

There’s Plenty To Like About Trump’s HHS Pick, Alex Azar

President Trump’s nomination of Alex Azar for secretary of Health and Human Services is encouraging news for free-market health reformers. Azar possesses precisely the combination of legal acumen, bureaucratic savvy, management experience dealing with a large workforce, and private-sector experience required to eliminate those parts of Obamacare that can be accomplished through ...

Is Prop. 54 Needed in Congress?

Over the weekend, I made the rounds of various bipartisan holiday parties filled with California politicos.  The late-night vote on the Senate GOP tax plan was certainly the conversation du jour. My liberal friends decried the harried, last-minute nature of the vote, specifically hundreds of pages of bill language being ...

Cedar Point Nursery Case Could End Trespassing on Private Land

Unions have long had government-protected privileges that no other institution or organization has. They hold monopolies as exclusive collective bargaining units; can collect dues before paychecks are even issued (government is the only other institution that can withhold earnings); and have forced unionization on, and collected dues from, workers who ...

California’s Anger on Tax Deal Directed at Wrong Capitol

On Friday, the Senate achieved the nearly-impossible and passed long-overdue tax reform legislation. While the legislation will surely be changed in the conference committee, whatever final legislation emerges will provide tax relief for many Americans and provide some incentives to job creators to invest in the economy. Many Californians have ...

Brown Right Once Again on Public Employee Pension Reform

We are often critical of the way Gov. Jerry Brown governs and the ideas that he proposes. He too often leans on the progressive playbook. But we’ve not been afraid to say that he’s right when he’s right, and today he’s right. The governor is publicly advocating cuts in public ...

PRI-Manhattan Institute Forum Addresses California’s Drug Pricing Challenge

Earlier this week, PRI joined with the Manhattan Institute to host a well-attended Sacramento panel discussion on California’s drug pricing challenge. Many thanks to my friend and former longtime Capitol reporter Marcey Brightwell, who did an outstanding job moderating the event. Drug pricing emerged as one of the hottest issues ...

The Other Pretty Girl

At a PRI conference a few years ago, someone in the audience had a great question for our keynote speaker, a renowned economist: Given California’s bad economic policies, why do people still like the state?  With typical flair and charm, not to mention political incorrectness (which is why I am ...

Janus Case Could Deliver Win for Workers and Boost Economy

Click here to download the brief Nerves are apparently raw in union halls across California. Labor leaders are waiting in dread over a coming Supreme Court ruling. The decision could cost them members, and more importantly to the union bosses, money. The case they fear is Janus vs. AFSCME. Its ...

Maine’s Medicaid Mistake Could Cost Lives

As featured in Kaiser Health News Morning Briefing Maine made history earlier this month by becoming the first state to adopt Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion via ballot initiative. The vote could inspire progressive activists in other states to push for similar referenda. Expanding Medicaid to cover childless, able-bodied adults would blow ...

We’re Thankful for You

2017 has been quite a year for the Pacific Research Institute. We remain, as ever, committed to championing freedom, opportunity, and personal responsibility. Thanks to the steadfast support of our donors in California and throughout the nation, this past year we have advanced market-based policies in the national debate on ...

There’s Plenty To Like About Trump’s HHS Pick, Alex Azar

President Trump’s nomination of Alex Azar for secretary of Health and Human Services is encouraging news for free-market health reformers. Azar possesses precisely the combination of legal acumen, bureaucratic savvy, management experience dealing with a large workforce, and private-sector experience required to eliminate those parts of Obamacare that can be accomplished through ...

Is Prop. 54 Needed in Congress?

Over the weekend, I made the rounds of various bipartisan holiday parties filled with California politicos.  The late-night vote on the Senate GOP tax plan was certainly the conversation du jour. My liberal friends decried the harried, last-minute nature of the vote, specifically hundreds of pages of bill language being ...

Cedar Point Nursery Case Could End Trespassing on Private Land

Unions have long had government-protected privileges that no other institution or organization has. They hold monopolies as exclusive collective bargaining units; can collect dues before paychecks are even issued (government is the only other institution that can withhold earnings); and have forced unionization on, and collected dues from, workers who ...

California’s Anger on Tax Deal Directed at Wrong Capitol

On Friday, the Senate achieved the nearly-impossible and passed long-overdue tax reform legislation. While the legislation will surely be changed in the conference committee, whatever final legislation emerges will provide tax relief for many Americans and provide some incentives to job creators to invest in the economy. Many Californians have ...

Brown Right Once Again on Public Employee Pension Reform

We are often critical of the way Gov. Jerry Brown governs and the ideas that he proposes. He too often leans on the progressive playbook. But we’ve not been afraid to say that he’s right when he’s right, and today he’s right. The governor is publicly advocating cuts in public ...

PRI-Manhattan Institute Forum Addresses California’s Drug Pricing Challenge

Earlier this week, PRI joined with the Manhattan Institute to host a well-attended Sacramento panel discussion on California’s drug pricing challenge. Many thanks to my friend and former longtime Capitol reporter Marcey Brightwell, who did an outstanding job moderating the event. Drug pricing emerged as one of the hottest issues ...

The Other Pretty Girl

At a PRI conference a few years ago, someone in the audience had a great question for our keynote speaker, a renowned economist: Given California’s bad economic policies, why do people still like the state?  With typical flair and charm, not to mention political incorrectness (which is why I am ...

Janus Case Could Deliver Win for Workers and Boost Economy

Click here to download the brief Nerves are apparently raw in union halls across California. Labor leaders are waiting in dread over a coming Supreme Court ruling. The decision could cost them members, and more importantly to the union bosses, money. The case they fear is Janus vs. AFSCME. Its ...

Maine’s Medicaid Mistake Could Cost Lives

As featured in Kaiser Health News Morning Briefing Maine made history earlier this month by becoming the first state to adopt Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion via ballot initiative. The vote could inspire progressive activists in other states to push for similar referenda. Expanding Medicaid to cover childless, able-bodied adults would blow ...

We’re Thankful for You

2017 has been quite a year for the Pacific Research Institute. We remain, as ever, committed to championing freedom, opportunity, and personal responsibility. Thanks to the steadfast support of our donors in California and throughout the nation, this past year we have advanced market-based policies in the national debate on ...
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