Celebrating National School Choice Week
Missing from Newsom’s Ed Budget: Student Outcome Goals and Choice
Newsom proposes $127 billion in total funding for education. Yet, his spending proposals contain no goals on improving student outcomes. For example, Newsom is proposing $13 billion to address learning loss among students and promote learning recovery. There is no question that California’s ineffective education policies during the COVID-19 pandemic ...
Lance Izumi
January 22, 2024
Cities can improve day-to-day life by freeing street vendors
Cities can improve day-to-day life by freeing street vendors By Sal Rodriguez | January 19, 2024 As long as there have been street vendors, city bureaucrats have tried to stop them. Whether for protectionist reasons protecting brick-and-mortar businesses from competition or in response to exaggerated health concerns, such rules are ...
Sal Rodriguez
January 19, 2024
Read the latest on California's housing crisis
Building infrastructure is key to lowering housing costs
Housing. Shelter. Room at the inn. A hearth and a home. From the moment neolithic humans emerged from caves to build structures in the open, they needed some place warm and dry to call home. It is a primal necessity and a prerequisite for civilization. This imperative is not lost ...
Edward Ring
January 18, 2024
Newsom public safety budget shortchanges crime victims
For California’s Crime Victims – Budget Dust
Despite his protestations to the opposite in the recent debate with Governor DeSantis, California’s violent crimes are up 6.1 percent and property crimes are up 6.2 percent over their 2021 levels, making California a crime outlier compared to national crime statistics which have dropped. The Governor’s “Real Public Safety Plan” ...
Steve Smith
January 17, 2024
Take a deep dive on Gov. Newsom's education budget
Newsom’s Proposed Education Budget: A Recipe for More Disaster
With all the blaring headlines about California’s huge state budget deficit, one would think that education spending, which accounts for around 45 percent of the budget, would take a significant hit. Well, think again. In the 2019-20 fiscal year, which was the last pre-pandemic budget, state General Fund spending for ...
Lance Izumi
January 16, 2024
In 2024, will more cities relax the grip of progressive policy?
In 2024, will more cities relax the grip of progressive policy? by Kerry Jackson | January 12, 2024 Joel Kotkin of Chapman University recently posted a piece on Unherd in which he reports that, “Across America’s cities, voters are driving out progressives.” Encouraging, if true. Kotkin says that in Seattle, ...
Kerry Jackson
January 12, 2024
Get the latest scoop on local green programs
Budget woes force cities to limit utopian climate programs
City officials depend on money from state and federal governments to implement climate agendas imposed from above. A new report finds them griping about their favorite topic: not enough money from the taxpayers. Key takeaway: “Across all policy areas, respondents were most likely to identify staff capacity and funding as ...
John Seiler
January 11, 2024
Learn about an important state budget priority
Public Employee Pay Savings Must Be Part of Budget Solution
California’s record $68 billion deficit for the 2024 fiscal year is a national newsmaker. State government isn’t the only administrative body facing a budget shortfall, though. A number of cities are also finding they have insufficient funds. Officials are busy trying out plans to resolve their financial troubles, but balancing ...
Kerry Jackson
January 10, 2024
Get a state budget preview
Three things to watch in Governor’s budget rollout
On Wednesday, Gov. Newsom will unveil his much-anticipated 2024-25 state spending plan, officially kicking off the budget debate at the State Capitol. While the state is facing a $68 billion shortfall according to the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s office, Newsom said in a December TV interview that, “we have different numbers ...
Tim Anaya
January 9, 2024
Public pension reform needed to balance state budget
The Miracle Of Defined Contributions
The headline says “Florida has an answer” and if so there could be any number of public policy dilemmas that the state has solved, but in this case it’s government employee pensions. California also knows the answer, but there can be a sizable gap between having knowledge and applying it. ...
Kerry Jackson
January 5, 2024
Celebrating National School Choice Week
Missing from Newsom’s Ed Budget: Student Outcome Goals and Choice
Newsom proposes $127 billion in total funding for education. Yet, his spending proposals contain no goals on improving student outcomes. For example, Newsom is proposing $13 billion to address learning loss among students and promote learning recovery. There is no question that California’s ineffective education policies during the COVID-19 pandemic ...
Cities can improve day-to-day life by freeing street vendors
Cities can improve day-to-day life by freeing street vendors By Sal Rodriguez | January 19, 2024 As long as there have been street vendors, city bureaucrats have tried to stop them. Whether for protectionist reasons protecting brick-and-mortar businesses from competition or in response to exaggerated health concerns, such rules are ...
Read the latest on California's housing crisis
Building infrastructure is key to lowering housing costs
Housing. Shelter. Room at the inn. A hearth and a home. From the moment neolithic humans emerged from caves to build structures in the open, they needed some place warm and dry to call home. It is a primal necessity and a prerequisite for civilization. This imperative is not lost ...
Newsom public safety budget shortchanges crime victims
For California’s Crime Victims – Budget Dust
Despite his protestations to the opposite in the recent debate with Governor DeSantis, California’s violent crimes are up 6.1 percent and property crimes are up 6.2 percent over their 2021 levels, making California a crime outlier compared to national crime statistics which have dropped. The Governor’s “Real Public Safety Plan” ...
Take a deep dive on Gov. Newsom's education budget
Newsom’s Proposed Education Budget: A Recipe for More Disaster
With all the blaring headlines about California’s huge state budget deficit, one would think that education spending, which accounts for around 45 percent of the budget, would take a significant hit. Well, think again. In the 2019-20 fiscal year, which was the last pre-pandemic budget, state General Fund spending for ...
In 2024, will more cities relax the grip of progressive policy?
In 2024, will more cities relax the grip of progressive policy? by Kerry Jackson | January 12, 2024 Joel Kotkin of Chapman University recently posted a piece on Unherd in which he reports that, “Across America’s cities, voters are driving out progressives.” Encouraging, if true. Kotkin says that in Seattle, ...
Get the latest scoop on local green programs
Budget woes force cities to limit utopian climate programs
City officials depend on money from state and federal governments to implement climate agendas imposed from above. A new report finds them griping about their favorite topic: not enough money from the taxpayers. Key takeaway: “Across all policy areas, respondents were most likely to identify staff capacity and funding as ...
Learn about an important state budget priority
Public Employee Pay Savings Must Be Part of Budget Solution
California’s record $68 billion deficit for the 2024 fiscal year is a national newsmaker. State government isn’t the only administrative body facing a budget shortfall, though. A number of cities are also finding they have insufficient funds. Officials are busy trying out plans to resolve their financial troubles, but balancing ...
Get a state budget preview
Three things to watch in Governor’s budget rollout
On Wednesday, Gov. Newsom will unveil his much-anticipated 2024-25 state spending plan, officially kicking off the budget debate at the State Capitol. While the state is facing a $68 billion shortfall according to the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s office, Newsom said in a December TV interview that, “we have different numbers ...
Public pension reform needed to balance state budget
The Miracle Of Defined Contributions
The headline says “Florida has an answer” and if so there could be any number of public policy dilemmas that the state has solved, but in this case it’s government employee pensions. California also knows the answer, but there can be a sizable gap between having knowledge and applying it. ...