

Grazing is part of successful wildfire suppression

Not very many people are capable of scaling rock faces, and none are able to properly digest the diets of ruminant animals – range grasses, small woody stalks, underdeveloped trees – which makes those animals perfect for wildfire suppression efforts. Earlier this year, the city of Sacramento deployed nearly 1,000 ...

California’s Poseidon Desalination Adventure Might Be Sinking

A virtually unlimited water supply sits just to the left of California, there for the taking, as ​​William Mulholland might say. But this state has little appetite for useful projects. The ambitious and enterprising Mulholland wouldn’t recognize it. Almost a quarter of a century has passed since Poseidon Water announced ...

China Cuts Taxes, U.S. and California Want to Raise Them

Tax cuts are the “fertilizer applied to the roots of the economy.” That’s not Arthur Laffer talking, but China Premier Li Keqiang.  Last month, China’s Finance Ministry announced that it would cut income taxes for small companies from 25 percent to 20 percent to boost the communist country’s slowing economy. ...

State Budget Update: Senate Democrats Want to Spend More as Analyst Warns About Higher Spending

While Democrats fought amongst themselves over gas tax relief last week, attention is now shifting to next week’s release of Gov. Newsom’s “May Revise” updated budget plan. In advance, Senate Democrats put down their marker, unveiling their gas tax relief plan called the “Better for Families Rebate” as part of ...

Thousands of Californians Live Out of Their Cars. Now What?

In the alley behind my apartment, there’s a man who lives out of an old Honda Accord. Each morning, he departs for work in what appears to be a fast-food uniform. In the evenings, he reclines and watches television on his phone. It isn’t glamorous, but in a West Los ...

National Crime Victims Week 2022

For over 40 years America has recognized the last week of April as National Crime Victims Week.   California honors Crime Victims Week in a variety of ways at the State and Local level. This year, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation adopted a theme of “Rights, Access and Equity” ...

Don’t Spend Your Gas Tax Rebate Yet . . .

Not much progress has been made in the effort to enact a gas tax rebate or gas tax holiday since lawmakers and Gov. Newsom released competing proposals last month. Californians have been waiting for Sacramento to take action to provide relief from gas prices that, even though may have dipped ...

A Response to the “Bloomberg Doomers”

Last month, Bloomberg published  a now-infamous op-ed titled, “Inflation Stings Most if You Earn Less Than $300K. Here’s How to Deal”. Professor Teresa Ghilarducci suggests that to curb inflation, we should eat lentils instead of red meat and let our pets die instead of going to the vet. The advice ...

Permanent Solutions or Band-Aids: Solving the Decades-Old California Homelessness Crisis

California’s budget last year contained $12 billion, a record number, to address homelessness. Yet, California has the largest homeless population in the nation with, as of January 2020, around 161,500 individuals. California is one of the few states that experienced one of the largest homelessness increases between 2019-2020 with a ...

Earth Day: How To Avoid Discussion Of Real California Issues

Conspicuously missing from the Los Angeles mayor’s race, the Los Angeles Times “reported” last month, was an adequate focus on climate change. No surprise that the Times’ ​​culture columnist and critic followed up by writing that “the only thing we should be talking about is the climate crisis.” Rather than ...

Grazing is part of successful wildfire suppression

Not very many people are capable of scaling rock faces, and none are able to properly digest the diets of ruminant animals – range grasses, small woody stalks, underdeveloped trees – which makes those animals perfect for wildfire suppression efforts. Earlier this year, the city of Sacramento deployed nearly 1,000 ...

California’s Poseidon Desalination Adventure Might Be Sinking

A virtually unlimited water supply sits just to the left of California, there for the taking, as ​​William Mulholland might say. But this state has little appetite for useful projects. The ambitious and enterprising Mulholland wouldn’t recognize it. Almost a quarter of a century has passed since Poseidon Water announced ...

China Cuts Taxes, U.S. and California Want to Raise Them

Tax cuts are the “fertilizer applied to the roots of the economy.” That’s not Arthur Laffer talking, but China Premier Li Keqiang.  Last month, China’s Finance Ministry announced that it would cut income taxes for small companies from 25 percent to 20 percent to boost the communist country’s slowing economy. ...

State Budget Update: Senate Democrats Want to Spend More as Analyst Warns About Higher Spending

While Democrats fought amongst themselves over gas tax relief last week, attention is now shifting to next week’s release of Gov. Newsom’s “May Revise” updated budget plan. In advance, Senate Democrats put down their marker, unveiling their gas tax relief plan called the “Better for Families Rebate” as part of ...

Thousands of Californians Live Out of Their Cars. Now What?

In the alley behind my apartment, there’s a man who lives out of an old Honda Accord. Each morning, he departs for work in what appears to be a fast-food uniform. In the evenings, he reclines and watches television on his phone. It isn’t glamorous, but in a West Los ...

National Crime Victims Week 2022

For over 40 years America has recognized the last week of April as National Crime Victims Week.   California honors Crime Victims Week in a variety of ways at the State and Local level. This year, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation adopted a theme of “Rights, Access and Equity” ...

Don’t Spend Your Gas Tax Rebate Yet . . .

Not much progress has been made in the effort to enact a gas tax rebate or gas tax holiday since lawmakers and Gov. Newsom released competing proposals last month. Californians have been waiting for Sacramento to take action to provide relief from gas prices that, even though may have dipped ...

A Response to the “Bloomberg Doomers”

Last month, Bloomberg published  a now-infamous op-ed titled, “Inflation Stings Most if You Earn Less Than $300K. Here’s How to Deal”. Professor Teresa Ghilarducci suggests that to curb inflation, we should eat lentils instead of red meat and let our pets die instead of going to the vet. The advice ...

Permanent Solutions or Band-Aids: Solving the Decades-Old California Homelessness Crisis

California’s budget last year contained $12 billion, a record number, to address homelessness. Yet, California has the largest homeless population in the nation with, as of January 2020, around 161,500 individuals. California is one of the few states that experienced one of the largest homelessness increases between 2019-2020 with a ...

Earth Day: How To Avoid Discussion Of Real California Issues

Conspicuously missing from the Los Angeles mayor’s race, the Los Angeles Times “reported” last month, was an adequate focus on climate change. No surprise that the Times’ ​​culture columnist and critic followed up by writing that “the only thing we should be talking about is the climate crisis.” Rather than ...
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