

Read latest State Budget Update

Newsom’s Budget Plan Sinks in Deficit Quicksand

Gov. Newsom’s budget problems continue to grow worse. After rolling out his $292 billion proposed state budget plan by arguing with the state’s respected independent budget analyst over the size of the deficit, the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office has more bad news for Newsom about the deficit. On Friday, Newsom’s ...

Read about new local tax & bond measures

Local voters face 77 tax increases on California’s March ballot

According to its calculation, if all pass the combined hit would be $350 million in direct tax increases and $3.6 billion in bonded indebtedness. The group notes the new debt includes “36 school bonds, 16 transactions and use taxes, 19 parcel taxes, two general obligation bonds, one business license tax, ...

Spending Watch

Reparations: A Financially Unrealistic Proposal That Will Bankrupt California

Reparations: A Financially Unrealistic Proposal That Will Bankrupt California Wayne Winegarden February 2024 With the introduction of its first set of reparations bills, the California legislature is officially considering the recommendations of the California Reparations Report from the state Reparations Task Force.1 Given these introductions, it is imperative to understand ...

Car-less cities campaign is the latest paternalistic fad

Car-less cities campaign is the latest paternalistic fad By Steven Greenhut | February 16, 2024 Many modern urbanists like to claim the great urban writer Jane Jacobs, author of “The Death and Life of Great American Cities,” as one of their own. It’s easy to understand, given that Jacobs was ...

Learn about push for congestion pricing

Urbanists to suburbanites: Stay out of our trendy ‘playgrounds’

In New York, the city has introduced a “congestion tax” – effectively, a cordon tax – for all cars entering lower Manhattan. In Cincinnati, the City Council voted for a ban on new surface parking lots downtown. In Indianapolis, the state Legislature is trying to prevent the city from halving ...

Hamburger Politics

Making headlines around the country, California’s iconic In-N-Out recently announced closure of its Oakland California location due to high levels of crime in Oakland’s “crime triangle.” This marks the first ever closure of an In-N-Out location in the company’s 75-year history, which is being celebrated this year. But In-N-Out isn’t ...

Learn about plan to raise your energy bills

Sacramento Does an About Face on Electricity Bills Based on Income

At roughly the same time that steeper energy bills arrived this winter, Gov. Gavin Newsom declined an opportunity to support repeal of a hated law that directs utilities to charge customers based on truly Marxist principle – their income. Instead, his office said he’s looking “forward to seeing a” proposal ...

New Sac tax could impose huge burden on entrepreneurs

400 Percent Tax Increase on Entrepreneurs Won’t Generate the Millions Sacramento Seeks

California’s reputation as being one of the most difficult and expensive places to own and operate a business and create jobs has been long established. Year after year, California ranks at the bottom in Chief Executive magazine’s listing of the best and worst states for business. Even in a tough ...

Despite big budgets, homeless agency is clueless in Seattle

Despite big budgets, homeless agency is clueless in Seattle By Jeremy Lott | February 8, 2024 An optimistic headline topped the joint news release from Washington state’s most-populous city and its most-populous county in December 2019 heralding the formation of the King County Regional Homelessness Authority. This effort would create a “new unified regional ...

The EV Buzz Is Muted

As fads go, electric vehicles are probably not best compared to pet rocks. EVs are more useful. Somewhat. But much like sales of pet rocks falling just a few months after booming during the 1975 Christmas season, it seems EVs have reached the peak of their popularity. More than a ...

Read latest State Budget Update

Newsom’s Budget Plan Sinks in Deficit Quicksand

Gov. Newsom’s budget problems continue to grow worse. After rolling out his $292 billion proposed state budget plan by arguing with the state’s respected independent budget analyst over the size of the deficit, the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office has more bad news for Newsom about the deficit. On Friday, Newsom’s ...

Read about new local tax & bond measures

Local voters face 77 tax increases on California’s March ballot

According to its calculation, if all pass the combined hit would be $350 million in direct tax increases and $3.6 billion in bonded indebtedness. The group notes the new debt includes “36 school bonds, 16 transactions and use taxes, 19 parcel taxes, two general obligation bonds, one business license tax, ...

Spending Watch

Reparations: A Financially Unrealistic Proposal That Will Bankrupt California

Reparations: A Financially Unrealistic Proposal That Will Bankrupt California Wayne Winegarden February 2024 With the introduction of its first set of reparations bills, the California legislature is officially considering the recommendations of the California Reparations Report from the state Reparations Task Force.1 Given these introductions, it is imperative to understand ...

Car-less cities campaign is the latest paternalistic fad

Car-less cities campaign is the latest paternalistic fad By Steven Greenhut | February 16, 2024 Many modern urbanists like to claim the great urban writer Jane Jacobs, author of “The Death and Life of Great American Cities,” as one of their own. It’s easy to understand, given that Jacobs was ...

Learn about push for congestion pricing

Urbanists to suburbanites: Stay out of our trendy ‘playgrounds’

In New York, the city has introduced a “congestion tax” – effectively, a cordon tax – for all cars entering lower Manhattan. In Cincinnati, the City Council voted for a ban on new surface parking lots downtown. In Indianapolis, the state Legislature is trying to prevent the city from halving ...

Hamburger Politics

Making headlines around the country, California’s iconic In-N-Out recently announced closure of its Oakland California location due to high levels of crime in Oakland’s “crime triangle.” This marks the first ever closure of an In-N-Out location in the company’s 75-year history, which is being celebrated this year. But In-N-Out isn’t ...

Learn about plan to raise your energy bills

Sacramento Does an About Face on Electricity Bills Based on Income

At roughly the same time that steeper energy bills arrived this winter, Gov. Gavin Newsom declined an opportunity to support repeal of a hated law that directs utilities to charge customers based on truly Marxist principle – their income. Instead, his office said he’s looking “forward to seeing a” proposal ...

New Sac tax could impose huge burden on entrepreneurs

400 Percent Tax Increase on Entrepreneurs Won’t Generate the Millions Sacramento Seeks

California’s reputation as being one of the most difficult and expensive places to own and operate a business and create jobs has been long established. Year after year, California ranks at the bottom in Chief Executive magazine’s listing of the best and worst states for business. Even in a tough ...

Despite big budgets, homeless agency is clueless in Seattle

Despite big budgets, homeless agency is clueless in Seattle By Jeremy Lott | February 8, 2024 An optimistic headline topped the joint news release from Washington state’s most-populous city and its most-populous county in December 2019 heralding the formation of the King County Regional Homelessness Authority. This effort would create a “new unified regional ...

The EV Buzz Is Muted

As fads go, electric vehicles are probably not best compared to pet rocks. EVs are more useful. Somewhat. But much like sales of pet rocks falling just a few months after booming during the 1975 Christmas season, it seems EVs have reached the peak of their popularity. More than a ...
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