Elon Musk Shows Private Sector Could Build Better, Cheaper Bullet Train
While high-speed rail, California’s monument to folly, mocks itself with unfinished concrete pillars rising toward the sky like empty hands and tracks leading to nowhere, a tunnel burrowed by entrepreneur Elon Musk beneath Los Angeles might be the forerunner to a transportation system that’s faster, cheaper, and safer than a ...
Kerry Jackson
November 15, 2018
PRI Calls for Reform to Disclose Proxy Advisory Firm Biases in Activist Investment Push
Argues That SEC Should Ensure Shareholder Interests Are Top Priority in Investment Decisions SAN FRANCISCO – Policy reforms should be enacted to ensure that proxy advisory firms promote fund managers’ fiduciary responsibilities to shareholders and increase transparency over the firms’ biases and conflicts of interest, the Pacific Research Institute argued ...
Pacific Research Institute
November 14, 2018
What to Expect from California’s New Governor and Liberal Supermajority
The 2018 election has come and passed. To paraphrase California’s governor-elect, Gavin Newsom will move to the “corner office” come January, “whether you like it or not.” While a few races are still up in the air as of this writing, it looks like he will have a Democrat supermajority ...
Tim Anaya
November 14, 2018
Los Amazon? Not.
It’s official. Amazon has announced plans to establish its second headquarters in New York in the Long Island City neighborhood of Queens and Crystal City, Virginia, which is just outside Washington, D.C. I first wrote about Amazon’s search in a blog back when several California cities were vying for HQ2, ...
Rowena Itchon
November 13, 2018
Honoring Our Veterans
Veterans Day, which we celebrated on November 11th, is not only a national holiday where we honor those men and women who served in our armed forces, but it is also an intensely personal day where family and friends remember their loved ones who wore the uniform. My father is ...
Lance Izumi
November 12, 2018
More Election Woes: Tax Hikes to Save Pensions
In some excellent reporting by Chris Reed of CalWatchdog, Reed found that more than 100 local governments in California asked voters for tax hikes on Election Day, double the 56 the Bond Buyer said it recorded in November 2016. These 100+ measures were on top of the 36 city and ...
Rowena Itchon
November 8, 2018
Free-Markets 101: Politicians Need a Good Education About Running a Business
There are not enough politicians who know what it takes to run a business. Many argue that government would improve if it was run more like a business. Having been an entrepreneur and business owner, I know firsthand the blessings and challenges that come with owning a business. And having ...
Damon Dunn
November 7, 2018
CAPITAL IDEAS: California Ranked Last Again – Do Lawmakers Even Care?
DOWNLOAD THE PDF Keeping track of the many informative lists in which California ranks at or near the bottom is a wearying task. It is also discouraging. This state, once the envy of all others, is losing its luster because policymakers continue to take it down a dark road. While ...
Kerry Jackson
November 6, 2018
Will California Voters Decide to “Fall Back” Permanently on Election Day?
Yesterday, Californians went through our twice-yearly ritual – changing the clocks one hour as our observance of Daylight Saving Time ends. If you’re like me, you spent Saturday night going around the house changing the myriad clocks on the wall and in appliances, while hunting for the owner’s manual to ...
Tim Anaya
November 5, 2018
The Race for CA’s Top Ed Official: A Study in Contrasts
While much of the media is focused on which party will control Congress, one of the most important races in California is for state superintendent of public instruction, the state’s top education official. In one corner is education reformer Marshall Tuck, who lost a close race four years ago to ...
Lance Izumi
November 2, 2018
Elon Musk Shows Private Sector Could Build Better, Cheaper Bullet Train
While high-speed rail, California’s monument to folly, mocks itself with unfinished concrete pillars rising toward the sky like empty hands and tracks leading to nowhere, a tunnel burrowed by entrepreneur Elon Musk beneath Los Angeles might be the forerunner to a transportation system that’s faster, cheaper, and safer than a ...
PRI Calls for Reform to Disclose Proxy Advisory Firm Biases in Activist Investment Push
Argues That SEC Should Ensure Shareholder Interests Are Top Priority in Investment Decisions SAN FRANCISCO – Policy reforms should be enacted to ensure that proxy advisory firms promote fund managers’ fiduciary responsibilities to shareholders and increase transparency over the firms’ biases and conflicts of interest, the Pacific Research Institute argued ...
What to Expect from California’s New Governor and Liberal Supermajority
The 2018 election has come and passed. To paraphrase California’s governor-elect, Gavin Newsom will move to the “corner office” come January, “whether you like it or not.” While a few races are still up in the air as of this writing, it looks like he will have a Democrat supermajority ...
Los Amazon? Not.
It’s official. Amazon has announced plans to establish its second headquarters in New York in the Long Island City neighborhood of Queens and Crystal City, Virginia, which is just outside Washington, D.C. I first wrote about Amazon’s search in a blog back when several California cities were vying for HQ2, ...
Honoring Our Veterans
Veterans Day, which we celebrated on November 11th, is not only a national holiday where we honor those men and women who served in our armed forces, but it is also an intensely personal day where family and friends remember their loved ones who wore the uniform. My father is ...
More Election Woes: Tax Hikes to Save Pensions
In some excellent reporting by Chris Reed of CalWatchdog, Reed found that more than 100 local governments in California asked voters for tax hikes on Election Day, double the 56 the Bond Buyer said it recorded in November 2016. These 100+ measures were on top of the 36 city and ...
Free-Markets 101: Politicians Need a Good Education About Running a Business
There are not enough politicians who know what it takes to run a business. Many argue that government would improve if it was run more like a business. Having been an entrepreneur and business owner, I know firsthand the blessings and challenges that come with owning a business. And having ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: California Ranked Last Again – Do Lawmakers Even Care?
DOWNLOAD THE PDF Keeping track of the many informative lists in which California ranks at or near the bottom is a wearying task. It is also discouraging. This state, once the envy of all others, is losing its luster because policymakers continue to take it down a dark road. While ...
Will California Voters Decide to “Fall Back” Permanently on Election Day?
Yesterday, Californians went through our twice-yearly ritual – changing the clocks one hour as our observance of Daylight Saving Time ends. If you’re like me, you spent Saturday night going around the house changing the myriad clocks on the wall and in appliances, while hunting for the owner’s manual to ...
The Race for CA’s Top Ed Official: A Study in Contrasts
While much of the media is focused on which party will control Congress, one of the most important races in California is for state superintendent of public instruction, the state’s top education official. In one corner is education reformer Marshall Tuck, who lost a close race four years ago to ...