Read about effort to stop new green mandate
Congress votes to stay WOTUS rules until the SCOTUS rules
The broadening and narrowing of the scope of WOTUS and the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ability to use its authority against farmers and other private landowners based on the political leanings of the White House has been an on-going challenge. The current administration was hasty in its decision to issue ...
Pam Lewison
April 6, 2023
Flaws with Single-Payer
Editor’s note: Today’s blog is part two of a three part series featuring PRI’s CEO & President Sally Pipes’ health care speech delivered at Reason Weekend on March 18th. Despite the obvious failures of Obamacare and Medicaid, Democrats still can’t get enough of public health care. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 5, 2023
Read exclusive book excerpt
Cities in Crisis: How to fix municipal government budgeting
Read an excerpt from The Municipal Financial Crisis: A Framework for Understanding and Fixing Government Budgeting by Mark Moses (reprinted with permission). There was an alleged exchange in the 1950s between golfing great Sam Snead and baseball legend Ted Williams regarding which sport is more challenging. Ted pointed out that a ...
Mark Moses
April 4, 2023
CA has over one million victims...
The Mythical Crime Reduction Dividend
This week in the opinion pages of the Orange County Register, UC Santa Cruz Professor Craig Haney and Prosecutors Alliance of California founder Christine DeBerry made the case for further closings in California’s prison system. Using the tired trope of “mass incarceration,” they declare that California has been squandering the ...
Steve Smith
April 3, 2023
Reparation Dollars and Non-Sense
How Much Could You Have to Pay in Reparations?
In 2020, Gov. Newsom signed into law the establishment of the first in the nation task force to propose recommendations to address the history of slavery in the U.S., despite the fact that California joined the union as a “free state.” We’ll save the discussion on the misguided policy of ...
Rowena Itchon
March 31, 2023
Read about new plan to raise gas prices
Californians – Not Big Oil – Lose Under Newsom Excess Profits Tax
Thanks to the Governor’s actions, Californians lost good paying jobs. Facing the risk that they may have to pay an excess profits tax (whatever excess profits are), the energy industry now has even fewer reasons to invest in the state and even more reasons to relocate its current activities away ...
Wayne Winegarden
March 30, 2023
Flaws with Our Current Healthcare System
Editor’s note: Today’s blog is part one of a three part series featuring PRI’s CEO & President Sally Pipes’ health care speech delivered at Reason Weekend on March 18th. Winston Churchill once said that “democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been ...
Sally C. Pipes
March 29, 2023
California’s Train Drain
It’s an interesting question: Will California’s high-speed rail make its first run before BART trains make their last? Actually, it’s a tricky question. The bullet train might never run. We’ve chronicled the troubles that have bedeviled the high-speed rail project, most recently when we reported on its financial problems. The ...
Kerry Jackson
March 28, 2023
Anti-camping ordinances or Housing First programs?
It’s no surprise to any resident that, for more than a decade, a disproportionate share of the homeless population has been living in California, and that number continues to grow. We see it every day: on the way to work, dropping our kids off at school, enjoying a nice dinner ...
Emily Humpal
March 27, 2023
How Eminent Domain Obliterated the Character of Cities
No city can possibly express its character – the many urban quirks and idiosyncrasies, as well as the strangely appealing grittiness and shining luxury that often coexist side-by-side – when government planners use the bulldozer to “improve” cities. Writing about the “wave of urban renewal that swept the world in ...
Kerry Jackson
March 24, 2023
Read about effort to stop new green mandate
Congress votes to stay WOTUS rules until the SCOTUS rules
The broadening and narrowing of the scope of WOTUS and the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ability to use its authority against farmers and other private landowners based on the political leanings of the White House has been an on-going challenge. The current administration was hasty in its decision to issue ...
Flaws with Single-Payer
Editor’s note: Today’s blog is part two of a three part series featuring PRI’s CEO & President Sally Pipes’ health care speech delivered at Reason Weekend on March 18th. Despite the obvious failures of Obamacare and Medicaid, Democrats still can’t get enough of public health care. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) ...
Read exclusive book excerpt
Cities in Crisis: How to fix municipal government budgeting
Read an excerpt from The Municipal Financial Crisis: A Framework for Understanding and Fixing Government Budgeting by Mark Moses (reprinted with permission). There was an alleged exchange in the 1950s between golfing great Sam Snead and baseball legend Ted Williams regarding which sport is more challenging. Ted pointed out that a ...
CA has over one million victims...
The Mythical Crime Reduction Dividend
This week in the opinion pages of the Orange County Register, UC Santa Cruz Professor Craig Haney and Prosecutors Alliance of California founder Christine DeBerry made the case for further closings in California’s prison system. Using the tired trope of “mass incarceration,” they declare that California has been squandering the ...
Reparation Dollars and Non-Sense
How Much Could You Have to Pay in Reparations?
In 2020, Gov. Newsom signed into law the establishment of the first in the nation task force to propose recommendations to address the history of slavery in the U.S., despite the fact that California joined the union as a “free state.” We’ll save the discussion on the misguided policy of ...
Read about new plan to raise gas prices
Californians – Not Big Oil – Lose Under Newsom Excess Profits Tax
Thanks to the Governor’s actions, Californians lost good paying jobs. Facing the risk that they may have to pay an excess profits tax (whatever excess profits are), the energy industry now has even fewer reasons to invest in the state and even more reasons to relocate its current activities away ...
Flaws with Our Current Healthcare System
Editor’s note: Today’s blog is part one of a three part series featuring PRI’s CEO & President Sally Pipes’ health care speech delivered at Reason Weekend on March 18th. Winston Churchill once said that “democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been ...
California’s Train Drain
It’s an interesting question: Will California’s high-speed rail make its first run before BART trains make their last? Actually, it’s a tricky question. The bullet train might never run. We’ve chronicled the troubles that have bedeviled the high-speed rail project, most recently when we reported on its financial problems. The ...
Anti-camping ordinances or Housing First programs?
It’s no surprise to any resident that, for more than a decade, a disproportionate share of the homeless population has been living in California, and that number continues to grow. We see it every day: on the way to work, dropping our kids off at school, enjoying a nice dinner ...
How Eminent Domain Obliterated the Character of Cities
No city can possibly express its character – the many urban quirks and idiosyncrasies, as well as the strangely appealing grittiness and shining luxury that often coexist side-by-side – when government planners use the bulldozer to “improve” cities. Writing about the “wave of urban renewal that swept the world in ...