

There Are High Costs From Implementing Drug Price Controls

Once wide coercive powers are given to government agencies…such powers cannot be effectively controlled. F.A. Hayek As part of the chorus calling for drug price controls, the New York Times editorial page has claimed that “Americans will need to accept a trade-off that other advanced nations long since come around to: Slightly ...

No, There’s No Wild Bee-pocalypse, Either!

Did you catch the story about the swarm of 25,000 bees that had to be captured and removed (by a special police unit, no less) from the Staten Island Ferry Station in New York City? After many years of media reports about honeybees and wild bees dying off, you’d think ...

Tales of Woe: How Dysfunctional Regulation Has Decimated Entire Sectors of Biotechnology

“To observe government is to observe the absence of accountability,” James Freeman wrote in the Wall Street Journal.1  That’s certainly true of unwise regulation of many innovative technologies; and modern biotechnology, also known as “genetic engineering (GE)” or “genetic modification (GM),” perhaps along with civilian applications of nuclear power, could be ...
Charter Schools

Warren’s ‘Big Fat Payoff to the Unions’ Education Plan

Recently, Senator Elizabeth Warren released her education plan titled “A Great Public School Education for Every Student,” but the scheme should have been named “My Big Fat Payoff to the Teacher Unions.” The publicity splash in Warren’s plan is her call to quadruple funding for the federal Title I program, which funnels ...

TennCare block grant will serve as blueprint for the country

Tennessee has a plan to revolutionize health care for its low-income residents. The Volunteer State is petitioning the federal government to fund its Medicaid program, TennCare, with an annual lump-sum payment. The Medicaid funding status quo, wherein the federal government matches every dollar a state spends on the program, encourages ...

Warren’s ‘Medicare-for-all’ is financial fantasy – There’s no way to do this fuzzy math

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has released her plan for financing “Medicare-for-all.” She claims it’ll cost “just” $20.5 trillion in new federal spending over 10 years, with, in her words, “not one penny in middle-class tax increases.” Warren has little choice but to indulge in fuzzy math. After all, doubling everyone’s ...

Five Things The President Can Do To Confront And Prevent A Homelessness Tsunami

By Lance Izumi and Michele Steeb The Los Angeles Times recently reported that over 75 percent of those living on the streets in California’s largest city are struggling with mental illness, substance abuse, or a physical disability. Most of us would not call this “newsworthy.” As we walk the streets of Los Angeles, ...

It’s No Surprise Republicans Are Leaving Liberals To Fester In High-Cost California

It was a New York governor, not one in California, who said conservatives weren’t welcome in the state. But apparently conservatives out here are getting the message. A recent poll found that 46 percent of those who consider themselves “very conservative” have considered leaving California. Overall, the “high cost of ...

California Power Outages — A Look Into The Future

California’s Great Blackout of 2019 has begun as the lights keep going out for millions across the state’s northern stretches. What should be the past now seems to be the future. Pacific Gas and Electric began shutting down power early the morning of Oct. 9, when electricity was cut to ...

Trump’s executive order strengthens Medicare in face of ‘Medicare-for-All’ threat

Earlier this month, President Trump signed an executive order designed to defend Medicare against the threat of “Medicare-for-all.” Speaking to a crowd in The Villages, Florida, the president promised that his order would “strengthen, protect, and defend Medicare for all of our senior citizens.” This order couldn’t come at a better time. As Democratic ...

There Are High Costs From Implementing Drug Price Controls

Once wide coercive powers are given to government agencies…such powers cannot be effectively controlled. F.A. Hayek As part of the chorus calling for drug price controls, the New York Times editorial page has claimed that “Americans will need to accept a trade-off that other advanced nations long since come around to: Slightly ...

No, There’s No Wild Bee-pocalypse, Either!

Did you catch the story about the swarm of 25,000 bees that had to be captured and removed (by a special police unit, no less) from the Staten Island Ferry Station in New York City? After many years of media reports about honeybees and wild bees dying off, you’d think ...

Tales of Woe: How Dysfunctional Regulation Has Decimated Entire Sectors of Biotechnology

“To observe government is to observe the absence of accountability,” James Freeman wrote in the Wall Street Journal.1  That’s certainly true of unwise regulation of many innovative technologies; and modern biotechnology, also known as “genetic engineering (GE)” or “genetic modification (GM),” perhaps along with civilian applications of nuclear power, could be ...
Charter Schools

Warren’s ‘Big Fat Payoff to the Unions’ Education Plan

Recently, Senator Elizabeth Warren released her education plan titled “A Great Public School Education for Every Student,” but the scheme should have been named “My Big Fat Payoff to the Teacher Unions.” The publicity splash in Warren’s plan is her call to quadruple funding for the federal Title I program, which funnels ...

TennCare block grant will serve as blueprint for the country

Tennessee has a plan to revolutionize health care for its low-income residents. The Volunteer State is petitioning the federal government to fund its Medicaid program, TennCare, with an annual lump-sum payment. The Medicaid funding status quo, wherein the federal government matches every dollar a state spends on the program, encourages ...

Warren’s ‘Medicare-for-all’ is financial fantasy – There’s no way to do this fuzzy math

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has released her plan for financing “Medicare-for-all.” She claims it’ll cost “just” $20.5 trillion in new federal spending over 10 years, with, in her words, “not one penny in middle-class tax increases.” Warren has little choice but to indulge in fuzzy math. After all, doubling everyone’s ...

Five Things The President Can Do To Confront And Prevent A Homelessness Tsunami

By Lance Izumi and Michele Steeb The Los Angeles Times recently reported that over 75 percent of those living on the streets in California’s largest city are struggling with mental illness, substance abuse, or a physical disability. Most of us would not call this “newsworthy.” As we walk the streets of Los Angeles, ...

It’s No Surprise Republicans Are Leaving Liberals To Fester In High-Cost California

It was a New York governor, not one in California, who said conservatives weren’t welcome in the state. But apparently conservatives out here are getting the message. A recent poll found that 46 percent of those who consider themselves “very conservative” have considered leaving California. Overall, the “high cost of ...

California Power Outages — A Look Into The Future

California’s Great Blackout of 2019 has begun as the lights keep going out for millions across the state’s northern stretches. What should be the past now seems to be the future. Pacific Gas and Electric began shutting down power early the morning of Oct. 9, when electricity was cut to ...

Trump’s executive order strengthens Medicare in face of ‘Medicare-for-All’ threat

Earlier this month, President Trump signed an executive order designed to defend Medicare against the threat of “Medicare-for-all.” Speaking to a crowd in The Villages, Florida, the president promised that his order would “strengthen, protect, and defend Medicare for all of our senior citizens.” This order couldn’t come at a better time. As Democratic ...
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