

Private sector working to ensure it doesn’t get worse before it gets better

The federal government’s efforts to combat the ongoing coronavirus pandemic illustrate why we shouldn’t put our full trust in government to find a cure. After all, they badly botched the testing, costing valuable time in identifying new cases and limiting its spread. Fortunately, private-sector innovators are leading where government has ...

Coronavirus Shows State Push for Public Transit is Hazardous to our Health

On March 11, 2020, the Legislative Analyst’s Office published a handout, which included a passage on the climate benefits of mass transit over private vehicles. Within days, a spreading virus made the case that our cars are a more hygienic means of travel than public transportation, where humanity is crammed ...

Dr. Henry Miller Discusses Coronavirus Delaying Cancer Patient Treatments

Title: COVID-19 Pandemic Delaying Treatments of Hematologic Cancers By: John Schieszer Institutional restrictions due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic are taking a large toll on patients with hematologic cancers. Some medical centers have canceled treatments and all centers have altered their policies and procedures. Starting in March, elective ...

Dr. Henry Miller Answers Viewer Questions as Featured Expert on Fox News Live Blog

Read answers from PRI Senior Fellow Dr. Henry Miller on’s “Coronavirus Live Blog.” Dr. Miller answered written questions on Wednesday, April 1 about the coronavirus, next steps, and more. Read Dr. Miller’s responses here:
Charter Schools

Coronavirus school shutdowns foster online learning alternatives

Along with other sectors of society, education has been greatly affected by the coronavirus, with schools closed across America. Yet, as in other fields, innovators in education have responded with learning mechanisms and models that allow students to continue to learn while the country shuts down brick-and-mortar institutions. As it ...

Expand Pharmacists’ Authority To Promote Access To Forthcoming COVID-19 Vaccine

Private pharmaceutical companies and the National Institutes of Health have outdone themselves. Thanks to the funding provided by the NIH, a Phase 1 clinical trial for a COVID-19 vaccine  is underway. In separate efforts, Inovio, Sanofi, Vaxart, GlaxoSmithKline, and Johnson & Johnson are all developing potential vaccines. In total, “about 35 companies ...

In coronavirus battle, price controls would make it harder to develop lifesaving drugs

As scientists race to develop vaccines and treatments for COVID-19, Democrats in Congress have renewed their push for price controls on drugs designed to protect us from the respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus, along with other illnesses. The Democrats claim many Americans will only be able to afford the therapies that ...

A Surprise in the Congressional Stimulus Package?

A proposed fix for surprise medical bills may end up on the cutting-room floor as negotiations over the multi trillion-dollar economic stimulus package wrap up on Capitol Hill. Last week, Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J., were trying to get their plan, which would essentially cap bills ...

As Coronavirus Spreads, Private Sector Offers Hope—And Treatments

Optimism is in short supply as the coronavirus pandemic grows deadlier by the day. COVID-19 has taken thousands of lives around the world and upended nearly every aspect of daily life. But there is at least one bright spot in this global public health emergency. That’s the astounding speed with ...

A Simple Lesson from a Hockey Great for Coping with the Coronavirus

As the coronavirus pandemic wreaks more and more medical and social havoc worldwide, we need to recall the observation of The Great One—no, not Dr. Tony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health—the other one, hockey player Wayne Gretzky, who said, “I skate to where the puck is going to ...

Private sector working to ensure it doesn’t get worse before it gets better

The federal government’s efforts to combat the ongoing coronavirus pandemic illustrate why we shouldn’t put our full trust in government to find a cure. After all, they badly botched the testing, costing valuable time in identifying new cases and limiting its spread. Fortunately, private-sector innovators are leading where government has ...

Coronavirus Shows State Push for Public Transit is Hazardous to our Health

On March 11, 2020, the Legislative Analyst’s Office published a handout, which included a passage on the climate benefits of mass transit over private vehicles. Within days, a spreading virus made the case that our cars are a more hygienic means of travel than public transportation, where humanity is crammed ...

Dr. Henry Miller Discusses Coronavirus Delaying Cancer Patient Treatments

Title: COVID-19 Pandemic Delaying Treatments of Hematologic Cancers By: John Schieszer Institutional restrictions due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic are taking a large toll on patients with hematologic cancers. Some medical centers have canceled treatments and all centers have altered their policies and procedures. Starting in March, elective ...

Dr. Henry Miller Answers Viewer Questions as Featured Expert on Fox News Live Blog

Read answers from PRI Senior Fellow Dr. Henry Miller on’s “Coronavirus Live Blog.” Dr. Miller answered written questions on Wednesday, April 1 about the coronavirus, next steps, and more. Read Dr. Miller’s responses here:
Charter Schools

Coronavirus school shutdowns foster online learning alternatives

Along with other sectors of society, education has been greatly affected by the coronavirus, with schools closed across America. Yet, as in other fields, innovators in education have responded with learning mechanisms and models that allow students to continue to learn while the country shuts down brick-and-mortar institutions. As it ...

Expand Pharmacists’ Authority To Promote Access To Forthcoming COVID-19 Vaccine

Private pharmaceutical companies and the National Institutes of Health have outdone themselves. Thanks to the funding provided by the NIH, a Phase 1 clinical trial for a COVID-19 vaccine  is underway. In separate efforts, Inovio, Sanofi, Vaxart, GlaxoSmithKline, and Johnson & Johnson are all developing potential vaccines. In total, “about 35 companies ...

In coronavirus battle, price controls would make it harder to develop lifesaving drugs

As scientists race to develop vaccines and treatments for COVID-19, Democrats in Congress have renewed their push for price controls on drugs designed to protect us from the respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus, along with other illnesses. The Democrats claim many Americans will only be able to afford the therapies that ...

A Surprise in the Congressional Stimulus Package?

A proposed fix for surprise medical bills may end up on the cutting-room floor as negotiations over the multi trillion-dollar economic stimulus package wrap up on Capitol Hill. Last week, Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J., were trying to get their plan, which would essentially cap bills ...

As Coronavirus Spreads, Private Sector Offers Hope—And Treatments

Optimism is in short supply as the coronavirus pandemic grows deadlier by the day. COVID-19 has taken thousands of lives around the world and upended nearly every aspect of daily life. But there is at least one bright spot in this global public health emergency. That’s the astounding speed with ...

A Simple Lesson from a Hockey Great for Coping with the Coronavirus

As the coronavirus pandemic wreaks more and more medical and social havoc worldwide, we need to recall the observation of The Great One—no, not Dr. Tony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health—the other one, hockey player Wayne Gretzky, who said, “I skate to where the puck is going to ...
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