

Court ruling leaves problem-plagued ObamaCare’s future unknown – More pragmatic plan needed

ObamaCare’s much-hated requirement that every American carry health insurance or pay a penalty was ruled unconstitutional Wednesday in a 2-1 decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. That’s the right decision on a badly flawed law – but it won’t change anything for months or more likely years ...

The Deep State Will Challenge the New FDA Head

Now that the Trump Administration’s new FDA commissioner, Dr. Stephen Hahn, has been confirmed, he’ll find he has one of the most difficult and important jobs in government. The FDA’s purview is wide, regulating pharmaceutical and other medical, food, and vaping products that account for more than 25 cents of ...

What’s missing from claims that neonicotinoids are killing bees, birds and fish?

Pesticides continually get a bad rap, much of it undeserved, some of it bizarre. A recently published study from Japan seems to show that neonicotinoid insecticides (“neonics”), used around the world to protect crops from insect infestations, are so destructive that even before they were on the market or ever used ...

Canadian drug imports are a dose of bad medicine

In the coming weeks, the Trump administration is expected to release a draft rule allowing state governments to import cheap prescription drugs from Canada. The rule is well-intentioned. After all, it seems unfair that Canadians pay less for many name-brand prescription drugs than do Americans. But the Trump administration’s drug ...

To Help Patients, Reform The Drug Pricing System Don’t Impose Price Controls

Yesterday the House passed the ill-considered “Pelosi bill” that would impose draconian price controls on drugs. Ignoring the bill’s many adverse impacts, price control advocates like Speaker Pelosi appear to believe that these command and control schemes can solve the systemic health care affordability problem. But, as the latest government data illustrates, ...

A Fishy Study Posits That Pesticides Can Travel Back In Time

It’s not surprising that many people are skeptical about “scientific” findings. A new study from Japan seems to show that neonicotinoid insecticides (“neonics”), used around the world to protect crops from insect infestations, are so destructive that even before they were on the market or ever used in farmers’ fields, ...

Democrats Stage A Phony Retreat On Medicare For All

Not long ago, most leading Democrats were jostling for position aboard the “Medicare for All” bandwagon. But in the last few weeks, the political winds have shifted. Senator Elizabeth Warren has responded to her decline in the polls by embracing a public option for the first few years of her time in the White ...

Sanders, Warren want ‘Medicare-for-all’ like Canada – But Canadian health care is awful

Democratic presidential candidates Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren want you to believe Canada’s health care system is a dream come true. And they want to make the dream even better with their “Medicare-for-all” plans. Don’t believe them. In truth, Canada’s system of socialized medicine is actually a nightmare. It has left hospitals overcrowded, ...

Study confirms the healthcare dangers of a public option

The public option appears to have overtaken “Medicare for all” as the Democrats’ preferred approach to healthcare reform. Nearly nine in 10 Democrats support creating a government-run health plan to compete against private insurers. Fewer than eight in 10, by contrast, are on board with “Medicare for all.” Proponents of a ...

Thought San Francisco’s Quality of Life Couldn’t Get Worse? Think Again

San Francisco garnered national headlines with the election of its new district attorney, a progressive, which means there will be zero progress made in the homelessness crisis, and little if any made toward reducing crime in the city and county. Chesa Boudin, a one-time deputy public defender who has never ...

Court ruling leaves problem-plagued ObamaCare’s future unknown – More pragmatic plan needed

ObamaCare’s much-hated requirement that every American carry health insurance or pay a penalty was ruled unconstitutional Wednesday in a 2-1 decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. That’s the right decision on a badly flawed law – but it won’t change anything for months or more likely years ...

The Deep State Will Challenge the New FDA Head

Now that the Trump Administration’s new FDA commissioner, Dr. Stephen Hahn, has been confirmed, he’ll find he has one of the most difficult and important jobs in government. The FDA’s purview is wide, regulating pharmaceutical and other medical, food, and vaping products that account for more than 25 cents of ...

What’s missing from claims that neonicotinoids are killing bees, birds and fish?

Pesticides continually get a bad rap, much of it undeserved, some of it bizarre. A recently published study from Japan seems to show that neonicotinoid insecticides (“neonics”), used around the world to protect crops from insect infestations, are so destructive that even before they were on the market or ever used ...

Canadian drug imports are a dose of bad medicine

In the coming weeks, the Trump administration is expected to release a draft rule allowing state governments to import cheap prescription drugs from Canada. The rule is well-intentioned. After all, it seems unfair that Canadians pay less for many name-brand prescription drugs than do Americans. But the Trump administration’s drug ...

To Help Patients, Reform The Drug Pricing System Don’t Impose Price Controls

Yesterday the House passed the ill-considered “Pelosi bill” that would impose draconian price controls on drugs. Ignoring the bill’s many adverse impacts, price control advocates like Speaker Pelosi appear to believe that these command and control schemes can solve the systemic health care affordability problem. But, as the latest government data illustrates, ...

A Fishy Study Posits That Pesticides Can Travel Back In Time

It’s not surprising that many people are skeptical about “scientific” findings. A new study from Japan seems to show that neonicotinoid insecticides (“neonics”), used around the world to protect crops from insect infestations, are so destructive that even before they were on the market or ever used in farmers’ fields, ...

Democrats Stage A Phony Retreat On Medicare For All

Not long ago, most leading Democrats were jostling for position aboard the “Medicare for All” bandwagon. But in the last few weeks, the political winds have shifted. Senator Elizabeth Warren has responded to her decline in the polls by embracing a public option for the first few years of her time in the White ...

Sanders, Warren want ‘Medicare-for-all’ like Canada – But Canadian health care is awful

Democratic presidential candidates Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren want you to believe Canada’s health care system is a dream come true. And they want to make the dream even better with their “Medicare-for-all” plans. Don’t believe them. In truth, Canada’s system of socialized medicine is actually a nightmare. It has left hospitals overcrowded, ...

Study confirms the healthcare dangers of a public option

The public option appears to have overtaken “Medicare for all” as the Democrats’ preferred approach to healthcare reform. Nearly nine in 10 Democrats support creating a government-run health plan to compete against private insurers. Fewer than eight in 10, by contrast, are on board with “Medicare for all.” Proponents of a ...

Thought San Francisco’s Quality of Life Couldn’t Get Worse? Think Again

San Francisco garnered national headlines with the election of its new district attorney, a progressive, which means there will be zero progress made in the homelessness crisis, and little if any made toward reducing crime in the city and county. Chesa Boudin, a one-time deputy public defender who has never ...
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