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    Patronage or problem solving? San Fran debates its proliferation of iffy commissions

    Patronage or problem solving? San Fran debates its proliferation of iffy commissions Matthew Fleming  |  July 18, 2024 History of SF’s myriad commissions The first 21 commissions were founded in 1898 with the city and county charter, but the list has ballooned to 115 today for the city of around ...

    Transit agencies put lofty EV goals above riders’ needs

    Perhaps few professional environmentalists read reports issued by the King County Auditor’s Office, but they ought to pay attention to one released last month. Called “Zero Emissions: Metro Transit Working to Mitigate Risks to County’s Ambitious 2035 Goal,” the report documented a phenomenon that climate warriors can no longer ignore: the “many ...

    Read about rising juvenile crime rates

    California’s Lost Boys – On California’s Juvenile Crime Problem

    On May 18, Monterey couple Curt and Shelley Chaffee were visiting San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park.  Shelley is an artist and was taking photographs of the park’s bison when they were robbed at gunpoint of their Nikon camera and cell phones by two male suspects.  They were able to locate ...

    Green Vs. Green

    Some might recall the “Redwood Summer” of 1990, when “thousands of environmentalists” gathered on California’s North Coast to protest a timber harvest. “They blocked roads, sat in trees and chained themselves to logging equipment to halt old-growth cutting,” recalls High Country News. There were also “​​shoving matches, screaming confrontations and ...

    Big victory in U.S. Supreme Court:

    Big victory in U.S. Supreme Court: Grants Pass ruling gives cities tools to clean up homeless camps By Kerry Jackson | July 12, 2024 The U.S. Supreme Court’s June 28 Grants Pass v. Johnson ruling set off a round of celebrations and grumbling that typically occur when any court opinion ...

    Get the scoop on the latest CA crime data

    What the New California Crime Stats Show

    Among the key findings: Violent Crime: Violent crime increased by 3.3% compared to 2022 levels. Property Crime: Property crime decreased by 1.3%, but thefts and property crimes have actually increased according to victimization surveys and industry reports. Underreported Crime: 28 law enforcement agencies did not report their statistics, potentially leading ...

    Read latest about Seattle's housing woes

    Seattle’s revised housing plan is still too restrictive

    Harrell describes the plan as “bold” and says it takes a “deliberate and tailored approach – bringing a greater diversity of housing types to every neighborhood, uplifting the voices of neighbors and vulnerable communities, and building a city where teachers, baristas and working families can afford to live.” To its ...

    Read the latest on Gov. Newsom's national ambitions

    President Newsom, For The Power And The Glory

    Biden’s troubling performance in the June 27 CNN debate fueled the ongoing discussions of who could and should replace him as the Democratic candidate. Of course every list included Newsom, who was a Biden surrogate at the debate and obviously has his eye on the White House even as he ...

    CAPITAL IDEAS: A Bad Idea for California’s Housing Woes: Commandeering Your Spare Bedroom

    A rather alarming idea for solving the United Kingdom’s housing crisis has been put forward in a recent study. Californians better hope the idea stays on that side of the Atlantic. If Sacramento or a city hall picks up on it, they might find themselves with unwanted “guests” in their ...

    Read about latest push for rent control

    Even as rents fall, progressives push local rent controls

    These local measures usually come with a tough cap on rent increases, as well as the creation of a new board of bureaucrats to monitor rents while diverting millions of dollars from other core city services. While local measures have fared better at the ballot box than the statewide efforts ...

    Patronage or problem solving? San Fran debates its proliferation of iffy commissions

    Patronage or problem solving? San Fran debates its proliferation of iffy commissions Matthew Fleming  |  July 18, 2024 History of SF’s myriad commissions The first 21 commissions were founded in 1898 with the city and county charter, but the list has ballooned to 115 today for the city of around ...

    Transit agencies put lofty EV goals above riders’ needs

    Perhaps few professional environmentalists read reports issued by the King County Auditor’s Office, but they ought to pay attention to one released last month. Called “Zero Emissions: Metro Transit Working to Mitigate Risks to County’s Ambitious 2035 Goal,” the report documented a phenomenon that climate warriors can no longer ignore: the “many ...

    Read about rising juvenile crime rates

    California’s Lost Boys – On California’s Juvenile Crime Problem

    On May 18, Monterey couple Curt and Shelley Chaffee were visiting San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park.  Shelley is an artist and was taking photographs of the park’s bison when they were robbed at gunpoint of their Nikon camera and cell phones by two male suspects.  They were able to locate ...

    Green Vs. Green

    Some might recall the “Redwood Summer” of 1990, when “thousands of environmentalists” gathered on California’s North Coast to protest a timber harvest. “They blocked roads, sat in trees and chained themselves to logging equipment to halt old-growth cutting,” recalls High Country News. There were also “​​shoving matches, screaming confrontations and ...

    Big victory in U.S. Supreme Court:

    Big victory in U.S. Supreme Court: Grants Pass ruling gives cities tools to clean up homeless camps By Kerry Jackson | July 12, 2024 The U.S. Supreme Court’s June 28 Grants Pass v. Johnson ruling set off a round of celebrations and grumbling that typically occur when any court opinion ...

    Get the scoop on the latest CA crime data

    What the New California Crime Stats Show

    Among the key findings: Violent Crime: Violent crime increased by 3.3% compared to 2022 levels. Property Crime: Property crime decreased by 1.3%, but thefts and property crimes have actually increased according to victimization surveys and industry reports. Underreported Crime: 28 law enforcement agencies did not report their statistics, potentially leading ...

    Read latest about Seattle's housing woes

    Seattle’s revised housing plan is still too restrictive

    Harrell describes the plan as “bold” and says it takes a “deliberate and tailored approach – bringing a greater diversity of housing types to every neighborhood, uplifting the voices of neighbors and vulnerable communities, and building a city where teachers, baristas and working families can afford to live.” To its ...

    Read the latest on Gov. Newsom's national ambitions

    President Newsom, For The Power And The Glory

    Biden’s troubling performance in the June 27 CNN debate fueled the ongoing discussions of who could and should replace him as the Democratic candidate. Of course every list included Newsom, who was a Biden surrogate at the debate and obviously has his eye on the White House even as he ...

    CAPITAL IDEAS: A Bad Idea for California’s Housing Woes: Commandeering Your Spare Bedroom

    A rather alarming idea for solving the United Kingdom’s housing crisis has been put forward in a recent study. Californians better hope the idea stays on that side of the Atlantic. If Sacramento or a city hall picks up on it, they might find themselves with unwanted “guests” in their ...

    Read about latest push for rent control

    Even as rents fall, progressives push local rent controls

    These local measures usually come with a tough cap on rent increases, as well as the creation of a new board of bureaucrats to monitor rents while diverting millions of dollars from other core city services. While local measures have fared better at the ballot box than the statewide efforts ...
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