Teacher Unions’ Agenda Derailed by LA Parcel Tax Defeat
A funny thing happened on the way to teacher-union political hegemony: common sense kicked in and the people threw the unions for a huge loss with the defeat of the proposed parcel-tax increase in Los Angeles. In fight after fight across the country, and especially here in California, the teacher ...
Lance Izumi
June 6, 2019
Words Mean A Different Thing When It Comes to Socialism, Says America’s Top Pollster
In the classic work Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll, the character Humpty Dumpty says that “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.” Responding, Alice (of Wonderland fame) says, “The question is whether you can make works ...
Tim Anaya
June 5, 2019
Issue Brief: Dishonest Propaganda Sprouts from Organic Agriculture
In The Wealth of Nations, the 18th century economist and philosopher Adam Smith observed about the chicanery of some businessmen, “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.” ...
Henry Miller, M.S., M.D.
June 4, 2019
Union Membership Doesn’t Mean a Job Forever
PRI has a helpful calculator that shows how much a union member could save throughout his or her working years from not paying union dues. In California, the average fee-paying teacher owes $650 a year while the average worker owes $1,000. A 45-year old teacher who leaves the union and ...
Rowena Itchon
June 3, 2019
What We’re Watching – May 31
Tim Anaya – Why Are So Many Californians Moving to Arizona? This week, I’ve been in Arizona for Heritage Resource Bank conference. It’s really the first time I’ve spent any time in the state outside changing planes. Arizona is a state where a lot of Californians have moved in recent ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 31, 2019
Try the Free Market Before Tourists Are One Day Warned to Not Drink the Water in California
California has regressed from the land of opportunity to the land of crisis. A chronic housing shortage, growing homelessness problems, the highest poverty rate in the nation, and runaway public employee pension liability are ripping at the seams of the state. Add to that list of troubles the taint of ...
Kerry Jackson
May 30, 2019
“HELP-ing” to Make Health Care More Affordable
The Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Committee has just released a bi-partisan bill authored by Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Patty Murray (D-WA) that would make health care more affordable and more transparent for patients. These reforms are not grandiose fantasies that are destined to fail, such as ...
Wayne Winegarden
May 29, 2019
Legislature Focuses on Its Priorities While Going Slow on Housing and Homelessness
On Friday, the Legislature faces the big “house of origin” deadline. All bills that were introduced this year must pass their “house of origin” by the 31st. In other words, bills that were introduced in the Assembly must pass by Friday night and vice versa. In fact, the Assembly and ...
Tim Anaya
May 28, 2019
What We’re Watching – Memorial Day Edition
Tim Anaya – Memorial Day Tribute This week on What We’re Watching, we present a special tribute to America’s fallen heroes throughout our history. We will never forget the bravery and dedication to duty you showed so that we could all be free. Kerry Jackson – Amazing Grace Bagpipes No better ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 24, 2019
Addressing Low Home Ownership Rates Key to Eliminating Inequality, Future Growth
There have decades of bipartisan rhetoric about the virtues of home ownership, with politicians competing with one another to see who can propose the worst ideas for responsible homeownership. Some policies, like preferential tax treatment and credit-enhancements offered through the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) are distortionary but benign in their ...
Damon Dunn
May 23, 2019
Teacher Unions’ Agenda Derailed by LA Parcel Tax Defeat
A funny thing happened on the way to teacher-union political hegemony: common sense kicked in and the people threw the unions for a huge loss with the defeat of the proposed parcel-tax increase in Los Angeles. In fight after fight across the country, and especially here in California, the teacher ...
Words Mean A Different Thing When It Comes to Socialism, Says America’s Top Pollster
In the classic work Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll, the character Humpty Dumpty says that “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.” Responding, Alice (of Wonderland fame) says, “The question is whether you can make works ...
Issue Brief: Dishonest Propaganda Sprouts from Organic Agriculture
In The Wealth of Nations, the 18th century economist and philosopher Adam Smith observed about the chicanery of some businessmen, “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.” ...
Union Membership Doesn’t Mean a Job Forever
PRI has a helpful calculator that shows how much a union member could save throughout his or her working years from not paying union dues. In California, the average fee-paying teacher owes $650 a year while the average worker owes $1,000. A 45-year old teacher who leaves the union and ...
What We’re Watching – May 31
Tim Anaya – Why Are So Many Californians Moving to Arizona? This week, I’ve been in Arizona for Heritage Resource Bank conference. It’s really the first time I’ve spent any time in the state outside changing planes. Arizona is a state where a lot of Californians have moved in recent ...
Try the Free Market Before Tourists Are One Day Warned to Not Drink the Water in California
California has regressed from the land of opportunity to the land of crisis. A chronic housing shortage, growing homelessness problems, the highest poverty rate in the nation, and runaway public employee pension liability are ripping at the seams of the state. Add to that list of troubles the taint of ...
“HELP-ing” to Make Health Care More Affordable
The Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Committee has just released a bi-partisan bill authored by Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Patty Murray (D-WA) that would make health care more affordable and more transparent for patients. These reforms are not grandiose fantasies that are destined to fail, such as ...
Legislature Focuses on Its Priorities While Going Slow on Housing and Homelessness
On Friday, the Legislature faces the big “house of origin” deadline. All bills that were introduced this year must pass their “house of origin” by the 31st. In other words, bills that were introduced in the Assembly must pass by Friday night and vice versa. In fact, the Assembly and ...
What We’re Watching – Memorial Day Edition
Tim Anaya – Memorial Day Tribute This week on What We’re Watching, we present a special tribute to America’s fallen heroes throughout our history. We will never forget the bravery and dedication to duty you showed so that we could all be free. Kerry Jackson – Amazing Grace Bagpipes No better ...
Addressing Low Home Ownership Rates Key to Eliminating Inequality, Future Growth
There have decades of bipartisan rhetoric about the virtues of home ownership, with politicians competing with one another to see who can propose the worst ideas for responsible homeownership. Some policies, like preferential tax treatment and credit-enhancements offered through the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) are distortionary but benign in their ...