Read latest on Titan submarine tragedy
The Loss of the Titan
(Note: PRI senior fellow Steve Smith, a former Coast Guardsman and merchant mariner, shares his thoughts on last week’s Titan submarine tragedy.) Some went out on the sea in ships; they were merchants on the mighty waters. They saw the works of the Lord, his wonderful deeds in the deep. ...
Steve Smith
June 26, 2023
Biden’s Cash Is Merely A Drop in the Bucket of What an All-Renewable Future Needs
President Biden headlined a Palo Alto event this week touting what Gov. Newsom’s office called “new investments in climate action and clean energy.” In between a series of high-priced Bay Area fundraisers for his re-election campaign, Biden, with Newsom by his side, announced “$67 million (in federal funds) to help ...
Wayne Winegarden and Tim Anaya
June 22, 2023
California sends mixed messages on housing mandates
California sends mixed messages on housing mandates by Matt Fleming | June 22, 2023 Is California inching towards solving the housing crisis? Not exactly. But the same government that has perpetuated the crisis is at times taking modest actions to get out of the way. One of those ways began ...
Matthew Fleming
June 22, 2023
Read about CA's war on suburbs
To reduce costs, California also needs to build new suburbs
The three myths that have led to this predicament are the following: Nuclear power and natural gas power causes unacceptable harm to the environment; reservoirs and desalination plants cause unacceptable harm to the environment; and single-family homes nestled in sprawling suburbs cause unacceptable harm to the environment. These are myths. ...
Edward Ring
June 21, 2023
Read about California's outmigration problem
California: Economic Laggard or Leader?
Digging into the analysis quickly reveals that California’s top five ranking results from the state’s past achievements, not its current economic health nor its future growth prospects. Documenting this reality is essential because the state’s top ranking can be easily misconstrued as confirmation that California’s current policy mix is promoting ...
Wayne Winegarden
June 20, 2023
Charter schools provide good learning options for all kids
Classical Academy Charter School Keeps Excelling and Innovating
One of the most rewarding aspects of my job has been the opportunity to meet innovative education leaders whose learning models are making a big difference in the lives of students. Amongst these educators, Cameron Curry, who helped to start Classical Academies and now serves as CEO, is right at ...
Lance Izumi
June 19, 2023
Focus homeless aid on transformation, then affordability
Focus homeless aid on transformation, then affordability By Kenneth Schrupp | June 16, 2023 Los Angeles mayor Karen Bass is concentrating homeless assistance projects in high-rent areas where the homeless choose to congregate. This only perpetuates the homeless population’s reliance on government support. In spite of the hundreds of millions ...
Kenneth Schrupp
June 16, 2023
Read latest about government overregulation
By managing growth, planners make cities less livable
While Euclidean zoning has been credited with segregating developments that have incompatible uses – a chemical plant next to a school or a landfill right up against a residential district, for a couple of examples – it has a record of going too far. In some cases, planners “decided that ...
Kerry Jackson
June 15, 2023
The Fentanyl Resurgimiento— A Drug Like No Other
On January 11, 2023, Dr. Rahul Gupta, the Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) declared a small victory. He reported new figures from the Center for Disease Control estimating that nationally there was a 2.57 percent decrease in the number of fatal drug overdoses for ...
Steve Smith
June 14, 2023
Learn about new anti-livestock bill in Congress
Congressional legislation would give animal activists enforcement opportunities in checkoff programs
So, with all the redundancy of the OFF Act, what is the real thrust of this Congressional proposal? The coalition formed in support of the act gives a hint to what is really at its core: a foot in the door for animal activist groups to slowly force livestock producers ...
Pam Lewison
June 13, 2023
Read latest on Titan submarine tragedy
The Loss of the Titan
(Note: PRI senior fellow Steve Smith, a former Coast Guardsman and merchant mariner, shares his thoughts on last week’s Titan submarine tragedy.) Some went out on the sea in ships; they were merchants on the mighty waters. They saw the works of the Lord, his wonderful deeds in the deep. ...
Biden’s Cash Is Merely A Drop in the Bucket of What an All-Renewable Future Needs
President Biden headlined a Palo Alto event this week touting what Gov. Newsom’s office called “new investments in climate action and clean energy.” In between a series of high-priced Bay Area fundraisers for his re-election campaign, Biden, with Newsom by his side, announced “$67 million (in federal funds) to help ...
California sends mixed messages on housing mandates
California sends mixed messages on housing mandates by Matt Fleming | June 22, 2023 Is California inching towards solving the housing crisis? Not exactly. But the same government that has perpetuated the crisis is at times taking modest actions to get out of the way. One of those ways began ...
Read about CA's war on suburbs
To reduce costs, California also needs to build new suburbs
The three myths that have led to this predicament are the following: Nuclear power and natural gas power causes unacceptable harm to the environment; reservoirs and desalination plants cause unacceptable harm to the environment; and single-family homes nestled in sprawling suburbs cause unacceptable harm to the environment. These are myths. ...
Read about California's outmigration problem
California: Economic Laggard or Leader?
Digging into the analysis quickly reveals that California’s top five ranking results from the state’s past achievements, not its current economic health nor its future growth prospects. Documenting this reality is essential because the state’s top ranking can be easily misconstrued as confirmation that California’s current policy mix is promoting ...
Charter schools provide good learning options for all kids
Classical Academy Charter School Keeps Excelling and Innovating
One of the most rewarding aspects of my job has been the opportunity to meet innovative education leaders whose learning models are making a big difference in the lives of students. Amongst these educators, Cameron Curry, who helped to start Classical Academies and now serves as CEO, is right at ...
Focus homeless aid on transformation, then affordability
Focus homeless aid on transformation, then affordability By Kenneth Schrupp | June 16, 2023 Los Angeles mayor Karen Bass is concentrating homeless assistance projects in high-rent areas where the homeless choose to congregate. This only perpetuates the homeless population’s reliance on government support. In spite of the hundreds of millions ...
Read latest about government overregulation
By managing growth, planners make cities less livable
While Euclidean zoning has been credited with segregating developments that have incompatible uses – a chemical plant next to a school or a landfill right up against a residential district, for a couple of examples – it has a record of going too far. In some cases, planners “decided that ...
The Fentanyl Resurgimiento— A Drug Like No Other
On January 11, 2023, Dr. Rahul Gupta, the Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) declared a small victory. He reported new figures from the Center for Disease Control estimating that nationally there was a 2.57 percent decrease in the number of fatal drug overdoses for ...
Learn about new anti-livestock bill in Congress
Congressional legislation would give animal activists enforcement opportunities in checkoff programs
So, with all the redundancy of the OFF Act, what is the real thrust of this Congressional proposal? The coalition formed in support of the act gives a hint to what is really at its core: a foot in the door for animal activist groups to slowly force livestock producers ...