Why are Highly-Desired Industries & Jobs Not Coming to California?
California lawmakers have made it clear. They want clean tech, R&D, manufacturing, energy, and other highly-desired industries to set up shop in California and create jobs in the Golden. State. Yet, despite introducing legislation offering tax credits and other incentives for these companies to come here, most are choosing not ...
Tim Anaya
March 5, 2018
What a Difference a Year Makes: A Washington Update
For many years now, Sally Pipes and I make a trip to Washington in the early part of the year to take the political and policy pulse of the nation’s capital. We meet with members of Congress, their staffs, and executive branch officials to get firsthand knowledge of the policy ...
Rowena Itchon
March 2, 2018
U.S. Must Lead at Home to Change the Global Economy
For centuries, America has worked because of free enterprise: Millions of individuals communicate their preferences and producers respond with changes in products, services and prices. Free enterprise operates silently, efficiently and effectively to bring us the things we need at prices we can afford. Free enterprise creates great wealth through ...
Damon Dunn
March 1, 2018
Trump Is Right: The UK’s NHS Is Failing And More Money Won’t Save It
President Trump recently “slammed” socialized medicine on Twitter. He was referring to a massive “NHS in Crisis: Fix It Now” protest that occurred on Feb. 3 in London. As the British might say, the president’s analysis is “spot on.” The United Kingdom’s single-payer system is in turmoil. It’d be foolish to import ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 28, 2018
The Sky is Falling in Sacramento over Proposals to Increase Federal Transportation Dollars
Recently, President Trump unveiled his long-awaited transportation infrastructure funding plan. His plan includes $200 billion in new federal funds and having local and state governments and public-private partnerships pay the bulk of new transportation projects. As is usually the case with anything the President proposes, the howls of protest began ...
Tim Anaya
February 27, 2018
Today Could Be a Red-Letter Day for Worker Freedom
The two red-letter days on labor union calendars are May Day and Labor Day. After today, though, February 26 might appear as a black-letter day, marking the downfall of once-mighty organized labor. The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing arguments today in Janus vs. AFSCME. The plaintiff is Mark Janus, an ...
Kerry Jackson
February 26, 2018
PRI Files Amicus Brief on Cal Fire Case
This past week, PRI filed an amicus brief in the California Supreme Court on the closely watched case Cal Fire v. CalPERS and the State of California. In 2012, the legislature passed, and Governor Brown signed into law, the Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act, or PEPRA, intended to help rein ...
Rowena Itchon
February 23, 2018
Another Way Government Is Playing Car Salesman – Giveaways to Power Companies
The government is not doing a very effective job of playing car salesman. Despite providing federal manufacturing grants and loans worth $40.7 billion and other $2 billion in federal tax credits to subsidize electric car purchases, electric cars, or zero emission vehicles, are just 0.5 percent of the marketplace. California ...
Tim Anaya
February 22, 2018
Desalination Should Be Part of California’s Water Future
In California, we seem to be living in the days of “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.” As Steve Milloy said last week, there’s water, water everywhere, but almost nary a drop to drink. California has “840 miles of coastline,” tweeted Milloy, the author who is primarily responsible for giving ...
Kerry Jackson
February 21, 2018
Will $4 Gas Prices Sink Campaign to Keep Gas Tax Increase?
Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration and many Sacramento are working overtime to try and convince California voters to reject an effort to repeal last year’s very controversial $52 billion gas and car tax increase. The measure, which is nearly certain to make the November 2018 ballot, is favored for passage in ...
Tim Anaya
February 20, 2018
Why are Highly-Desired Industries & Jobs Not Coming to California?
California lawmakers have made it clear. They want clean tech, R&D, manufacturing, energy, and other highly-desired industries to set up shop in California and create jobs in the Golden. State. Yet, despite introducing legislation offering tax credits and other incentives for these companies to come here, most are choosing not ...
What a Difference a Year Makes: A Washington Update
For many years now, Sally Pipes and I make a trip to Washington in the early part of the year to take the political and policy pulse of the nation’s capital. We meet with members of Congress, their staffs, and executive branch officials to get firsthand knowledge of the policy ...
U.S. Must Lead at Home to Change the Global Economy
For centuries, America has worked because of free enterprise: Millions of individuals communicate their preferences and producers respond with changes in products, services and prices. Free enterprise operates silently, efficiently and effectively to bring us the things we need at prices we can afford. Free enterprise creates great wealth through ...
Trump Is Right: The UK’s NHS Is Failing And More Money Won’t Save It
President Trump recently “slammed” socialized medicine on Twitter. He was referring to a massive “NHS in Crisis: Fix It Now” protest that occurred on Feb. 3 in London. As the British might say, the president’s analysis is “spot on.” The United Kingdom’s single-payer system is in turmoil. It’d be foolish to import ...
The Sky is Falling in Sacramento over Proposals to Increase Federal Transportation Dollars
Recently, President Trump unveiled his long-awaited transportation infrastructure funding plan. His plan includes $200 billion in new federal funds and having local and state governments and public-private partnerships pay the bulk of new transportation projects. As is usually the case with anything the President proposes, the howls of protest began ...
Today Could Be a Red-Letter Day for Worker Freedom
The two red-letter days on labor union calendars are May Day and Labor Day. After today, though, February 26 might appear as a black-letter day, marking the downfall of once-mighty organized labor. The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing arguments today in Janus vs. AFSCME. The plaintiff is Mark Janus, an ...
PRI Files Amicus Brief on Cal Fire Case
This past week, PRI filed an amicus brief in the California Supreme Court on the closely watched case Cal Fire v. CalPERS and the State of California. In 2012, the legislature passed, and Governor Brown signed into law, the Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act, or PEPRA, intended to help rein ...
Another Way Government Is Playing Car Salesman – Giveaways to Power Companies
The government is not doing a very effective job of playing car salesman. Despite providing federal manufacturing grants and loans worth $40.7 billion and other $2 billion in federal tax credits to subsidize electric car purchases, electric cars, or zero emission vehicles, are just 0.5 percent of the marketplace. California ...
Desalination Should Be Part of California’s Water Future
In California, we seem to be living in the days of “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.” As Steve Milloy said last week, there’s water, water everywhere, but almost nary a drop to drink. California has “840 miles of coastline,” tweeted Milloy, the author who is primarily responsible for giving ...
Will $4 Gas Prices Sink Campaign to Keep Gas Tax Increase?
Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration and many Sacramento are working overtime to try and convince California voters to reject an effort to repeal last year’s very controversial $52 billion gas and car tax increase. The measure, which is nearly certain to make the November 2018 ballot, is favored for passage in ...