

New Survey Shows Golden State Marching to the Beat of its Own Drummer

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend a very interesting presentation in Sacramento by the Edelman public relations firm on its annual “Trust Barometer” survey. For the past 18 years, the firm’s research arm has conducted a global survey measuring the public’s trust in key institutions and organizations.  You ...

Despite Ignored Pleas, PRI Survey Shows Taxes, Regulations Do Affect State’s Jobs Climate

We’ve heard it again and again, declarations from California’s progressive politicians on the need to attract “favored” industries to the state. And what are those favored industries? It’s an easy guess — tech, biotech, “clean” manufacturing, environmental companies, and so on.  Since attracting businesses – even progressives’ pet favorites – ...

The Most Surprising Result in PRI’s California Business Climate Survey

This week, PRI’s scholars are offering their perspectives on different aspects of PRI’s new survey of business executives in high-demand fields who aren’t expanding in the Golden State. Reading the survey results, a lot of the findings were what you might expect. For example, 71 percent said that the state’s ...

Education for the Future

When the Pacific Research Institute asked business leaders about what makes California an unattractive state to locate or expand their companies, one respondent said, “Every single thing you can imagine.”  And, among the many complaints from business leaders is the pitiful quality of California’s public education system. Asked about California’s ...

California’s Housing Crisis Also Hurts Our Business Climate

When asked which factors influence their decisions about locating their businesses in California, the top concerns, according to a group of surveyed executives, are housing and real estate costs. No surprise, there. This state’s housing crunch is an enormous problem that threatens the future. The California business climate survey included ...

Why are Highly-Desired Industries & Jobs Not Coming to California?

California lawmakers have made it clear. They want clean tech, R&D, manufacturing, energy, and other highly-desired industries to set up shop in California and create jobs in the Golden. State. Yet, despite introducing legislation offering tax credits and other incentives for these companies to come here, most are choosing not ...

What a Difference a Year Makes: A Washington Update

For many years now, Sally Pipes and I make a trip to Washington in the early part of the year to take the political and policy pulse of the nation’s capital. We meet with members of Congress, their staffs, and executive branch officials to get firsthand knowledge of the policy ...

U.S. Must Lead at Home to Change the Global Economy

For centuries, America has worked because of free enterprise: Millions of individuals communicate their preferences and producers respond with changes in products, services and prices. Free enterprise operates silently, efficiently and effectively to bring us the things we need at prices we can afford. Free enterprise creates great wealth through ...

Trump Is Right: The UK’s NHS Is Failing And More Money Won’t Save It

President Trump recently “slammed” socialized medicine on Twitter. He was referring to a massive “NHS in Crisis: Fix It Now” protest that occurred on Feb. 3 in London. As the British might say, the president’s analysis is “spot on.” The United Kingdom’s single-payer system is in turmoil. It’d be foolish to import ...

The Sky is Falling in Sacramento over Proposals to Increase Federal Transportation Dollars

Recently, President Trump unveiled his long-awaited transportation infrastructure funding plan. His plan includes $200 billion in new federal funds and having local and state governments and public-private partnerships pay the bulk of new transportation projects. As is usually the case with anything the President proposes, the howls of protest began ...

New Survey Shows Golden State Marching to the Beat of its Own Drummer

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend a very interesting presentation in Sacramento by the Edelman public relations firm on its annual “Trust Barometer” survey. For the past 18 years, the firm’s research arm has conducted a global survey measuring the public’s trust in key institutions and organizations.  You ...

Despite Ignored Pleas, PRI Survey Shows Taxes, Regulations Do Affect State’s Jobs Climate

We’ve heard it again and again, declarations from California’s progressive politicians on the need to attract “favored” industries to the state. And what are those favored industries? It’s an easy guess — tech, biotech, “clean” manufacturing, environmental companies, and so on.  Since attracting businesses – even progressives’ pet favorites – ...

The Most Surprising Result in PRI’s California Business Climate Survey

This week, PRI’s scholars are offering their perspectives on different aspects of PRI’s new survey of business executives in high-demand fields who aren’t expanding in the Golden State. Reading the survey results, a lot of the findings were what you might expect. For example, 71 percent said that the state’s ...

Education for the Future

When the Pacific Research Institute asked business leaders about what makes California an unattractive state to locate or expand their companies, one respondent said, “Every single thing you can imagine.”  And, among the many complaints from business leaders is the pitiful quality of California’s public education system. Asked about California’s ...

California’s Housing Crisis Also Hurts Our Business Climate

When asked which factors influence their decisions about locating their businesses in California, the top concerns, according to a group of surveyed executives, are housing and real estate costs. No surprise, there. This state’s housing crunch is an enormous problem that threatens the future. The California business climate survey included ...

Why are Highly-Desired Industries & Jobs Not Coming to California?

California lawmakers have made it clear. They want clean tech, R&D, manufacturing, energy, and other highly-desired industries to set up shop in California and create jobs in the Golden. State. Yet, despite introducing legislation offering tax credits and other incentives for these companies to come here, most are choosing not ...

What a Difference a Year Makes: A Washington Update

For many years now, Sally Pipes and I make a trip to Washington in the early part of the year to take the political and policy pulse of the nation’s capital. We meet with members of Congress, their staffs, and executive branch officials to get firsthand knowledge of the policy ...

U.S. Must Lead at Home to Change the Global Economy

For centuries, America has worked because of free enterprise: Millions of individuals communicate their preferences and producers respond with changes in products, services and prices. Free enterprise operates silently, efficiently and effectively to bring us the things we need at prices we can afford. Free enterprise creates great wealth through ...

Trump Is Right: The UK’s NHS Is Failing And More Money Won’t Save It

President Trump recently “slammed” socialized medicine on Twitter. He was referring to a massive “NHS in Crisis: Fix It Now” protest that occurred on Feb. 3 in London. As the British might say, the president’s analysis is “spot on.” The United Kingdom’s single-payer system is in turmoil. It’d be foolish to import ...

The Sky is Falling in Sacramento over Proposals to Increase Federal Transportation Dollars

Recently, President Trump unveiled his long-awaited transportation infrastructure funding plan. His plan includes $200 billion in new federal funds and having local and state governments and public-private partnerships pay the bulk of new transportation projects. As is usually the case with anything the President proposes, the howls of protest began ...
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