

Free-Markets 101: Politicians Need a Good Education About Running a Business

There are not enough politicians who know what it takes to run a business. Many argue that government would improve if it was run more like a business. Having been an entrepreneur and business owner, I know firsthand the blessings and challenges that come with owning a business. And having ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: California Ranked Last Again – Do Lawmakers Even Care?

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Keeping track of the many informative lists in which California ranks at or near the bottom is a wearying task. It is also discouraging. This state, once the envy of all others, is losing its luster because policymakers continue to take it down a dark road. While ...

Will California Voters Decide to “Fall Back” Permanently on Election Day?

Yesterday, Californians went through our twice-yearly ritual – changing the clocks one hour as our observance of Daylight Saving Time ends. If you’re like me, you spent Saturday night going around the house changing the myriad clocks on the wall and in appliances, while hunting for the owner’s manual to ...

The Race for CA’s Top Ed Official: A Study in Contrasts

While much of the media is focused on which party will control Congress, one of the most important races in California is for state superintendent of public instruction, the state’s top education official. In one corner is education reformer Marshall Tuck, who lost a close race four years ago to ...

Would Gavin Newsom Gut Prop. 98 to Fund Single-Payer Health Care?

Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, likely the next governor of California, is a single-payer health care evangelist. He has a vision of the state under his charge leading “this conversation in a way that ultimately advances” a single-payer system nationwide. Idealists like Newsom often talk about “guaranteed health care for all,” ...

PRI’s 2018 Free-Market Election Guide

By Tim Anaya It’s almost here.  Election day 2018 is just around the corner on Tuesday, November 6. Many Californians will take time over the next few days to review all the candidates and ballot measures on the November ballot.  With media coverage typically focusing on the “horse race” of ...

How We Can Fund California’s Roads if Proposition 6 Passes

Next week, Californians will vote on Proposition 6, which, if approved, would kill last year’s $52 billion fuel tax hike. Opponents are telling us we will doom ourselves if repeal the tax hike. How, they ask, will the state repair its miserable roads without that money? California’s transportation infrastructure is ...

Midterm Elections and the Markets

It’s been a rocky road for the stock market so far in October.  Historically, the financial markets aren’t jittery around mid-term elections.  But rising interest rates, a trade war, the mysterious death of an Arab journalist, and Central Americans on the march toward the U.S. border all make for political ...

What We’re Watching – Is Social Media Good for Democracy?

Rowena Itchon – Is Social Media Good for Democracy? Check out this Intelligence Squared Debate on whether social media is good for democracy.  Surprisingly, tech guru and venture capitalist Roger McNamee was against the motion – and his side won the debate. Kerry Jackson – A Cringeworthy Moment Shows How ...

Does President Trump Favor Price Controls?

At 2 pm Eastern time today, President Trump spoke at the Department of Health and Human Services where he recommended a litany of policies that would ultimately impose price controls on the pharmaceutical market. Take his proposal to force the prices paid by Medicare for drugs administer in doctors’ offices ...

Free-Markets 101: Politicians Need a Good Education About Running a Business

There are not enough politicians who know what it takes to run a business. Many argue that government would improve if it was run more like a business. Having been an entrepreneur and business owner, I know firsthand the blessings and challenges that come with owning a business. And having ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: California Ranked Last Again – Do Lawmakers Even Care?

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Keeping track of the many informative lists in which California ranks at or near the bottom is a wearying task. It is also discouraging. This state, once the envy of all others, is losing its luster because policymakers continue to take it down a dark road. While ...

Will California Voters Decide to “Fall Back” Permanently on Election Day?

Yesterday, Californians went through our twice-yearly ritual – changing the clocks one hour as our observance of Daylight Saving Time ends. If you’re like me, you spent Saturday night going around the house changing the myriad clocks on the wall and in appliances, while hunting for the owner’s manual to ...

The Race for CA’s Top Ed Official: A Study in Contrasts

While much of the media is focused on which party will control Congress, one of the most important races in California is for state superintendent of public instruction, the state’s top education official. In one corner is education reformer Marshall Tuck, who lost a close race four years ago to ...

Would Gavin Newsom Gut Prop. 98 to Fund Single-Payer Health Care?

Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, likely the next governor of California, is a single-payer health care evangelist. He has a vision of the state under his charge leading “this conversation in a way that ultimately advances” a single-payer system nationwide. Idealists like Newsom often talk about “guaranteed health care for all,” ...

PRI’s 2018 Free-Market Election Guide

By Tim Anaya It’s almost here.  Election day 2018 is just around the corner on Tuesday, November 6. Many Californians will take time over the next few days to review all the candidates and ballot measures on the November ballot.  With media coverage typically focusing on the “horse race” of ...

How We Can Fund California’s Roads if Proposition 6 Passes

Next week, Californians will vote on Proposition 6, which, if approved, would kill last year’s $52 billion fuel tax hike. Opponents are telling us we will doom ourselves if repeal the tax hike. How, they ask, will the state repair its miserable roads without that money? California’s transportation infrastructure is ...

Midterm Elections and the Markets

It’s been a rocky road for the stock market so far in October.  Historically, the financial markets aren’t jittery around mid-term elections.  But rising interest rates, a trade war, the mysterious death of an Arab journalist, and Central Americans on the march toward the U.S. border all make for political ...

What We’re Watching – Is Social Media Good for Democracy?

Rowena Itchon – Is Social Media Good for Democracy? Check out this Intelligence Squared Debate on whether social media is good for democracy.  Surprisingly, tech guru and venture capitalist Roger McNamee was against the motion – and his side won the debate. Kerry Jackson – A Cringeworthy Moment Shows How ...

Does President Trump Favor Price Controls?

At 2 pm Eastern time today, President Trump spoke at the Department of Health and Human Services where he recommended a litany of policies that would ultimately impose price controls on the pharmaceutical market. Take his proposal to force the prices paid by Medicare for drugs administer in doctors’ offices ...
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