

Democratic presidential candidates would all end private health insurance eventually

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and his “Medicare-for-all” plan emerged victorious in New Hampshire’s presidential primary. Sanders captured more than one-fourth of voters in the Democratic primary, about 40 percent of whom said health care was the issue that mattered most when choosing a candidate. Close on his heels are the Democratic moderates: ...

The Public Option: Medicare For All, Part One

The chaotic Iowa Caucus on February 3 had one clear winner—government-run health care. According to exit polls, nearly six in 10 Democratic caucus voters support eliminating private insurance in favor of a single-payer system. A government takeover of the health insurance system is surprisingly popular outside Iowa as well. A recent Kaiser ...

You can’t tax people out of their sugary drinks

The Progressives’ war on soda pop is fizzling out. That’s the chief finding of a new study on the public health effects of soda taxes from economists at Cornell University and the University of Iowa. The researchers looked at soda taxes in four cities — and found that they yielded ...

Sally Pipes in WSJ: Medicare for All Could Mean Doctors for None

Professional groups representing doctors are buying into Democratic plans to remake health care—and thereby acting against the interests of their members. The American College of Physicians, the second-largest organization of U.S. doctors, recently came out in support of either a public option or single payer. At the American Medical Association’s ...

Disney Plus — for health care?

Over 10 million people have signed up for Disney Plus since it launched late last year. It’s easy to understand why. The streaming service gives subscribers access to hundreds of movies and televisions shows for just $7 a month — no cable plan required. Imagine if we applied the Disney ...

Sally Pipes Argues Against Medicare For All in Capitol Public Radio Article

Single Payer Health Care Is Back On The Table In California By Sammy Caiola Feb. 7, 2020 It’s been a year and one month since California Gov. Gavin Newsom wrote to the White House about creating a single-payer health care system for the state. It was his first day in office, after ...

Coronavirus could break ‘Medicare-for-all’ — single-payer systems struggle with outbreaks

On Jan. 31, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, the head of the president’s Task Force on the Novel Coronavirus, declared a public health emergency in response to the global outbreak of the pathogen. The coronavirus has claimed more than 900 lives around the world so far, including that of Dr. ...

The Warm California Sun Needs to Shine in The Dark Corners of Government Operations

Gov. Gavin Newsom promised greater transparency in California government. Jerry Brown was elected secretary of state 50 years ago on a transparency platform. While serving one of his terms in what nearly turned out to be a “governor-for-life” political career, Brown said he was “committed to keeping state government open ...

Gavin Newsom’s single-payer commission is doomed to fail

Last week, Gavin Newsom’s Healthy California for All Commission convened for the first time. The commission has been tasked with figuring out how to install a single-payer healthcare system statewide. The commission’s 13 voting and five non-voting members represent a who’s-who of big-government academics, union leaders, and public health officials. ...

American health care needs more competition, not less, to bring down prices

Here’s a newsflash: when businesses don’t need to compete for customers, they tend to raise prices. Yet the progressive remedy to perpetually escalating health-care costs is not to increase competition — it’s to eliminate it completely and put the government in charge of health care, via Medicare for All. There’s ample ...

Democratic presidential candidates would all end private health insurance eventually

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and his “Medicare-for-all” plan emerged victorious in New Hampshire’s presidential primary. Sanders captured more than one-fourth of voters in the Democratic primary, about 40 percent of whom said health care was the issue that mattered most when choosing a candidate. Close on his heels are the Democratic moderates: ...

The Public Option: Medicare For All, Part One

The chaotic Iowa Caucus on February 3 had one clear winner—government-run health care. According to exit polls, nearly six in 10 Democratic caucus voters support eliminating private insurance in favor of a single-payer system. A government takeover of the health insurance system is surprisingly popular outside Iowa as well. A recent Kaiser ...

You can’t tax people out of their sugary drinks

The Progressives’ war on soda pop is fizzling out. That’s the chief finding of a new study on the public health effects of soda taxes from economists at Cornell University and the University of Iowa. The researchers looked at soda taxes in four cities — and found that they yielded ...

Sally Pipes in WSJ: Medicare for All Could Mean Doctors for None

Professional groups representing doctors are buying into Democratic plans to remake health care—and thereby acting against the interests of their members. The American College of Physicians, the second-largest organization of U.S. doctors, recently came out in support of either a public option or single payer. At the American Medical Association’s ...

Disney Plus — for health care?

Over 10 million people have signed up for Disney Plus since it launched late last year. It’s easy to understand why. The streaming service gives subscribers access to hundreds of movies and televisions shows for just $7 a month — no cable plan required. Imagine if we applied the Disney ...

Sally Pipes Argues Against Medicare For All in Capitol Public Radio Article

Single Payer Health Care Is Back On The Table In California By Sammy Caiola Feb. 7, 2020 It’s been a year and one month since California Gov. Gavin Newsom wrote to the White House about creating a single-payer health care system for the state. It was his first day in office, after ...

Coronavirus could break ‘Medicare-for-all’ — single-payer systems struggle with outbreaks

On Jan. 31, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, the head of the president’s Task Force on the Novel Coronavirus, declared a public health emergency in response to the global outbreak of the pathogen. The coronavirus has claimed more than 900 lives around the world so far, including that of Dr. ...

The Warm California Sun Needs to Shine in The Dark Corners of Government Operations

Gov. Gavin Newsom promised greater transparency in California government. Jerry Brown was elected secretary of state 50 years ago on a transparency platform. While serving one of his terms in what nearly turned out to be a “governor-for-life” political career, Brown said he was “committed to keeping state government open ...

Gavin Newsom’s single-payer commission is doomed to fail

Last week, Gavin Newsom’s Healthy California for All Commission convened for the first time. The commission has been tasked with figuring out how to install a single-payer healthcare system statewide. The commission’s 13 voting and five non-voting members represent a who’s-who of big-government academics, union leaders, and public health officials. ...

American health care needs more competition, not less, to bring down prices

Here’s a newsflash: when businesses don’t need to compete for customers, they tend to raise prices. Yet the progressive remedy to perpetually escalating health-care costs is not to increase competition — it’s to eliminate it completely and put the government in charge of health care, via Medicare for All. There’s ample ...
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