Instead of Spending Billions on Housing Affordability, Silicon Valley Should Demand CEQA Reform
Amid much fanfare, several Silicon Valley firms have announced plans to collectively contribute billions to “affordable housing” programs. Last month, Apple announced “a comprehensive $2.5 billion plan to help address the housing availability and affordability crisis in California.” Their plan includes “a $1 billion commitment to the state of California ...
Tim Anaya
December 4, 2019
Support PRI on #GivingTuesday
Thanks to the support of hundreds of liberty-minded individuals, 2019 was a banner year for the Pacific Research Institute. The generosity of our supporters is what allows us to champion freedom, opportunity, and personal responsibility by advancing free-market policy ideas. Over the past 12 months, PRI scholars have given dozens ...
Ben Smithwick
December 3, 2019
California’s Assembly Bill 5 Is A Virus Moving Across the Country
The flood of lousy legislation that has poured out of Sacramento for the last two decades or so truly astonishes in its volume. As fourth-rate as the lawmaking has been, though, nothing has been worse than Assembly Bill 5, an existential threat to both jobs and businesses because it requires ...
Kerry Jackson
December 2, 2019
The 2019 PRI Holiday Book Guide
With Thanksgiving falling late this year, you have one less week to get all of your Christmas shopping done. If you are like me, you’re a bit overwhelmed trying to find the perfect gift for everyone on your shopping list. To give you some inspiration for your holiday shopping, we ...
Tim Anaya
November 27, 2019
A Bearish View on California’s Budget Surplus
Last week the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) published its latest fiscal outlook for California. The headlines were so great that you could almost hear the champagne corks popping in Sacramento. Not only has the state budget in California run surpluses for several years now, the LAO expects another surplus for ...
Wayne Winegarden
November 26, 2019
Want to Help Homeless Children? Address Their Education
Recently, the U.S. Senate passed a resolution recognizing November 2019 as Homeless Children and Youth Awareness Month and, importantly, highlighted lack of education as a key characteristic of homeless youth. The Senate resolution noted that young people without a high school degree or general educational development certificate (GED) are significantly ...
Lance Izumi
November 25, 2019
What We’re Watching – November 22
Rowena Itchon – Sally Pipes Debates Single Payer at UC Berkeley Watch Sally Pipes’ debate on single-payer health care in front of students at UC Berkeley. Ben Smithwick – On Efforts to Crack Down on Free Speech Online Investor and entrepreneur Peter Thiel, who was the keynote speaker at ...
Pacific Research Institute
November 22, 2019
California Should Embrace Internet Freedom to Ensure Future Innovation, Prosperity
Last month the D.C. Court of Appeals settled, for now, the question of how much freedom consumers will be guaranteed to make their internet experience the one they want. The Court upheld the current Federal Communication Commission’s Restoring Internet Freedom Order, which repealed the prior administration’s heavy-handed, 1930s-style regulation of ...
Bartlett Cleland
November 21, 2019
At the Intersection of Art and Climate In California
When the California Air Resources Board opens its new headquarters in two years in Riverside, it will be basking in the radiance of the “world’s largest permanent collection of artworks addressing air quality and the effects of climate change.” The cost: $2.42 million, funded by a public art alliance. And ...
Kerry Jackson
November 20, 2019
Meet the obscure federal interagency committee who keeps an eye on foreign investment and national security
The United States tweet first, tariff second trade policy against China continues to define American -Chinese relations. As both nations pursue the “Cold War light” escalation through tariffs, the United States continues to drum up new regulations to combat Chinese economic influence. One policy the federal government is embracing is ...
Evan Harris
November 19, 2019
Instead of Spending Billions on Housing Affordability, Silicon Valley Should Demand CEQA Reform
Amid much fanfare, several Silicon Valley firms have announced plans to collectively contribute billions to “affordable housing” programs. Last month, Apple announced “a comprehensive $2.5 billion plan to help address the housing availability and affordability crisis in California.” Their plan includes “a $1 billion commitment to the state of California ...
Support PRI on #GivingTuesday
Thanks to the support of hundreds of liberty-minded individuals, 2019 was a banner year for the Pacific Research Institute. The generosity of our supporters is what allows us to champion freedom, opportunity, and personal responsibility by advancing free-market policy ideas. Over the past 12 months, PRI scholars have given dozens ...
California’s Assembly Bill 5 Is A Virus Moving Across the Country
The flood of lousy legislation that has poured out of Sacramento for the last two decades or so truly astonishes in its volume. As fourth-rate as the lawmaking has been, though, nothing has been worse than Assembly Bill 5, an existential threat to both jobs and businesses because it requires ...
The 2019 PRI Holiday Book Guide
With Thanksgiving falling late this year, you have one less week to get all of your Christmas shopping done. If you are like me, you’re a bit overwhelmed trying to find the perfect gift for everyone on your shopping list. To give you some inspiration for your holiday shopping, we ...
A Bearish View on California’s Budget Surplus
Last week the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) published its latest fiscal outlook for California. The headlines were so great that you could almost hear the champagne corks popping in Sacramento. Not only has the state budget in California run surpluses for several years now, the LAO expects another surplus for ...
Want to Help Homeless Children? Address Their Education
Recently, the U.S. Senate passed a resolution recognizing November 2019 as Homeless Children and Youth Awareness Month and, importantly, highlighted lack of education as a key characteristic of homeless youth. The Senate resolution noted that young people without a high school degree or general educational development certificate (GED) are significantly ...
What We’re Watching – November 22
Rowena Itchon – Sally Pipes Debates Single Payer at UC Berkeley Watch Sally Pipes’ debate on single-payer health care in front of students at UC Berkeley. Ben Smithwick – On Efforts to Crack Down on Free Speech Online Investor and entrepreneur Peter Thiel, who was the keynote speaker at ...
California Should Embrace Internet Freedom to Ensure Future Innovation, Prosperity
Last month the D.C. Court of Appeals settled, for now, the question of how much freedom consumers will be guaranteed to make their internet experience the one they want. The Court upheld the current Federal Communication Commission’s Restoring Internet Freedom Order, which repealed the prior administration’s heavy-handed, 1930s-style regulation of ...
At the Intersection of Art and Climate In California
When the California Air Resources Board opens its new headquarters in two years in Riverside, it will be basking in the radiance of the “world’s largest permanent collection of artworks addressing air quality and the effects of climate change.” The cost: $2.42 million, funded by a public art alliance. And ...
Meet the obscure federal interagency committee who keeps an eye on foreign investment and national security
The United States tweet first, tariff second trade policy against China continues to define American -Chinese relations. As both nations pursue the “Cold War light” escalation through tariffs, the United States continues to drum up new regulations to combat Chinese economic influence. One policy the federal government is embracing is ...