What We’re Watching – September 6
Tim Anaya – Channeling My Inner Phil Donahue In case you missed it, check out the video of a recent PRI luncheon with UC Berkeley Law Professor John Yoo and PRI’s Dr. Steven Hayward – also a Berkeley prof – on the battle for free speech on college campuses. Thanks ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 6, 2019
College Board Gets Rid of SAT “Adversity Score.” Or Did They?
Recently, headline after headline trumpeted that the College Board, which administers the SAT, eliminated students’ so-called “adversity score,” which was supposed to inform college admissions officials about the challenges students face or don’t face in their schools and neighborhoods. But did they really get rid of it? The adversity score, ...
Lance Izumi
September 5, 2019
Latest ‘Wild Thing’ from Sacramento: Lowering Voting Age to 17
I loved the classic children’s book Where the Wild Things Are when I was a kid. If I were to write a story about the political version of Where the Wild Things Are, I’d set it on the floor of the State Assembly during the final weeks of the legislative ...
Tim Anaya
September 4, 2019
Don’t Take All That Talk About Economic Growth or a Recession to the Bank (Yet)
It seems you can’t scroll through your social media feed or morning newsletter without reading commentary about inverted yield curve and recession. A 2020 economic recession is the talk of political pundits, financial talking heads, and presidential hopefuls, but the verdict is out on whether the longest sustained economic growth ...
Evan Harris
September 3, 2019
What We’re Watching – August 30
Tim Anaya – Remembering a Sacramento Culinary Icon News came on Thursday that Sacramento’s cooking icon Biba Caggiano passed away at the age of 82. Anyone who has spent any time on the Sacramento political scene has spent more than one enjoyable meal at Biba’s. Her lasagna, which is so ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 30, 2019
Celebrating Worker Freedom on Labor Day
On this Labor Day, we salute California’s hard-working men and women with a much-deserved three-day weekend while enjoying the unofficial end of the summer season. This Labor Day, we celebrate the fact that California’s public employees who don’t want to pay for their union’s political agenda, who don’t believe they ...
Tim Anaya
August 29, 2019
CAPITAL IDEAS: The Ugly Side of the Pursuit for ‘Sustainability’
Los Angeles County has adopted a “sustainability” program that officials expect “to enhance the well-being of every community in the county while reducing damage to the natural environment and adapting to the changing climate.” This is considered smart. By people who should know better. Our smartest should know central planning ...
Kerry Jackson
August 28, 2019
New Research Shows Link Between Job Losses and a Community’s Social Ills
Despite evidence of a recent slowdown, the American economy is strong according to nearly all traditional economic indicators and has been for multiple years. Nearly a decade of economic expansion has led to record highs being recorded in the stock market, housing prices, and wages. The recent strengthening of economic ...
Damon Dunn
August 27, 2019
Split-Roll Forces Challenge Prop 13: How Will Californians React?
Supporters behind the split roll ballot measure that would remove Proposition 13’s tax protection for commercial properties had it been approved are apparently junking the initiative in favor of what they believe will be a “new and improved” plan. “They claim they are strengthening the measure to help it pass,” ...
Kerry Jackson
August 26, 2019
What We’re Watching – August 23
Tim Anaya – What Would Have Happened if the US Bought Greenland in 1946? This week brought the unusual dispute between the Trump Administration and Denmark after being rebuffed over a proposal to purchase Greenland. In the coverage of the issue, it was reported that Harry Truman offered to buy ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 23, 2019
What We’re Watching – September 6
Tim Anaya – Channeling My Inner Phil Donahue In case you missed it, check out the video of a recent PRI luncheon with UC Berkeley Law Professor John Yoo and PRI’s Dr. Steven Hayward – also a Berkeley prof – on the battle for free speech on college campuses. Thanks ...
College Board Gets Rid of SAT “Adversity Score.” Or Did They?
Recently, headline after headline trumpeted that the College Board, which administers the SAT, eliminated students’ so-called “adversity score,” which was supposed to inform college admissions officials about the challenges students face or don’t face in their schools and neighborhoods. But did they really get rid of it? The adversity score, ...
Latest ‘Wild Thing’ from Sacramento: Lowering Voting Age to 17
I loved the classic children’s book Where the Wild Things Are when I was a kid. If I were to write a story about the political version of Where the Wild Things Are, I’d set it on the floor of the State Assembly during the final weeks of the legislative ...
Don’t Take All That Talk About Economic Growth or a Recession to the Bank (Yet)
It seems you can’t scroll through your social media feed or morning newsletter without reading commentary about inverted yield curve and recession. A 2020 economic recession is the talk of political pundits, financial talking heads, and presidential hopefuls, but the verdict is out on whether the longest sustained economic growth ...
What We’re Watching – August 30
Tim Anaya – Remembering a Sacramento Culinary Icon News came on Thursday that Sacramento’s cooking icon Biba Caggiano passed away at the age of 82. Anyone who has spent any time on the Sacramento political scene has spent more than one enjoyable meal at Biba’s. Her lasagna, which is so ...
Celebrating Worker Freedom on Labor Day
On this Labor Day, we salute California’s hard-working men and women with a much-deserved three-day weekend while enjoying the unofficial end of the summer season. This Labor Day, we celebrate the fact that California’s public employees who don’t want to pay for their union’s political agenda, who don’t believe they ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: The Ugly Side of the Pursuit for ‘Sustainability’
Los Angeles County has adopted a “sustainability” program that officials expect “to enhance the well-being of every community in the county while reducing damage to the natural environment and adapting to the changing climate.” This is considered smart. By people who should know better. Our smartest should know central planning ...
New Research Shows Link Between Job Losses and a Community’s Social Ills
Despite evidence of a recent slowdown, the American economy is strong according to nearly all traditional economic indicators and has been for multiple years. Nearly a decade of economic expansion has led to record highs being recorded in the stock market, housing prices, and wages. The recent strengthening of economic ...
Split-Roll Forces Challenge Prop 13: How Will Californians React?
Supporters behind the split roll ballot measure that would remove Proposition 13’s tax protection for commercial properties had it been approved are apparently junking the initiative in favor of what they believe will be a “new and improved” plan. “They claim they are strengthening the measure to help it pass,” ...
What We’re Watching – August 23
Tim Anaya – What Would Have Happened if the US Bought Greenland in 1946? This week brought the unusual dispute between the Trump Administration and Denmark after being rebuffed over a proposal to purchase Greenland. In the coverage of the issue, it was reported that Harry Truman offered to buy ...