon a time, Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion seemed like a blue-state fantasy. But that’s hardly the case anymore. Today, 40 states and the District of Columbia have taken advantage of the Affordable Care Act’s move to open the program to able-bodied Americans with incomes below 138% of the federal poverty level. Even ...

House’s New Healthcare Reform Drags Medical Pricing to Sunlight

One of the most glaring deficiencies in America’s healthcare system is its lack of price transparency. For too long, the bottom-line price of everything from prescription drugs to MRI scans and in-patient medical procedures has remained a mystery to most consumers. This is no accident. By obscuring this information, providers, ...

The Rising Costs From Monopoly Utilities And Excessive Energy Mandates

The onset of Winter is once again highlighting the electric grid’s declining reliability. But unlike the cold Winter, a less reliable grid is not inevitable. It is a self-inflicted problem caused by monopoly electricity providers and growing renewable energy mandates that thwart competitive power markets. Instead of creating incentives to ...
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