Will Californians Ever See Relief from Rising Gas Prices?
On Feb. 21, the price of a gallon of gasoline reached $4.68 in Bakersfield, a record high for the city – which happens to sit almost in the middle of the county that pumps 75% of all oil produced in California. Not that Kern County motorists can drive to the ...
Kerry Jackson
March 1, 2022
California Should Embrace Nuclear in Race to Meet All Renewables Mandate
DOWNLOAD THE PDF California is the first state to surpass a million plug-in electric vehicle registrations. It’s a proud moment for those who are determined to eliminate fossil fuel vehicles. But it’s not the grand achievement they think it is. At the end of 2021, 663,014 electric cars and 379,125 ...
Kerry Jackson
February 28, 2022
The Recall Heard ‘Round the Country
It was William F. Buckley who defined a conservative as someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop! But earlier this month, San Francisco residents — a city where Democrats number nearly two-thirds of the voters — decided that it was their turn to yell, Enough! Residents of the City by ...
Rowena Itchon
February 25, 2022
What Do Project Price Hikes Say About How Federal Infrastructure Dollars Will Be Spent?
The price tags for two major California transportation infrastructure projects are going up again. A few weeks back, the California High-Speed Rail Authority released its updated business plan, projecting that costs have gone up another $5 billion. It will now cost $105 billion to finish construction of the rail project ...
Tim Anaya
February 24, 2022
Mainstream Media Fuels False Narrative that SFPD Engages in Bad Conduct
Recently the San Francisco Chronicle again took aim at the SF Police Department accusing them of a litany of inaction, slow response times, and failure to investigate crimes concluding in a recent article: “What is the Police Department doing? Too often, the answer is not much”. Some answers to their ...
Steve Smith
February 23, 2022
Living With The Climate Karens
A recent Politico headline over a story that should have never been written read: “Soak up the February sun? Not without climate change guilt in California.” From there, it got worse. Lead paragraph: “Californians are lounging in parks, wearing shorts to the beach and dining al fresco without heat lamps ...
Kerry Jackson
February 22, 2022
The Train That Doesn’t Track And Never Should
Don’t like the new projected cost of the California high-speed rail? Or miss the reports of the latest estimate? Don’t worry, another one will be along soon. They’re a lot like buses. They just keep on coming. The draft of the California High Speed Rail Authority’s most recent biennial business ...
Kerry Jackson
February 18, 2022
The Fight for Greater Transparency in Public Schools
One of the big fallouts of the COVID pandemic has been the revelation of what is being taught in the regular public schools. Some of the most publicized revelations have occurred in California. Last year, it came to light that the Santa Clara Office of Education had conducted a series ...
Lance Izumi
February 17, 2022
Californians Are Growing Increasingly Concerned About Crime. What’s Behind the Change in Attitude?
Anecdotes of rising incidents of crime across California are too numerous to mention these days. While California had a regimen of tough-on-crime public safety laws on the books as late as a decade ago, the past decade has ushered in a dramatic shift in criminal justice policy that led to ...
Tim Anaya
February 16, 2022
Will 2028 Olympic Games Be a Good Deal for Los Angeles?
While Americans are celebrating the recent gold medal victories of celebrated U.S. athletes like Nathan Chen and Chloe Kim, interest in the Olympics has dropped significantly. According to the Washington Post, “the TV ratings for the Winter Olympics in Beijing aren’t just bad – they’re historically terrible.” In a recent ...
Tim Anaya
February 15, 2022
Will Californians Ever See Relief from Rising Gas Prices?
On Feb. 21, the price of a gallon of gasoline reached $4.68 in Bakersfield, a record high for the city – which happens to sit almost in the middle of the county that pumps 75% of all oil produced in California. Not that Kern County motorists can drive to the ...
California Should Embrace Nuclear in Race to Meet All Renewables Mandate
DOWNLOAD THE PDF California is the first state to surpass a million plug-in electric vehicle registrations. It’s a proud moment for those who are determined to eliminate fossil fuel vehicles. But it’s not the grand achievement they think it is. At the end of 2021, 663,014 electric cars and 379,125 ...
The Recall Heard ‘Round the Country
It was William F. Buckley who defined a conservative as someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop! But earlier this month, San Francisco residents — a city where Democrats number nearly two-thirds of the voters — decided that it was their turn to yell, Enough! Residents of the City by ...
What Do Project Price Hikes Say About How Federal Infrastructure Dollars Will Be Spent?
The price tags for two major California transportation infrastructure projects are going up again. A few weeks back, the California High-Speed Rail Authority released its updated business plan, projecting that costs have gone up another $5 billion. It will now cost $105 billion to finish construction of the rail project ...
Mainstream Media Fuels False Narrative that SFPD Engages in Bad Conduct
Recently the San Francisco Chronicle again took aim at the SF Police Department accusing them of a litany of inaction, slow response times, and failure to investigate crimes concluding in a recent article: “What is the Police Department doing? Too often, the answer is not much”. Some answers to their ...
Living With The Climate Karens
A recent Politico headline over a story that should have never been written read: “Soak up the February sun? Not without climate change guilt in California.” From there, it got worse. Lead paragraph: “Californians are lounging in parks, wearing shorts to the beach and dining al fresco without heat lamps ...
The Train That Doesn’t Track And Never Should
Don’t like the new projected cost of the California high-speed rail? Or miss the reports of the latest estimate? Don’t worry, another one will be along soon. They’re a lot like buses. They just keep on coming. The draft of the California High Speed Rail Authority’s most recent biennial business ...
The Fight for Greater Transparency in Public Schools
One of the big fallouts of the COVID pandemic has been the revelation of what is being taught in the regular public schools. Some of the most publicized revelations have occurred in California. Last year, it came to light that the Santa Clara Office of Education had conducted a series ...
Californians Are Growing Increasingly Concerned About Crime. What’s Behind the Change in Attitude?
Anecdotes of rising incidents of crime across California are too numerous to mention these days. While California had a regimen of tough-on-crime public safety laws on the books as late as a decade ago, the past decade has ushered in a dramatic shift in criminal justice policy that led to ...
Will 2028 Olympic Games Be a Good Deal for Los Angeles?
While Americans are celebrating the recent gold medal victories of celebrated U.S. athletes like Nathan Chen and Chloe Kim, interest in the Olympics has dropped significantly. According to the Washington Post, “the TV ratings for the Winter Olympics in Beijing aren’t just bad – they’re historically terrible.” In a recent ...