

They’re Baaack! Higher Corporate Tax Rates on California Companies?

Just when hundreds of thousands of Californians have begun to enjoy their bonuses and raises thanks to the new tax law, the progressives in Sacramento are working on ways to crush workers’ newfound prosperity.  Just last week, Democratic Assemblymen Kevin McCarty of Sacramento and Phil Ting of San Francisco introduced ...

I’ll Have a Soda With No Tax, Please

Just after the New Year, a photo taken by the Washington Policy Center, a free-market think tank in the Evergreen State, generated national headlines over a photo illustrating the spike in soda costs in the city of Seattle. A photo taken at a local Costco showed that a recently-enacted city ...

Latest Evidence Shows Rent Control Increases Costs, Reduces Housing Supply

As we have noted so many times before, rent control laws are one of the many flawed public policies that are driving California’s steep housing costs. Look here, here and here. Of course, we’re not alone in making this assertion. There is an extensive library of scholarly literature that has ...

For Brits, A Government Mandated New Year’s Resolution?

My husband, Charles Kesler, and I have spent the last several Christmas holidays in London. Each year, the news headlines about the National Health Service (single-payer British style) seem to get worse and worse.  I often save the articles to use as fodder for my writings.  Here are just a ...

The Importance of the Banal: The Case of the 340B Program

Most news coverage focuses on the grandiose – repeal of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), or whether the U.S. should implement a single payer health care system. These existential questions matter of course – a lot. Click on the image above to read Wayne Winegarden’s study, “Addressing the Problems ...

CAPITAL IDEAS:The Next Step on the Slippery Slope Toward Single-Payer in California

Download the PDF California has declared itself a sanctuary state, where illegal immigrants are sheltered from federal law. The urge to “resist” President Trump runs so red hot in California that Gov. Jerry Brown pardoned two immigrants from Cambodia on Dec. 23 who otherwise would have been deported because they ...

Infrastructure Should Be Budget Priority – Here’s 2 Smart Ways to Make It So

Repairing California’s crumbling roads and highways, and investing in our other infrastructure needs should be at the top of the agenda in Sacramento.  Often, it falls victim to other budget priorities. There’s no question that setting aside a secure and stable annual funding stream to fix our roads, bridges, and ...

Higher Prices During Crises – Is It Really Price Gouging?

On New Year’s Day, months after wildfires had started their deadly march through California, the Los Angeles Times published an article headlined “After the flames, allegations of rent-gouging fly in devastated wine country communities.” It did not include a single defense of higher prices, which indicates bias, or economic ignorance ...

California’s “Greatest Showman” Opens His Last Budget Circus

Last week, I had the chance to see the new movie “The Greatest Showman” about P.T. Barnum and how his dreams to set up his famous circus became a reality.  Hugh Jackman and the very entertaining cast deliver a crowd-pleasing and empowering performance. After watching the movie, I started thinking ...

Brown’s Budget Rejects Tax Rebates, Ignores Need for State Tax Reform

Gov. Jerry Brown’s 2018-19 budget proposal is projecting a $6.1 billion surplus by July 1, 2019, further evidence that the taxpayers of California have been overcharged. But there will be no rebates. Brown said at his press conference Wednesday that, in effect, the sky would fall if you give tax ...

They’re Baaack! Higher Corporate Tax Rates on California Companies?

Just when hundreds of thousands of Californians have begun to enjoy their bonuses and raises thanks to the new tax law, the progressives in Sacramento are working on ways to crush workers’ newfound prosperity.  Just last week, Democratic Assemblymen Kevin McCarty of Sacramento and Phil Ting of San Francisco introduced ...

I’ll Have a Soda With No Tax, Please

Just after the New Year, a photo taken by the Washington Policy Center, a free-market think tank in the Evergreen State, generated national headlines over a photo illustrating the spike in soda costs in the city of Seattle. A photo taken at a local Costco showed that a recently-enacted city ...

Latest Evidence Shows Rent Control Increases Costs, Reduces Housing Supply

As we have noted so many times before, rent control laws are one of the many flawed public policies that are driving California’s steep housing costs. Look here, here and here. Of course, we’re not alone in making this assertion. There is an extensive library of scholarly literature that has ...

For Brits, A Government Mandated New Year’s Resolution?

My husband, Charles Kesler, and I have spent the last several Christmas holidays in London. Each year, the news headlines about the National Health Service (single-payer British style) seem to get worse and worse.  I often save the articles to use as fodder for my writings.  Here are just a ...

The Importance of the Banal: The Case of the 340B Program

Most news coverage focuses on the grandiose – repeal of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), or whether the U.S. should implement a single payer health care system. These existential questions matter of course – a lot. Click on the image above to read Wayne Winegarden’s study, “Addressing the Problems ...

CAPITAL IDEAS:The Next Step on the Slippery Slope Toward Single-Payer in California

Download the PDF California has declared itself a sanctuary state, where illegal immigrants are sheltered from federal law. The urge to “resist” President Trump runs so red hot in California that Gov. Jerry Brown pardoned two immigrants from Cambodia on Dec. 23 who otherwise would have been deported because they ...

Infrastructure Should Be Budget Priority – Here’s 2 Smart Ways to Make It So

Repairing California’s crumbling roads and highways, and investing in our other infrastructure needs should be at the top of the agenda in Sacramento.  Often, it falls victim to other budget priorities. There’s no question that setting aside a secure and stable annual funding stream to fix our roads, bridges, and ...

Higher Prices During Crises – Is It Really Price Gouging?

On New Year’s Day, months after wildfires had started their deadly march through California, the Los Angeles Times published an article headlined “After the flames, allegations of rent-gouging fly in devastated wine country communities.” It did not include a single defense of higher prices, which indicates bias, or economic ignorance ...

California’s “Greatest Showman” Opens His Last Budget Circus

Last week, I had the chance to see the new movie “The Greatest Showman” about P.T. Barnum and how his dreams to set up his famous circus became a reality.  Hugh Jackman and the very entertaining cast deliver a crowd-pleasing and empowering performance. After watching the movie, I started thinking ...

Brown’s Budget Rejects Tax Rebates, Ignores Need for State Tax Reform

Gov. Jerry Brown’s 2018-19 budget proposal is projecting a $6.1 billion surplus by July 1, 2019, further evidence that the taxpayers of California have been overcharged. But there will be no rebates. Brown said at his press conference Wednesday that, in effect, the sky would fall if you give tax ...
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