

Losing to China: US students perform poorly on key international test

Results for the latest administration of the Program for International Student Assessment, a key exam given to 15-year-old students worldwide, show poor performance in reading and math among U.S. students, with the Common Core national standards and aligned curriculum a likely significant contributing factor. The PISA exam tests reading, math, ...

USMCA Will Help American Patients

President Trump has often said that he wants to lower drug prices, in part by ending foreign “freeloading.” That’s a laudable goal. Through price controls and other ham-handed policies, too many nations undervalue medical innovation. This leaves Americans with the majority of the world’s research burden. Unfortunately, in an attempt ...

Gig Economy Firms Fight California Overreach with $110 Million Initiative

In a rational response to Assembly Bill 5, which in effect outlaws the gig economy, ride-share and delivery companies have proposed a November 2020 ballot measure aimed at protecting their businesses. But it wouldn’t repeal the law. Shouldn’t that have been the goal? AB 5 doesn’t leave businesses much time to adapt. It becomes law ...

The Stanford Paradox: An Oasis of Scientific Achievement in a Desert of Political Correctness

Stanford University offers a puzzling paradox. On one hand, hardly a month passes without news of a genuinely significant breakthrough in some field of science or technology. One week it might be the discovery that an unorthodox arrangement of wind turbines increases energy output; the next, the discovery of new ...

Industry Voices—Canada’s cautionary tale on ‘Medicare for All’

Proponents of “Medicare for All” claim that Canada’s government-run health system delivers high-quality care for a fraction of what we pay in the U.S. Presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s campaign website, for example, praises Canada’s low costs for certain procedures. In a recent interview from the campaign trail, Sen. Bernie Sanders expressed amazement that Canadians “could ...
Business & Economics

Want to end poverty in California? Embrace entrepreneurship.

Sacramento politicians have heralded the state’s record-low 4.0 percent unemployment figures.  While this is good news, anyone living in Southern California will tell you that things aren’t as rosy as they appear to be. Take what’s going on in Imperial County, for example.  Unemployment rates in the El Centro region, which borders ...

Healthcare’s 20-week waiting period

You can do a lot in 20 weeks. Take a semester of college classes and have time for a five-week vacation. Watch an entire NFL season, including the first few rounds of the playoffs. Even earn a private pilot’s license. Or, if you’re Canadian, you can spend 20 weeks waiting ...

Surprising findings about your life expectancy and US health care

Do Americans live in a health care hellscape? A report out this week would seem to indicate as much – but that first impression is deceiving. “U.S. life expectancy has not kept pace with that of other wealthy countries and is now decreasing,” concluded the report, published by the medical journal JAMA. Or, as ...

Trump drug pricing proposal would doom future cures

President Trump wants to make a deal on drug prices. But his latest proposal could grind medical innovation to a halt. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said last week that the president was looking for “most favored nation status,” whereby the United States got “the best deal among ...

San Francisco Mayor: Hardest Job in America?

London Breed breezed through her re-election at the beginning of the month, taking almost 70% of the vote in San Francisco’s mayoral race. But in winning, she might have also lost. No big-city mayor in the country has a tougher job ahead of them. San Francisco’s troubles start with a ...

Losing to China: US students perform poorly on key international test

Results for the latest administration of the Program for International Student Assessment, a key exam given to 15-year-old students worldwide, show poor performance in reading and math among U.S. students, with the Common Core national standards and aligned curriculum a likely significant contributing factor. The PISA exam tests reading, math, ...

USMCA Will Help American Patients

President Trump has often said that he wants to lower drug prices, in part by ending foreign “freeloading.” That’s a laudable goal. Through price controls and other ham-handed policies, too many nations undervalue medical innovation. This leaves Americans with the majority of the world’s research burden. Unfortunately, in an attempt ...

Gig Economy Firms Fight California Overreach with $110 Million Initiative

In a rational response to Assembly Bill 5, which in effect outlaws the gig economy, ride-share and delivery companies have proposed a November 2020 ballot measure aimed at protecting their businesses. But it wouldn’t repeal the law. Shouldn’t that have been the goal? AB 5 doesn’t leave businesses much time to adapt. It becomes law ...

The Stanford Paradox: An Oasis of Scientific Achievement in a Desert of Political Correctness

Stanford University offers a puzzling paradox. On one hand, hardly a month passes without news of a genuinely significant breakthrough in some field of science or technology. One week it might be the discovery that an unorthodox arrangement of wind turbines increases energy output; the next, the discovery of new ...

Industry Voices—Canada’s cautionary tale on ‘Medicare for All’

Proponents of “Medicare for All” claim that Canada’s government-run health system delivers high-quality care for a fraction of what we pay in the U.S. Presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s campaign website, for example, praises Canada’s low costs for certain procedures. In a recent interview from the campaign trail, Sen. Bernie Sanders expressed amazement that Canadians “could ...
Business & Economics

Want to end poverty in California? Embrace entrepreneurship.

Sacramento politicians have heralded the state’s record-low 4.0 percent unemployment figures.  While this is good news, anyone living in Southern California will tell you that things aren’t as rosy as they appear to be. Take what’s going on in Imperial County, for example.  Unemployment rates in the El Centro region, which borders ...

Healthcare’s 20-week waiting period

You can do a lot in 20 weeks. Take a semester of college classes and have time for a five-week vacation. Watch an entire NFL season, including the first few rounds of the playoffs. Even earn a private pilot’s license. Or, if you’re Canadian, you can spend 20 weeks waiting ...

Surprising findings about your life expectancy and US health care

Do Americans live in a health care hellscape? A report out this week would seem to indicate as much – but that first impression is deceiving. “U.S. life expectancy has not kept pace with that of other wealthy countries and is now decreasing,” concluded the report, published by the medical journal JAMA. Or, as ...

Trump drug pricing proposal would doom future cures

President Trump wants to make a deal on drug prices. But his latest proposal could grind medical innovation to a halt. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said last week that the president was looking for “most favored nation status,” whereby the United States got “the best deal among ...

San Francisco Mayor: Hardest Job in America?

London Breed breezed through her re-election at the beginning of the month, taking almost 70% of the vote in San Francisco’s mayoral race. But in winning, she might have also lost. No big-city mayor in the country has a tougher job ahead of them. San Francisco’s troubles start with a ...
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