What We’re Watching – Gene Therapies Can Save Lives
Gene therapies have the potential to dramatically improve the lives of millions of Americans living with life-threatening diseases. Watch the new PRI video to learn how policy obstacles are standing in the way of making gene therapies a reality for millions.
Pacific Research Institute
March 29, 2019
Estate Tax Bill Will Do Nothing to Reduce California’s Wealth Gap
You would think that California’s current $21.4 billion budget surplus would be plenty of money to fund the spending wish list of those thwarted over the past 8 years by former Gov. Jerry Brown’s adherence to the principle of subsidiarity. Think again. In fact, much of the talk in Sacramento ...
Tim Anaya
March 28, 2019
Why Buy A Modest Home in California for The Price of a Texas Mansion?
It can cost a half-million dollars more to build the same-size house in California as it does in Texas. The number of adults surprised by this is roughly zero. While California ranked no. 3 in new home construction in 2017, housing supply still lags far behind demand in the most ...
Kerry Jackson
March 27, 2019
California’s War on Entrepreneurs
California is proving once again that it’s the worst place to do business in America. This time, the state is attempting to collect up to eight years of back taxes from Amazon sellers whose products were temporarily stored in Amazon warehouses throughout the state. Not content with a projected budget ...
Rowena Itchon
March 26, 2019
CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Plastic Police Always on The Job
DOWNLOAD THE PDF It was inevitable. California lawmakers’ assault on choice continues in 2019. The plastic-bag ban already in effect is not enough to satisfy their appetite for micromanaging others’ lives. After successfully outlawing single-use plastic bags in grocery stores and other large retailers, with the help of voters in ...
Kerry Jackson
March 25, 2019
What We’re Watching – March 22
Tim Anaya – What Crime Victims Have to Say About Gov. Newsom’s Actions on the Death Penalty This week on Right by the Bay, I wrote about Gov. Newsom’s startling actions on the death penalty. My piece argues that justice for crime victims and their families are clearly not one ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 22, 2019
USC: In Defense of a Half Million Dollars
Enough already. I’m tired of people snickering that USC, my old alma mater, isn’t worth the half-million-dollar bribe that actress Lori Loughlin allegedly paid to get her two daughters in the school. Here’s just a sample of the put downs: John Podhoretz (University of Chicago), editor of Commentary, said in ...
Rowena Itchon
March 21, 2019
President Trump and An American Education Agenda
In early 2018, Pacific Research Institute released my publication An American Education Agenda, which included my five top reform recommendations for the federal government. It is heartening to see that President Trump and his administration have addressed, in some form, most of my recommendations. The five federal recommendations in An ...
Lance Izumi
March 20, 2019
Wasn’t The Fuel Tax Hike Intended To Build Roads, Not Houses?
California cities have a choice: They can comply with the new governor’s effort to increase homebuilding or they can continue to put up with lousy roads. That isn’t exactly the way the new governor’s deal is going to work, but it is a loose if not generally accurate account of ...
Kerry Jackson
March 19, 2019
Justice for Crime Victims Isn’t a “Bedrock Value” in Gavin Newsom’s California
Gov. Gavin Newsom triggered a firestorm on Wednesday by signing an executive order ordering a moratorium on the death penalty. His action effectively grants a reprieve from lethal injections for the state’s 737 death row inmates. According to Politico, his action will most benefit the 24 death row inmates who ...
Tim Anaya
March 18, 2019
What We’re Watching – Gene Therapies Can Save Lives
Gene therapies have the potential to dramatically improve the lives of millions of Americans living with life-threatening diseases. Watch the new PRI video to learn how policy obstacles are standing in the way of making gene therapies a reality for millions.
Estate Tax Bill Will Do Nothing to Reduce California’s Wealth Gap
You would think that California’s current $21.4 billion budget surplus would be plenty of money to fund the spending wish list of those thwarted over the past 8 years by former Gov. Jerry Brown’s adherence to the principle of subsidiarity. Think again. In fact, much of the talk in Sacramento ...
Why Buy A Modest Home in California for The Price of a Texas Mansion?
It can cost a half-million dollars more to build the same-size house in California as it does in Texas. The number of adults surprised by this is roughly zero. While California ranked no. 3 in new home construction in 2017, housing supply still lags far behind demand in the most ...
California’s War on Entrepreneurs
California is proving once again that it’s the worst place to do business in America. This time, the state is attempting to collect up to eight years of back taxes from Amazon sellers whose products were temporarily stored in Amazon warehouses throughout the state. Not content with a projected budget ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Plastic Police Always on The Job
DOWNLOAD THE PDF It was inevitable. California lawmakers’ assault on choice continues in 2019. The plastic-bag ban already in effect is not enough to satisfy their appetite for micromanaging others’ lives. After successfully outlawing single-use plastic bags in grocery stores and other large retailers, with the help of voters in ...
What We’re Watching – March 22
Tim Anaya – What Crime Victims Have to Say About Gov. Newsom’s Actions on the Death Penalty This week on Right by the Bay, I wrote about Gov. Newsom’s startling actions on the death penalty. My piece argues that justice for crime victims and their families are clearly not one ...
USC: In Defense of a Half Million Dollars
Enough already. I’m tired of people snickering that USC, my old alma mater, isn’t worth the half-million-dollar bribe that actress Lori Loughlin allegedly paid to get her two daughters in the school. Here’s just a sample of the put downs: John Podhoretz (University of Chicago), editor of Commentary, said in ...
President Trump and An American Education Agenda
In early 2018, Pacific Research Institute released my publication An American Education Agenda, which included my five top reform recommendations for the federal government. It is heartening to see that President Trump and his administration have addressed, in some form, most of my recommendations. The five federal recommendations in An ...
Wasn’t The Fuel Tax Hike Intended To Build Roads, Not Houses?
California cities have a choice: They can comply with the new governor’s effort to increase homebuilding or they can continue to put up with lousy roads. That isn’t exactly the way the new governor’s deal is going to work, but it is a loose if not generally accurate account of ...
Justice for Crime Victims Isn’t a “Bedrock Value” in Gavin Newsom’s California
Gov. Gavin Newsom triggered a firestorm on Wednesday by signing an executive order ordering a moratorium on the death penalty. His action effectively grants a reprieve from lethal injections for the state’s 737 death row inmates. According to Politico, his action will most benefit the 24 death row inmates who ...