

Across The Atlantic, Nationalized Health Care Is Failing Cancer Patients

The United Kingdom’s National Health Service is failing cancer patients. That’s the grim conclusion of a new study published in the Lancet, a medical journal. Researchers examined five-year survival rates for seven types of cancer in seven “high income” countries. The United Kingdom came in dead last in five of the ...

Small business owners are foolishly supporting ‘Medicare for all’

Small business owners are coming around to “Medicare for all,” according to a new national survey from the Commonwealth Fund. About 34% of the firms polled said they strongly supported “Medicare for all.” An additional 24% are somewhat on board. These firms need to realize that “Medicare for all” would raise costs for them ...

It’s the Illegal Products, Stupid

There’s an old joke about the drunk who’s hunting for his lost keys under the streetlamp, not because he thinks they’re there, but because the light is good. Well, that’s what federal and state officials are doing to address two recent major public health threats: opioid overdoses and vaping-related illnesses. ...

ObamaCare, not Trump, is adding to the number of uninsured Americans

On Sept. 10, the Census Bureau announced that the share of Americans without health insurance increased for the first time since 2010, the year the Affordable Care Act became law. Defenders of ObamaCare immediately blamed President Trump for the increase in the uninsured rate. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, never one to mince words, said ...

Much Of The Buzz About Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Is Wrong

Genetic engineering has delivered monumental scientific, technological, and humanitarian achievements – from producing human insulin in bacteria and gene therapy to treat genetic diseases to increasing food security and reducing malnutrition in developing countries.  But it continues to face brickbats, sometimes from unexpected directions. The most recent were directed at ...

What Journalists and Politicians Are Getting Wrong About Trump Revoking California’s Mileage Waiver

One might think that President Donald Trump said he was going to order the U.S. Air Force to bomb California, given the reaction when he announced that his administration was revoking the state’s waiver allowing it to set its own auto fuel-economy and greenhouse gas emissions standards. The responses included ...

Medicare for all means Medicare for none

Cheryl Gilarski has had enough health problems to last a lifetime. The 60-year-old Canadian recently shared her story with the CBC, Canada’s national broadcasting company. Her troubles began two decades ago, when doctors diagnosed her with an atrial flutter, a condition that causes the heart to beat rapidly and irregularly. ...
Climate Change

The Rush To Renewable Energy Defies Science, Economics, And Common Sense

Whether it’s the Green New Deal, in which climate change abatement is only one of several radical proposals, or the general brainwashing of the younger generations about the impending end of the world, the absence of rational analysis and the willful ignorance of facts is counterproductive. Rather than promoting a ...

The real cost of ‘Medicare for All’ could be American lives

During the most recent Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders made the case for Medicare for All, saying, “We need a health care system that guarantees health care to all people as every other major country does.” Sanders is right to point out the similarities between his plan and government-run ...

Henry Miller Joins the Lars Larson Show

Henry Miller discussed the dangers of genetically modified mosquito and how regulations could be blocking more safe sunscreen from being sold in the United States on the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show. You can listen to Henry’s interview starting at the 46:00 minute mark.

Across The Atlantic, Nationalized Health Care Is Failing Cancer Patients

The United Kingdom’s National Health Service is failing cancer patients. That’s the grim conclusion of a new study published in the Lancet, a medical journal. Researchers examined five-year survival rates for seven types of cancer in seven “high income” countries. The United Kingdom came in dead last in five of the ...

Small business owners are foolishly supporting ‘Medicare for all’

Small business owners are coming around to “Medicare for all,” according to a new national survey from the Commonwealth Fund. About 34% of the firms polled said they strongly supported “Medicare for all.” An additional 24% are somewhat on board. These firms need to realize that “Medicare for all” would raise costs for them ...

It’s the Illegal Products, Stupid

There’s an old joke about the drunk who’s hunting for his lost keys under the streetlamp, not because he thinks they’re there, but because the light is good. Well, that’s what federal and state officials are doing to address two recent major public health threats: opioid overdoses and vaping-related illnesses. ...

ObamaCare, not Trump, is adding to the number of uninsured Americans

On Sept. 10, the Census Bureau announced that the share of Americans without health insurance increased for the first time since 2010, the year the Affordable Care Act became law. Defenders of ObamaCare immediately blamed President Trump for the increase in the uninsured rate. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, never one to mince words, said ...

Much Of The Buzz About Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Is Wrong

Genetic engineering has delivered monumental scientific, technological, and humanitarian achievements – from producing human insulin in bacteria and gene therapy to treat genetic diseases to increasing food security and reducing malnutrition in developing countries.  But it continues to face brickbats, sometimes from unexpected directions. The most recent were directed at ...

What Journalists and Politicians Are Getting Wrong About Trump Revoking California’s Mileage Waiver

One might think that President Donald Trump said he was going to order the U.S. Air Force to bomb California, given the reaction when he announced that his administration was revoking the state’s waiver allowing it to set its own auto fuel-economy and greenhouse gas emissions standards. The responses included ...

Medicare for all means Medicare for none

Cheryl Gilarski has had enough health problems to last a lifetime. The 60-year-old Canadian recently shared her story with the CBC, Canada’s national broadcasting company. Her troubles began two decades ago, when doctors diagnosed her with an atrial flutter, a condition that causes the heart to beat rapidly and irregularly. ...
Climate Change

The Rush To Renewable Energy Defies Science, Economics, And Common Sense

Whether it’s the Green New Deal, in which climate change abatement is only one of several radical proposals, or the general brainwashing of the younger generations about the impending end of the world, the absence of rational analysis and the willful ignorance of facts is counterproductive. Rather than promoting a ...

The real cost of ‘Medicare for All’ could be American lives

During the most recent Democratic presidential debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders made the case for Medicare for All, saying, “We need a health care system that guarantees health care to all people as every other major country does.” Sanders is right to point out the similarities between his plan and government-run ...

Henry Miller Joins the Lars Larson Show

Henry Miller discussed the dangers of genetically modified mosquito and how regulations could be blocking more safe sunscreen from being sold in the United States on the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show. You can listen to Henry’s interview starting at the 46:00 minute mark.
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