

Read “A Kite in a Hurricane No More”

Just Published: Follow the Journey of One Young Woman Who Overcame Learning Disabilities Through Science and Choice in new book, A Kite in a Hurricane No More In A Kite in a Hurricane No More, a new book just published by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute, read about the challenges and ...

In New Book, Veteran Journalist Shows How to End California’s Water Wars, Protect Habitats and Meet State’s Water Needs

Winning the Water Wars is available for purchase at Barnes and Noble, and online booksellers. Greenhut writes, “this book does not propose solely building more dams . . . I explain the importance of water pricing and trading, regulatory reforms, desalination, wastewater treatment, upgrading water-conveyance systems and other ideas. ...

“Chapter 1: Health Care is Not a Right” – Get a Free Chapter of Sally Pipes’ Book

[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Proponents of a government-run health care system – such as a Medicare-for-All plan promoted by Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or a stepping stone to single-payer like a “public option” promoted by former Vice President Joe Biden – start from the premise ...

Former Pro Football Player Turned Entrepreneur Speaks Out Against ‘Fools Gold’ of Basic Income in New Book Punting Poverty

In the new book Punting Poverty, released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute, former collegiate and pro football player turned entrepreneur Damon Dunn pushes back against the universal basic income movement to give Americans between $500 and $1000 per month – calling it “fool’s gold that does not even ...

New Book Explores Why Many Californians Are Living in Fear, Outlines Reforms to Restore Safe Communities

Well-meaning policy changes are undermining safe communities in California and must be reformed to restore public safety throughout the state, writes Pacific Research Institute fellow Kerry Jackson in his new book on crime in California, Living in Fear in California. Living in Fear in California can be purchased at, Barnes ...

Just Released: New Book Shows Parents and Students are Choosing Diversity When Enrolling in Charter Schools

One of the key traits that distinguishes charter schools from traditional public schools is the diversity of educational experiences promoted by the ability to choose, writes Lance Izumi in his new book Choosing Diversity, published by the Pacific Research Institute. Watch a brief video of Izumi talking about his new ...

Sally Pipes Releases New Book The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care

As the political drumbeat for single-payer health care rises in Sacramento, other states around the country, and in Washington, DC, PRI’s Sally Pipes today released a new book that makes the case for why single-payer health care would be a disaster for all Americans, The False Promise of Single-Payer Health ...

New “American Education Agenda” Recommends 15 Federal, State, Local Education Reforms

Expanding and increasing funding for school choice programs, creating a stronger classroom environment for digital learning, and ensuring every child is safe at school are among the recommendations in a new “American Education Agenda” released today by the Pacific Research Institute. Click here to download a copy of the “American ...

Lance Izumi discusses his new book on Fox and Friends

Lance Izumi, Koret Senior Fellow and Senior Director of PRI’s Center for Education, made a powerful case for why all students and parents need school choice on the nationally-televised morning show “Fox and Friends” on the Fox News Channel. Lance discussed his new book on school choice, The Corrupt Classroom: ...

Just Released: The Corrupt Classroom

NEW BOOK RELEASE THE CORRUPT CLASSROOM: BIAS, INDOCTRINATION, VIOLENCE, AND SOCIAL ENGINEERING SHOW WHY AMERICA NEEDS SCHOOL CHOICE As Lance Izumi writes in his new book, America’s public schools are becoming increasingly politicized, less safe, socially biased, and mismanaged.  Examples like these show why more and more parents are demanding school choice: ...

Read “A Kite in a Hurricane No More”

Just Published: Follow the Journey of One Young Woman Who Overcame Learning Disabilities Through Science and Choice in new book, A Kite in a Hurricane No More In A Kite in a Hurricane No More, a new book just published by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute, read about the challenges and ...

In New Book, Veteran Journalist Shows How to End California’s Water Wars, Protect Habitats and Meet State’s Water Needs

Winning the Water Wars is available for purchase at Barnes and Noble, and online booksellers. Greenhut writes, “this book does not propose solely building more dams . . . I explain the importance of water pricing and trading, regulatory reforms, desalination, wastewater treatment, upgrading water-conveyance systems and other ideas. ...

“Chapter 1: Health Care is Not a Right” – Get a Free Chapter of Sally Pipes’ Book

[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Proponents of a government-run health care system – such as a Medicare-for-All plan promoted by Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or a stepping stone to single-payer like a “public option” promoted by former Vice President Joe Biden – start from the premise ...

Former Pro Football Player Turned Entrepreneur Speaks Out Against ‘Fools Gold’ of Basic Income in New Book Punting Poverty

In the new book Punting Poverty, released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute, former collegiate and pro football player turned entrepreneur Damon Dunn pushes back against the universal basic income movement to give Americans between $500 and $1000 per month – calling it “fool’s gold that does not even ...

New Book Explores Why Many Californians Are Living in Fear, Outlines Reforms to Restore Safe Communities

Well-meaning policy changes are undermining safe communities in California and must be reformed to restore public safety throughout the state, writes Pacific Research Institute fellow Kerry Jackson in his new book on crime in California, Living in Fear in California. Living in Fear in California can be purchased at, Barnes ...

Just Released: New Book Shows Parents and Students are Choosing Diversity When Enrolling in Charter Schools

One of the key traits that distinguishes charter schools from traditional public schools is the diversity of educational experiences promoted by the ability to choose, writes Lance Izumi in his new book Choosing Diversity, published by the Pacific Research Institute. Watch a brief video of Izumi talking about his new ...

Sally Pipes Releases New Book The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care

As the political drumbeat for single-payer health care rises in Sacramento, other states around the country, and in Washington, DC, PRI’s Sally Pipes today released a new book that makes the case for why single-payer health care would be a disaster for all Americans, The False Promise of Single-Payer Health ...

New “American Education Agenda” Recommends 15 Federal, State, Local Education Reforms

Expanding and increasing funding for school choice programs, creating a stronger classroom environment for digital learning, and ensuring every child is safe at school are among the recommendations in a new “American Education Agenda” released today by the Pacific Research Institute. Click here to download a copy of the “American ...

Lance Izumi discusses his new book on Fox and Friends

Lance Izumi, Koret Senior Fellow and Senior Director of PRI’s Center for Education, made a powerful case for why all students and parents need school choice on the nationally-televised morning show “Fox and Friends” on the Fox News Channel. Lance discussed his new book on school choice, The Corrupt Classroom: ...

Just Released: The Corrupt Classroom

NEW BOOK RELEASE THE CORRUPT CLASSROOM: BIAS, INDOCTRINATION, VIOLENCE, AND SOCIAL ENGINEERING SHOW WHY AMERICA NEEDS SCHOOL CHOICE As Lance Izumi writes in his new book, America’s public schools are becoming increasingly politicized, less safe, socially biased, and mismanaged.  Examples like these show why more and more parents are demanding school choice: ...
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